Debates of February 23, 2024 (day 9)


Member’s Statement 100-20(1): Non-Profit Sector

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. A few weeks ago, I asked the Premier questions about the recommendations of the strengthening the nonprofit and charitable sector external advisory committee final report. The Premier's office provided a reply by email, and I would like to highlight that reply and respond to it on the record. The reply reads as follows:

Currently work is underway to strengthen the nonprofit and charitable sectors in the Northwest Territories. The first two recommendations from the external advisory committee's report focus on updating the Government of the Northwest Territories program managers guide for funding NGOs. Collaboration between the Departments of Executive and Indigenous Affairs and Finance is ongoing to review and revise the program managers guide. The work will be completed in the next 12 months. The public will be informed, and the guide will be widely available.

I appreciate this answer, Mr. Speaker, and I look forward to reviewing the updated guide as I'm sure my colleagues do as well. The response went on to read:

The third recommendation involves the analysis and development of options for consideration by the 20th Assembly. This includes exploring additional support, particularly financial assistance to enhance the capacity and stability of the nonprofit and charitable sectors in their operations. Work on this third recommendation has not yet started.

I appreciate the Premier providing this response, Mr. Speaker, and I respectfully suggest that the answer is somewhat underwhelming but I do trust that as the new Minister for this file, it is the Premier's intention to ensure that staff act upon the recommendations of the strengthening the nonprofit and charitable sector report.

Mr. Speaker, many of our longstanding nonprofits play a significant role in helping us achieve several of our newly stated priorities and, considering this, I strongly advocate that implementing all of the recommendations from this report form part of the executive and Indigenous affairs department's mandate for the 20th Assembly. In particular I want to emphasize, as my colleague did earlier this week, the importance of longterm and stable funding for longstanding NGOs who work to implement program directly work to implement programming directly related to GNWT responsibilities. I look forward to discussing this further with my colleagues on both sides of the House as a mandate is developed. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Frame Lake. Members' statements. Member from the Deh Cho.