Debates of June 13, 2024 (day 27)


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thanks for the opportunity to close the debate on this motion here. I additionally wanted to mention here if we look on the spirit of this Assembly's mandate to economic reconciliation with the Indigenous governments, here is one example how to do that and unlocking the Sahtu would mean that this region is 283,000 square kilometers, twice the size of the Maritime provinces, so you can see the potential within this area. And I would request a recorded vote there. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining, please stand.

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Thebacha. The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Colleagues, all in favour, 9. Opposed, zero. Abstentions, 7. The motion has carried.


Motions. Member from the Deh Cho.

Sorry, I ask for a recorded vote.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to thank my colleagues for supporting me with this motion. I do this in the spirit of helping the people in my riding at Enterprise. With that, I would like to, again, thanks everybody that's supporting it and also ask for a recorded vote. Thank you.

Recorded Voted

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining, please stand.

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Thebacha. The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Colleagues, all in favour, 9. Opposed, zero. Abstentions, 7. Motion has passed.


Motions. Member from Yellowknife North.

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nunakput, that Bill 9, Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 1, 2024-2025, be read for a third time. And, Mr. Speaker, I would request a recorded vote. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput. The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Thebacha.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Sorry, folks. All those in favour, 16. Zero opposed. Zero abstentions. Motion has passed.


Third reading of bills. Minister of Finance.


Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nunakput, that Bill 10, Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), 2024-2025, be read for the third time. And thank you, Mr. Speaker, I'd request a recorded vote.

Recorded Vote

Speaker: Mr. Glen Rutland

The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput. The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. The Member for Deh Cho. The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Great Slave. The Member for Yellowknife North. The Member for Thebacha.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining, please stand. All those in favour, 16. Opposed, zero. Abstentions, zero. The motion has been carried. Bill 10 has third reading.


Third reading of bills.

Colleagues, our new Commissioner, the Honourable Gerald Kisoun, is unavailable to join us today as he is in Ottawa on official business. I am pleased to announce that Abigail Crook of Hay River has been appointed as our Deputy Commissioner.

Ms. Crook is a mother to three sons, a grandmother of eight, and a great grandmother of four. She is a lifelong advocate on social issues, including justice, culture, and languages, with a long history of community involvement. Ms. Cook has decades of experience with the friendship centre movement and has been a key leader with the Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre for many years and is the current president of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Council of Friendship Centres.

Colleagues, we are fortunate to have Ms. Cook as our new Deputy Commissioner. I'm also pleased to let you know that her official duties will be providing assent to the bills today.