Debates of June 7, 2024 (day 23)


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I keep thinking about the people in the small communities that this issue has impacted. I have family, friends, relatives, like my colleague from the Mackenzie Delta talked about. You know, this motion I will say be for them and also for the ones we lost.

So I want to thank my colleagues. And I look forward to working with Cabinet on this issue, and my colleagues are also looking at supporting this, a way to make this thing happen. So, Mr. Speaker, I just want to say mahsi to my colleagues and to my friends as well, this is for you. Mr. Speaker, I want to ask for a recorded vote. Mahsi.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Yellowknife Centre. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Mackenzie Delta. The Member for Yellowknife North.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. Those abstaining, please stand.

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Thebacha. The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Colleagues, those in favour, ten. Opposed, zero. Abstentions, seven. The motion has been passed.


Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, that Bill 2, Missing Persons Act, be read for a third time. And, Mr. Speaker, I request a recorded vote. Thank you.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput. The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Yellowknife Centre. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Mackenzie Delta. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Thebacha. The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining, please stand. Colleagues, 17 in favour, zero opposed, zero abstentions. Motion has passed.
