Debates of December 12, 2011 (day 6)
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. The Northwest Territories Student Financial Assistance program last underwent a substantial redesign in the fall of 2000. Since then it has periodically been reviewed internally, resulting in increases to some benefits, such as tuition and book allowances, repayable loan monthly limits and the lifetime loan limit.
We have now started an independent review to determine if the basic grant, supplementary grant, remissible loan and repayable loan levels are at appropriate levels to assist students in pursuing post-secondary studies. There are approximately 1,400 students who access SFA on an annual basis.
The review will also ensure that the program contributes to this Assembly’s goals and priorities in developing a healthy, educated workforce, and developing skills and resources to meet the needs of our northern communities.
In May 2011, Members of the 16th Legislative Assembly provided feedback on the terms of reference for the review. The contract was awarded to Development, Planning, Research & Analysis Canada, and a steering committee has been formed, comprised of representatives from the Education, Culture and Employment income security and advanced education programs, Aurora College, the Gwich'in Tribal Council and the ECE service centre in the Deh Cho region. There are five members in total on the steering committee. The working group, made up of ECE staff, has also been formed.
Consultations have involved current and past students, parents, Aboriginal organizations and other interested parties. To reach the broadest range of participants, the consultants used various methods, including telephone and face-to-face interviews, regional focus groups and on-line surveys. We will be reaching out to all NWT students for their feedback.
The information is being analyzed and compiled into a report that will be submitted to the department in the new year. I look forward to reporting the results to this House. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Minister of MACA, Mr. Robert McLeod.