Debates of February 23, 2024 (day 9)


Question 87-20(1): Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

My next question is that we in my constituency meeting the other day in Dettah, we have members in our community that paid expenses into the fire season last year, and they haven't been refunded. Is there a way we could go back and revisit that so that our members and our communities can get refunded for the monies that paid during the fire evacuation of 2023? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm aware of the GNWT program that assists people through evacuation; however, I'm not fully confident or fully aware of how that is where it's at, so I'd have to get back to the Member on the date, the deadlines, and everything else like that. However, just be aware that, you know, some residents may have had insurance they could have tapped into also for being evacuated. So there's a few options out there. Unfortunately, through the federal disaster assistance program, we have to follow their guidelines in reimbursements and stuff. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Municipal and Community Affairs. Final supplementary. Member from Tu NedheWiilideh.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you, Minister. Just so you know that the majority of people are in my four communities, a lot of them homeowners don't have home insurance, just so you know. Also, I just want to point out that, you know, the Indigenous governments in my riding have accrued a lot of costs as a result of the fire of last year. So we're looking at what can we do as a government to reimburse these Aboriginal governments for the monies they incurred for the 2023 fire season. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I encourage the Member to reach out to their local government to also reach out to MACA. Maybe there's something that could be done there. However, most recently we did learn of CIRNAC releasing some funds. So there is an opportunity for the local government to also reach out to them to assist. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Oral questions. Member from the Mackenzie Delta.