Debates of June 6, 2024 (day 22)


Member’s Statement 253-20(1): School Attendance

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'll do this in Tlicho for the intro.

[Translation] 62@9:30

[Translation Ends]

Mr. Speaker, June is the month of high school graduations. On behalf of the Tlicho region, I want to congratulate all students graduating high school, especially those graduating from Chief Jimmy Bruneau school in Edzo, Mezi Community School in Whati, and Jean Wetrade School in Gameti.

Mr. Speaker, I believe that in general, all youth who graduate high school likely had good attendance throughout their schooling. It is sad that our territorial budget for some schools is decreasing due to low attendance rate. We had this attendance issue before COVID. We know that many families are still dealing with the trauma from residential school. Some hesitate to send their children to school. To overcome this fear, our government and school system must break free in colonialism and move forward. We were forced; now it is our choice.

Mr. Speaker, the only job for young people is to be in school, learn new things every day, and work hard to pass and move to the next level. With good attendance, there are many opportunities for people. With good attendance, a child can learn to read by grade 2 or earlier. But in the NWT, especially small communities, the literacy statistics are not good. This is at least partially due to poor attendance.

Mr. Speaker, we have good schools and staff in the NWT who work hard for students to achieve. Teachers are invaluable with special skills to teach youth every day. Elementary school gets young people ready for junior high. Junior high gets them ready for high school. And after high school, it's about growing and experiencing

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Member from Monfwi, your time is up.

Can I have unanimous consent to conclude my statement? Thank you.

Life after high school is a choice young people must make, whether to pursue higher education, training, work, living life off the grid, or to travel, but travelling requires money to pay for the trips.

Mr. Speaker, according to the statistics, between 2017 to 2021, small community attendance rates for grade 9 dropped by 10 point from 79 to 69, an even bigger decline is between 2012 to 2021 where small community attendance rate for grade 6 dropped by 21 points from 89 to 68 percent. That is an alarming rate. These are extremely trouble

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Member from Monfwi, your time is up.

I will have questions for the Minister of ECE.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you. Thank you, Member from Monfwi. Member from the Sahtu.