Debates of June 5, 2024 (day 21)


Question 248-20(1): Support for Arts Project

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I just have a quick question for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. So I mentioned in my Member's statement today that there is a local resident in my riding who is trying to get together or pull together a community art project to paint some murals on public housing units that are boarded up and the department of housing has been super helpful in providing the boards and logistics, and I am wondering if the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment might have any ideas for funding that could help get this project off the ground, just some small amounts of funding, basic in terms of covering paints and materials, things like that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there are some arts funding programs through the Department of Education, Culture and Employment. The one that immediately comes to mind for a project like this would be the small arts grant. The small arts grant provides funding up to $5,000 for art projects across the territory. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

That's fine, thank you very much. We will be following up online, thank you.


Oral questions. Member from Yellowknife Centre.