Debates of June 7, 2024 (day 23)


Member’s Statement 264-20(1): Elders’ Homes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. During my constituency meeting in Tsiigehtchic, Peter Ross, an elder from the community, stated that he seems to be forgotten by the government after elections are completed. He stated that once he votes for his MLA, he does not see them for another four years. I do not want to be that elected official. I want to be visible and work for the constituency of my riding. But I require the assistance of this government because you too have been elected as Ministers to sit on Cabinet by your peers.

Mr. Speaker, Peter Ross is a well-known elder throughout the region and the NWT and is very knowledgeable about the government process. Peter's primary concern is about the condition of his house now and for the foreseeable future. Mr. Ross is a homeowner, and his house is over 30 years old and needs some upgrades and repairs. But being on a fixed income restricts one from living a comfortable life let alone trying to finance his own upgrades and repairs.

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ross is speaking for all the elderly homeowners in Tsiigehtchic and the rest of the NWT. And I know there are elders within my riding who have similar concerns, but they do not know where to go for assistance. Why should our elderly population have to look for assistance? There should be a program in place where the government actually approaches them and offers this assistance. Imagine, if Peter Ross hears a knock on his door and when he answers the door, a government representative is standing there and offering to inspect his house for deficiencies. But in reality, this is very unlikely to happen.

Mr. Speaker, my friend Peter Ross calls me on occasion, sometimes to provide me with his concerns or just talk, and there are times he just calls to check in on my well-being, and I am very appreciative of this.

Mr. Speaker, I am aware that the local housing authorities conduct annual inspections on their public housing units throughout the NWT so that they can save money on any repairs that are needed before they become major ones. Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, colleagues. If the government can provide housing inspections for the elderly homeowners to find deficiencies and notify the elders that there is, indeed, something that requires their attention right away, they will save a lot of financial burdens in the future for the elders. Looking out for the benefit of our elders now will enable them to live a comfortable life knowing that someone really does care. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Member from Mackenzie Delta. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife North.