Debates of June 6, 2024 (day 22)


Question 253-20(1): Future of Rockhill Property

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in my statement I talked about trying to be innovative, exciting, and maybe even in some ways courageous about trying to find housing solutions. I did point to two different types of Ministers, which is, you know, one could be municipal and certainly one could be housing. But I think I'm going to go to my favorite Minister today which would be the Minister of housing. I'm saying today.

So that said, Mr. Speaker, I'm going to focus in on the area of my statement that talked about Rockhill. Mr. Speaker, the reason I specify that and this particular Minister is pulling the land titles, which I'm creating economic development I just spent the four bucks to get the title Mr. Speaker, it says NWT Housing Corp or Housing NWT owns the property. Mr. Speaker, does the department have any particular plans with the property at this very moment? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife Centre. Minister responsible for Housing NWT.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Member for the question. Housing NWT does have plans for the property. They're working with a local NGO, and they've leased the property for the next few years with the local NGO. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker, as I pointed out, in October 2018 there was that tragedy of the fire sorry, not tragedy as someone died but the sadness of the fire in general. 33 families have been without a home, Mr. Speaker, and I bet it's been at least five years it's been, say, construction ready in the sense of once it was cleaned.

Mr. Speaker, would the Minister consider the options I proposed in my statement, which is be innovative, give the property away to industry, and have them create a social component that guarantees low cost of living for a certain element; in other words, create a public good opportunity and work with business to get a building built without delay? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Housing NWT is working with the NWT Disabilities Council on a project. They are working on a federal funding arrangement. NWT Disabilities Council is waiting on the proposal and the approval of the project. So we have to give it some time, but we're working in partnership with the NWT Disabilities Council. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And as Speaker, whatever way you describe it is perfect.

That said, Mr. Speaker, my concern is, and this is not a strike against the NWT Disabilities Council, but I would rather see an agency that's designed to create leasing and housing opportunities to the core as their primary business and focus. B, take the opportunity to create something.

So I'm asking the Minister would she perhaps revisit this issue? And I can talk to her more about it, but would she be willing to revisit this issue and maybe create we'll call it a partnership where industry works with the disabilities council, or other types of appropriate NGOs, so we get an effective company or organization that runs it that's designed this is their business and format. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd be happy to have that conversation with the Member, but I would not be able to revisit the issue until I talk to the NWT Disabilities Council and also to the president of the Housing NWT. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister responsible for NWT Housing. Final supplementary. Member from Yellowknife Centre.

Mr. Speaker, I would have obviously hoped for a yes, and I would have been fine as that my last question. But she did say something that did cause me some worry is, is there an agreement or contract or some type of formalization that they automatically get this property? Because I'm worried about not this being the first I've ever heard of it. And so if this has been worked behind the scenes, I'd like to know if this is formal, is there a contract, an agreement, that type of thing, or anything similar in place at this particular time? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And from what I've learned with Housing NWT, there is a term lease in place with the NWT Disabilities Council, and they have four years on that lease left. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Minister responsible for Housing NWT. Oral questions. Member from Mackenzie Delta.