Debates of February 13, 2014 (day 11)



Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise again today to continue to raise the issue that Northerners want to apply on these mystery jobs. In some ways I view it more as they’re being denied the right to apply on jobs by their own government.

This is something that you would hear of in a Third World country, something maybe in a dictatorship or who knows what; I can’t describe it. But these are circumstances where people are telling me how they feel and certainly I say that I agree that how they feel is right.

In the crux of the problem we keep digging deeper, or as I said the other day, the further you peel this onion back, the stinkier it gets. We try to track down where this human resource money goes. The Cabinet sits over there and laughs at the questions I pose to the government. Now, that’s okay if they want to laugh at my questions, but what it does is continue to reaffirm the cavalier attitude towards accountability that they have to Members like me and certainly questions that come to me by the public. So they’re not just laughing at me, they’re laughing at all 11 Members on this side of the House and certainly they’re laughing at the public at large. This is just not right.

I would say it’s not just one Minister, it’s all seven and they all had bellyfuls of laughs yesterday when I tried to ask about where the money is, but yet they show no interest. As a committee, the other day we received a briefing and it was an in camera briefing, and for the public that means we can’t talk about it because it’s private. However, I will draw the attention of the Assembly, not specifically, but will say that I have an audio recording and, furthermore, a page from the briefing that would help clear this whole matter up. All we need is Cabinet’s approval to table this before the House. This would bring clarity to the whole issue about helping us track down the money.

This is so important. What has happened to accountability? Have we brokered it away for a few trinkets? I don’t know. I can tell you right now the broad perspective out there is accountability is lost and yet it becomes more and more stressful, but I can assure you, Madam Speaker, and I can certainly assure the public these things would help turn those bread crumbs into solid facts, concerns I will continue to raise. But I assure you these facts would turn them into crystal clear principles that people would be asking, saying what’s happening over there.

So when I ask the questions, continue to laugh. Laugh as hard as you want, but do not forget you are laughing not at me but the public. Thank you.


Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. I’m not sure if that recording Mr. Hawkins referred to would be considered a prop in the Assembly, but let’s remember that we’re not allowed to bring props into the Chamber to use them for the effectiveness of our statements and such. Thank you. The Member for Deh Cho, Mr. Nadli.