Debates of February 12, 2025 (day 43)
Member’s Statement 490-20(1): Inuvik Bypass Road

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I know the Members have heard me speak of this topic several times in this House. I know the previous MLA for Inuvik has brought it up as well, and that's the state of the Inuvik Bypass Road, Mr. Speaker.
In Inuvik, this is the final extension of the Dempster Highway used by trucks, but not only used by heavy equipment and vehicles coming into the community, Mr. Speaker, it's also used -- people use it for walks, they use it for recreation, the schools use it for their running clubs, it's used by -- for a lot of different things in the community, Mr. Speaker.
Safety is also an issue there, Mr. Speaker, with vehicles coming through there on a regular basis, both for the vehicles and for the pedestrians that walk on it. And, Mr. Speaker, not to mention the dust that it causes in the community all summer long. So, Mr. Speaker, I'm hoping with the completion of the Inuvik runway expansion -- and I know the next phase, Mr. Speaker, is to have that runway paved. That project, by the way, which was done on time and on budget and provided economic benefit to both Indigenous governments in Inuvik. So I'm hoping, Mr. Speaker, when we do that paving of that runway then the department will also consider finally paving the Inuvik Bypass Road, Mr. Speaker. And the Inuvik Bypass Road is an arterial pass highway under the highway designation and classification regulations. So, Mr. Speaker, I will hopefully only have one question for the Minister of Infrastructure this afternoon. Thank you.
Member from Inuvik Boot Lake. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife North.