Debates of February 11, 2025 (day 42)
Member’s Statement 479-20(1): Mental Health Supports in Dehcho Communities

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. [No translation provided].
Mr. Speaker, today I would like to talk about mental health supports, particularly in Deh Cho communities. Mr. Speaker, more and more people need access to mental health supports and shelter services. In the Budget Address last week, we heard that the government is focused on supporting changes that address the effects of trauma and that the GNWT will support residents with mental health and addiction needs, including walk-ins and same day access for community counselling.
Mr. Speaker, last November, the GNWT created an on-the-land camp along the Ingraham Trail only after shelters in Yellowknife reached capacity. I would like to see us support similar initiatives in Deh Cho communities. Mr. Speaker, people in my riding need recovery and mental wellness supports now and for when they return from treatment to be successful back home.
Recently, Deh Gah Gotie First Nation was awarded funding for a 60-bed supportive housing facility to help women and families in Fort Providence. This is good, Mr. Speaker, but the Government of the Northwest Territories needs to offer similar supports because 60 beds will fill up quickly.
The web page for the Deh Cho Regional Health and Social Services Authority states that it employs 90 employees who provide health and social services such as mental health and counselling. Residents need to know how they can access these services. I will have questions for the Minister of Health and Social Services at the appropriate time, Mr. Speaker. Mahsi.
Thank you, Member from the Deh Cho. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife North.