Debates of February 23, 2024 (day 9)


Member’s Statement 96-20(1): Volunteers in Sports Recognitions

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker [Translation unavailable]. Youth needs a positive outlook in their lives. A sportsplex is where kids socialize. It's a place to burn off steam. They learn to challenge themselves, to work as a team, learn new skills, have friendly competition and, most importantly, to have fun. These are life skills. We know the wins and losses kids have on the ice or on the court are the wins and losses that prepare them for life. And none of this would be possible, Mr. Speaker, without the volunteers.

I want to take the time to acknowledge the amazing volunteers that are stepping forward in our communities to support children and youth. There are staffs from both Chief Jimmy Bruneau School and Elizabeth MacKenzie Elementary School, staff from the local RCMP detachment, and recreation department in Behchoko. Now there are parents stepping forward to also volunteer. I want to acknowledge these people, to thank them for their time.

Mr. Speaker, from 2007 to 2016, there were no sports facility in Behchoko. For almost ten years, the children and youth had no place where they could play sports and be active. However, Mr. Speaker, some of these kids who didn't have a sportsplex are now giving back to the youth. The recreation department is run by youth. They are all youth under 30 years of age. These young adults are taking the lead. They have lots of energy, and they are giving back to the youth with programs and activities.

Mr. Speaker, I want to acknowledge the RCMP. We know the RCMP have difficult jobs. They see all of the challenges and struggles in our community that we don't. They have hard jobs, and yet they show up at the sportsplex to volunteer their time with kids. Not only are they supporting them to be active but they are also building healthy relationships with the kids so our children and youth know the RCMP are here to protect us and to serve us. I want to thank them for their dedication to our community. Mr. Speaker, can I have a unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Unanimous consent granted

Mr. Speaker, we all know time is precious. It is people like this that give their time that truly makes a difference in the world. Mr. Speaker, it takes a community to raise a child, and it is volunteers like this that make our community a better place to live. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Monfwi. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife North.