Debates of February 28, 2024 (day 12)

20th Assembly, 1st Session
Members Present
Hon. Caitlin Cleveland, Mr. Edjericon, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Lucy Kuptana, Hon. Jay MacDonald, Hon. Vince McKay, Mr. McNeely, Ms. Morgan, Mr. Morse, Mr. Nerysoo, Ms. Reid, Mr. Rodgers, Hon. Lesa Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Weyallon Armstrong, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Mrs. Yakeleya

Question 141-20(1): Primary Healthcare Waitlist

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the amazing opportunity to ask another question to the government.

Mr. Speaker, I wanted to return to the waitlist to the Minister of Health and Social Services. And as we all know that through information given that there's about 2,000 people on the waitlist, and I'm trying to figure out how people  sorry, how the department deals with people knowing whether they're chronic and urgent people who need doctors or not. So in other words, how do they manage the list and try to make sure that people move forward on the list who are of urgent need? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife Centre. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Thank you, Member, for the question. And after our back and forth on this question the last time, I did try to get more and more of the information that I would be able to provide to the Member. And so the list  this list has been in place  it sits within the like, the  it's an electronic list. So people  and it's monitored regularly. And the information that I can provide is that there  if there's a need for a patient that, you know, has chronic illness and things like that, then they, you know, they may, you know, be able to be assigned a doctor sooner. As for how long people have been on this list, you know, those are details that I don't have and I  you know, within the department, I think that'll take some time to be able to compile information like that. So that's what I have. Thanks, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I don't expect the waitlist to be like the DMV where you go pull a little tag and you wait until they ring your number or whatever on the overhead board that says now serving A52, you know, Mr. Speaker. But that said, what type of communication is given to people who have, for example, chronic conditions who are sitting there waiting for that important relationship to build in order to buttress their health care journey? Thank you.

Thank you. Mr. Speaker, you know, I know that the  like I mentioned in the House, like I mentioned to the Member, mentioned to you, Mr. Speaker, is that the list is monitored. The questions that I have asked have come from questions that the Member has raised. You know, if there's more detailed information that the Member would like, you know, I would like to  I would work with the Member to get that information and be able to provide the accurate information and the clear direction on how we communicate that to the Member. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think I've kind of given it now, have I not, if you think about it. Mr. Speaker, the Minister says the information  sorry, the names or the list is being monitored, Mr. Speaker. And we all know that the waiting list could be between four and six years. Ironically, that's how long it takes to become a doctor so maybe some of these people could, you know, serve their needs.

Mr. Speaker, is the Minister willing to find a way to make this list transparent so people know where they're sitting and waiting on this list because it seems like one of those endless, bottomless pits of questions, which is you send  get on the list and you never hear back. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And, yes, I will commit to doing that and making sure that there is some kind of information that can go out to Members and to  a communique on how this list is monitored. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister of Health and Social Services. Oral questions. Members, our time is up with oral questions.