Debates of June 5, 2024 (day 21)


Member’s Statement 245-20(1): Aurora College Transformation

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Aurora College transition still is a concern in Yellowknife. It's a live issue. Mr. Speaker, we've heard from the chair, the president, and the incoming president about the unfunded transition, Mr. Speaker. This is serious stuff. Mr. Speaker, they're using their surplus just to keep the doors open on this particular issue and the lights on. Mr. Speaker, we need to ask ourselves the tough questions, why is this issue not being discussed? The Minister will say she talks to the chair all the time. Makes you wonder what do they talk about, then, if this never comes up.

Mr. Speaker, the president talks about incomplete work. She identified 200 projects that need to be done for the transition but that said, she said it's not done yet and they still have work to do but they're not properly funded to do this initiative. The president acknowledges the $8 million from CIRNAC. Thank you, Minister Vandal. Please send more. At the same time, the GNWT only gave $1 million, which was earmarked, as the Minister had said and the president had confirmed, for education BED, sorry, and social work. But that said, they have to use that for the transition. So they're finding ways to do this but, you know, they're scraping by.

Mr. Speaker, money needs to be dedicated for the transformation process. Why do I say this is so important? We don't have to go so far as looking to the Aurora College corporate plan. I'm not going to table it, but I'm sure it is tabled, Mr. Speaker. But the 20232024 plan on page 2 refers to the transformation into a polytech. It further goes on to the implementation plan. Oh, but there's more, Mr. Speaker.

On the 20 to 2023 strengthening and foundation planning for change talks about the, again, transformation. We don't have to look any further than just over a year ago on March 6th, 2023, then Honourable Minister Simpson, who was the education Minister and I quote committed to transforming Aurora College into a polytech. I could go on.

Mr. Speaker, oh wait a minute, there's more, believe it or not. Aurora College has an Aurora College Act, and section 6.1 refers to the mandate. Yesterday, the Minister talked about the mandate potentially discussed in July. Mr. Speaker, now's the opportunity to sharpen our pencil and write it clear and loud to the college that we are supportive of a transition from the college into a polytech to support Northerners, Mr. Speaker.

But lastly, it needs to be funded. They're just words until we see some actions. I look forward to some clear decisions today. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife Centre. Members' statements. Member from Hay River North.