Hawkins, Edjericon, Testart

(YELLOWKNIFE) Thursday, March 13, 2025  MLAs Richard Edjericon, Robert Hawkins and Kieron Testart continue to call for more accountability from the GNWT Cabinet by opposing the 2025 budget.

“When the budget was tabled only 6% of new funding was directed towards the Priorities of this Assembly. Now, after 22 hours of review, we’ve only managed to add a single percentage point to that total,” said Mr. Testart.

All three members continue to believe that the 20th Assembly is not moving fast enough to meet the moment and address the many serious challenges facing the NWT.

As observed my numerous other MLAs, the status quo approach in this budget does not take meaningful action on the threats of US tariffs, a failing healthcare system and the epidemic of gun and gang violence that plagues even our smallest communities.

The MLAs acknowledge that the only significant change in the budget is the injection of $41 million in new capital for housing projects. However, the members note this was a previous commitment from the last round of budget negotiations that was not acted on until the intervention of members.

“By not bringing forward a modest housing plan as they promised last fall, Cabinet created their own problem and then solved it,” said Mr. Hawkins, adding “MLAs should be focused on new issues, not fighting old battles.”

The MLAs also stand opposed to the cuts to the small communities by closing Community Learning Centres and the continued erosion of Northern Benefits by eliminating affirmative action for long-time Northerners, persons with disabilities, people of colour, and other underrepresented minorities.

“For 150 years the Dene have been fighting for recognition of their sovereign rights as Indigenous people,” said Mr. Edjericon. “The Government continues to override the constitutionally protected treaties of our people without consultation and accommodation. This budget not only doesn't go far enough but makes life harder in small communities by shutting down community learning centres and denying Indigenous people of access to high quality education,” he continued.

Mr. Testart, Mr. Edjericon and Mr. Hawkins will continue to stand up for Northerners everywhere through their efforts to advance common sense policies that work for working Northerners and small communities.

For further information, please contact:
Public Affairs and Communications
Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly