Debates of February 6, 2013 (day 1)

17th Assembly, 4th Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Hon. Tom Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Dolynny, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Jackie Jacobson, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Hon. David Ramsay, Mr. Yakeleya


Opening Address

Speaker: Hon. George Tuccaro

Good afternoon. Please be seated. Speaker Jacobson, Premier McLeod, Members of the Legislative Assembly, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to be here today.

The 17th Legislative Assembly has a vision of a strong, self-sufficient and prosperous territory where all our communities and regions have opportunities. It sees a territory where people are healthy, educated and employed. It wants residents to share the benefits of a strong, diversified economy, live in safe and sustainable communities, and have the programs and supports they need to achieve personal success for themselves and their families.

Ours is a territory of great opportunity, ladies and gentlemen. We have a wealth of natural resources that could create prosperity not just for our residents but for Canada as a whole. We have gold, diamonds and rare earth metals. We are a potential energy powerhouse with world-class oil and gas resources in the central Mackenzie and the Beaufort-Delta, and hydro potential to rival Quebec’s James Bay Project.

Responsible, sustainable development of these resources will help to create a strong and thriving economy here in the Northwest Territories, and we need a strong economy if we want to be able to look after our people and our environment. A strong economy will create jobs and opportunities, giving our people new choices for employment where choices are limited today. Increased jobs in our

communities and regions will let people support themselves and their families. Businesses will benefit from expanding opportunities, new investment and increased consumer spending. Governments will benefit from growing revenues that will help fund investments in our people, infrastructure and economy, and support critical social programs to ensure our residents can participate in and enjoy the benefits of a prosperous NWT.

Yet, opportunity is only a beginning. It takes hard work, planning and determination to turn opportunities into success. In the 15 months since your government took office, it has been working to create the conditions for success. We cannot have healthy, educated people without a strong, diversified economy, and it has been investing in infrastructure that will support economic development and the delivery of government services. It has been working on plans and programs to help people overcome social and personal challenges that keep them from realizing their goals and aspirations. And it has been making the difficult decisions about how to manage its limited resources while ensuring Northerners still have access to the programs and services they need.

The year 2012 saw your government deliver on some major plans and initiatives that will have long-term benefits for the territory, including the completion of East Three School in Inuvik ahead of schedule and under budget. The state-of-the-art school will play a critical role in helping children and youth acquire the training and skills they need to take advantage of new opportunities and jobs for years to come.

We also saw the opening of the Deh Cho Bridge. This major piece of public infrastructure will – like the planned Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk highway – help to improve our transportation system, lower the cost of living and contribute to the territory’s economic development.

Your government continued to move ahead with plans to begin construction on the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk portion of the Mackenzie Valley Highway, taking part in regulatory hearings held by the Environmental Impact Review Board. The board released its report last week supporting the construction of the highway, with conditions. The Government of the Northwest Territories looks forward to taking the next steps toward beginning construction on this highway, which will support economic activity in the region now and in the future, and help us realize the national dream of a country connected from sea to sea to sea.

In today’s world, communications infrastructure can be as important to economic development as physical infrastructure. That is why the Government of the Northwest Territories will continue to pursue the construction of the Mackenzie Valley fibre line. This project will provide high-speed Internet to communities along the valley, creating new business opportunities, supporting development of the Inuvik Satellite Facility and improving service delivery options.

The Sahtu region will be the site of much economic activity this year. The Government of the Northwest Territories continues to invest in this region so its people – and all the people of the NWT – can realize the full benefits of this activity. Your government is working with industry, business and residents of the region to support development this year.

We cannot have a strong, diversified economy without healthy, educated people, and your government continues to invest in the health and wellness of our residents. This past year it launched a new residential school curriculum, the first of its kind in the country, in cooperation with the Government of Nunavut. Your government also launched the Ministers’ Forum on Addictions and Community Wellness to look at new community-based treatment operations to better address the challenges that our people face. And it is engaged in the renewal of the Early Childhood Development Framework, working with Members of this Assembly, experts, communities, stakeholders and the public so we can give our children the best start possible.

Understanding that poverty holds back many members of our society, your government has also been working on an Anti-Poverty Strategy, in partnership with the federal and Aboriginal governments, business, industry, non-profit and non-governmental organizations. Poverty is a complicated issue and it will take the efforts of all sectors of NWT society to address it. An initial draft of the developing Anti-Poverty Strategy was released late last year and will be finalized this year.

The Government of the Northwest Territories understands that a healthy society and healthy economy depend upon a healthy environment. Your government continues to work to protect the land, air, water and wildlife that sustain all of us. This past year it has made progress on negotiating a Transboundary Water Management Agreement with Alberta that will help protect the waters of the Mackenzie River Basin. A deal is very close now. The government has also made progress on a new Wildlife Act that it expects to introduce in this House in the near future.

Your government also continues to pursue alternative energy projects that will help to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support increased economic development. Developing our hydro resources and extending transmission lines will provide clean, renewable energy to support industry and help communities and individuals get off diesel. Solar is an increasingly viable option, and last year saw the opening of the biggest solar energy installation north of 60, in Fort Simpson. Your government will continue to pursue solar energy initiatives as part of its Solar Energy Strategy.

Expanding and supporting the use of biomass is another way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create new business opportunities. Your government will continue to lead by example and convert public buildings to biomass heat systems, including the first projects outside the North and South Slave regions. Creating a market will help to create a domestic biomass industry, and your government looks forward to the pending opening of a northern wood pellet manufacturing facility later this year.

In 2012, the Government of the Northwest Territories was pleased to have the Gwich’in Tribal Council and the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated join it and the Inuvialuit Regional Council and NWT Metis Nation as signatories to the Devolution Agreement-in-Principle along with the Government of Canada.

Two thousand twelve also saw your government enter into formal government-to-government agreements with the Gwich’in Tribal Council, NWT Metis Nation and Tlicho Government. At a time when Aboriginal issues are much in the news as governments in the South try to address the desires of Aboriginal people to be more involved in decision-making and the economy, your government is leading the way.

As the government for all people in the Northwest Territories, your government has long seen and understood the benefit of working in partnership with the Aboriginal governments of the Northwest Territories. Aboriginal governments are more than just stakeholders to be consulted. They are governments in their own right, with their own jurisdictions and constituencies. They are major land owners with an interest in managing and protecting our land, air, water and wildlife.

Aboriginal government partnership is critical to our success as a territory, and the Government of the Northwest Territories actively seeks to involve them in its decisions, initiatives and activities, in a spirit of recognition, respect and responsibility. The government is pleased to sit beside Aboriginal governments in devolution negotiations and to have them work as partners in initiatives like the development of project description reports for the Mackenzie Valley Highway. It seeks to ensure that Aboriginal people share in the benefits of development in the NWT, by calling for the negotiation of socio-economic agreements and impact benefit agreements as part of development approvals. And the Government of the NWT supports Aboriginal people’s aspirations for self-sufficiency and self-determination through the ongoing negotiation and implementation of lands, resources and self-government agreements.

The territory is stronger when we work together, and our people all will benefit from continuing goodwill and cooperation between all the governments that serve and represent them. As we work together for the benefit of all our people, we can be an example to the rest of Canada of what can be accomplished when Aboriginal people are an integral part of decision-making and full participants in the political, economic and social life of a jurisdiction.

Creating economic and mineral development strategies were identified as priorities of this Assembly at its outset. In late 2012, the Government of the Northwest Territories, in partnership with the Northern Aboriginal Business Association, the NWT Chamber of Commerce, the NWT Association of Communities and the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency began work on an Economic Opportunities Strategy. Making the most of the economic potential of the Northwest Territories requires a strategic, managed approach. A completed Economic Opportunities Strategy will identify opportunities for developing a strong, diversified economy in all regions of the Northwest Territories, based on extensive public engagement, input from experts, and study of best practices.

Just last week your government announced the beginning of work on a Mineral Development Strategy in partnership with the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines. Mining is the backbone of the NWT’s economy, and we need to be sure it is managed in a way that creates long-term benefits for the people of the territory. A completed strategy will help us continue to develop our mineral resources responsibly and sustainably.

Making sure that people throughout the NWT benefit from a growing economy will be another priority this year. Your government is looking at ways to decentralize positions both in the near term and following devolution. We are also putting a renewed focus on affirmative action this year so we can create a more representative public service. Both of these initiatives will help ensure that more Northerners in more communities have opportunities to participate in and prosper from a strong, diversified economy.

Finally, ladies and gentlemen, after more than a decade, the Government of the Northwest Territories and its partners, the Inuvialuit Regional Council, Gwich’in Tribal Council, Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated and NWT Metis Nation, are nearing the conclusion of devolution negotiations with Canada. Your government expects to have an agreement in the very near future that will finally see our shared vision of Northerners managing NWT public lands and resources for the benefit of all our residents a reality.

This agreement holds the promise of significant economic, environmental and political benefits for all residents, businesses, investors and governments in the territory. Devolution will provide significant authority to the Legislative Assembly, with approximately 24 acts and regulations governing public land, water and resources in the NWT becoming territorial legislation on the transfer date. These are substantive pieces of legislation that will provide your government with the authority to manage and regulate public lands and development in the Northwest Territories in a way that meets northern needs and reflects northern priorities.

The Government of the Northwest Territories is committed to finalizing an agreement that is good for our territory and our people, and negotiations are expected to conclude in the very near future. The government has considered the financial terms of the agreement very carefully and is confident it will be able to manage transferred responsibilities without drawing on resource revenues. While final details still remain to be worked out about the specific legislative authorities being transferred, including those in the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act, we must remember that significant authority and responsibility is being returned to the people of the North.

Now is the North’s time. I was pleased to take part in NWT Days in Ottawa last week, and it was clear to me from the response there that there is great interest in our territory, in southern Canada. Our delegation was welcomed warmly everywhere it went, and the receptions and events were well attended by many, including federal Ministers and MPs, members of the diplomatic corps, senior civil servants, media and stakeholders.

People recognize that the North will be a critical part of Canada’s future. We have the people and resources to fuel economic growth at home and across Canada. We also know how to build consensus and create effective working partnerships, a fact that was obvious from the makeup of the NWT delegation, which included the Premier and Cabinet, MLAs, Aboriginal leaders and business leaders. With Aboriginal issues in the forefront these days among Canada’s political leaders, our show of northern solidarity made an impression. Learning how to work cooperatively with Aboriginal communities and governments is something we know how to do here and something we can share with the rest of the country. There can be no doubt that the Northwest Territories has something to contribute to the national discussion, can offer solutions to national challenges, and will be central to this country’s future.

At this time I would like to acknowledge the hard work of the 17th Legislative Assembly and encourage you all to carry the momentum into the budget session you are about to embark on.

During this session the Government of the Northwest Territories will be introducing the following bills for consideration by the House:

Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), 2013-2014

Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 4, 2011-2012

Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 4, 2011-2012

Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 3, 2012-2013

Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 3, 2012-2013

The government considers these bills essential to the good conduct of government business, and as such, I recommend their passage.

As Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I now declare open the Fourth Session of the 17th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories.

Thank you, merci beaucoup, mahsi cho, quanani, koana.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Good afternoon, colleagues. On behalf of all Members, I would like to thank Commissioner Tuccaro for opening the Fourth Session of the 17th Legislative Assembly. Also on behalf of all Members, thank you to Kimberly Galbaransingh for a beautiful version of O Canada, and to pastor Ryan Peters from the Yellowknife Vineyard Church for leading us in prayer.

This House extends its welcome to everyone who has joined us today. I would like to take this opportunity to belatedly, but most sincerely, wish my colleagues, our guests in the Chamber today, and all Northwest Territories residents a peaceful and healthy New Year.

We have some special guests in the gallery I would like to acknowledge, a group of young men and women participating in the Ontario Legislature Internship Program. Members will be seeing them in the Assembly this week as they learn about the North and consensus government. A warm welcome to you all. Please rise.


I would like to welcome former Member, Minister, and former Speaker Mr. David Krutko to the House today.


And His Worship, Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk, Mr. Mervin Gruben. Welcome.


I’d never forget my presiding table officer, captain, former Speaker, Sergeant-at-Arms, Mr. Tony Whitford.


I would like to take this opportunity to publicly extend the condolences of the House on the passing of Mr. Gordon Robertson, Commissioner of the Northwest Territories from 1953 to 1963. It was under the hand of Mr. Robertson that the seeds were sown that eventually led to the establishment of Nunavut in 1999. I echo the words of many others in highlighting Mr. Robertson’s dedication and love of Canada, particularly as it relates to the North.

Many of our communities have also lost loved ones since we last met, and when we lose loved ones in our communities, we all feel the loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Dusty Carothers, who lived in Tuk for years. He was a mechanic and helped so many people. He’ll be missed by the staff of EGT. He was a good friend.

Charlie Ruben of Paulatuk passed away. Condolences to his family and his daughters.

For my aunt, Emily Taylor, who passed away two weeks ago, to Linda, William, Bertha, Darrel, Ronnie, Mary Anne, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Ten days ago we lost a good friend, Bob Heath from Inuvik, who passed away in Antarctica. I will be making remarks and condolences to his family here in the House tomorrow.

To all the families who lost loved ones, may you find strength and comfort in one another, and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

And finally, colleagues, I would like to remind you all of the decision made by this Assembly last November regarding the use of tablet computers in the Chamber during formal session.

The motion adopted by this House permitted the use of tablet computers during all proceedings in the Chamber, with some limited exceptions. Tablets may not be used during the prayer, at any time when the Commissioner is in the Chamber, during the Speaker’s opening or closing remarks or rulings, during votes, or at any other time as designated by the Speaker.

This motion expanded the use of tablet computers in the 17th Assembly as a standard tool for all Members. Members may now refer to a tablet in place of paper speaking notes.

As noted in the report of the Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures, tablet use has resulted in a reduction in the amount of paper used in this Assembly and has made retrieving information more convenient for all Members. Documents equal to several binders of paper can now be stored on one device.

Of course, colleagues, I cannot stress enough that all electronic devices in the Chamber must be on silent mode and must not disrupt the proceedings of this Assembly.

In November the House also agreed that the use of tablet computers is subject to the overriding discretion of the Speaker, to ensure order and decorum in the Chamber.

Please be assured that I take this direction very seriously and will continue to safeguard the dignity and decorum of this Chamber. I do this so that all Members can carry out their work in the most respectful and efficient manner possible.

I will close here, colleagues, since I know you are eager to begin your work. But first, to mark the opening of the Fourth Session of the 17th Legislative Assembly, I invite everyone to join the Commissioner and Members for a short reception in the Great Hall.

We will resume in 15 minutes. Thank you.


Ministers’ Statements


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I give notice that I will deliver the budget address on Thursday, February 7, 2013.

Members’ Statements


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to welcome everyone back to the House. I would also like to wish everyone in the Mackenzie Delta a happy New Year and all the best for 2013.

I would also like to congratulate six youth from Tsiigehtchic who won the Youth Hand Games Tournament in Tulita over the weekend. Starting with the captain, Jared Blake, Dale Blake Jr., Aiden Andre, Darius Andre, Thomas Norbert, and Davey Lennie Jr. Congratulations again on a job well done. These youth are learning a tradition that has lasted for many years.

Also, a thank you to Joey McCarthy who was the chaperone. Keep up the good work. Also, a job well done to the community of Tsiigehtchic for their support in sending the youth to Tulita for the hand games tournament.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Blake. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to welcome all my colleagues back to session here. Throughout the years as a Member, we as MLAs get invited to functions and celebrations. We also get invited to other events that are sometimes not so celebratory, such as funerals and wakes.

I want to rise today to talk about the specific losses that we’ve had in the Sahtu. I’ve heard from our other colleagues of some of the people they lost in their ridings. For example, up in the Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Frank Firth, a good friend of mine that passed away in Fort McPherson, or the pilot for whom we just had a memorial in Inuvik.

Throughout the years as an MLA, from time to time we’re caught in either sitting in Assembly here or at one of the committee meetings or we get called to go to our communities to pay respects for the elder or young person. Sometimes there’s a conflict for us to either go or stay here and do business on behalf of the people or show our support for the people back in our communities. We deal with that from time to time. Death has no appointment. That is one of the hardest parts in our small communities. We look, and they have their own customs; people have their own customs and traditions how to handle death.

I just want to pay our condolences to the people in the Sahtu for the passing of the elders. I want to name off Marie Boniface, an elder from Fort Good Hope who passed away recently; Mr. Antoine Kochon from Colville Lake; Marie Therese Kenny from Deline; Elizabeth Kodakin from Deline. Of course, we lost some younger people: Mark Collier from Norman Wells; my cousin Johnny Lennie from Norman Wells last summer; Nicole Horassi; and a young lady from Fort Good Hope, Faith Kochon. We offer our prayers to the families, and we’re thinking about them even as we’re working.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. The honourable Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I open this winter session very happily by reporting on the tremendous achievement of Weledeh speed skating marvel Michael Gilday, Canadian National Men’s Short-track Speed Skating Champion.

On January 20th Michael edged out the reigning Canadian champion to take the championship title. With that win, he qualifies to compete in his third World Championships competition later this year.

Given time constraints, I will mention just some of the spectacular accomplishments racked up by Michael since his first Gold ulu as a juvenile at the Arctic Winter Games in 1998. He is the present Canadian world record holder in the 1,500 metres, held the 1,000 metre world record from 2007 to 2009, and was the 500 metre Canadian record holder from 2009 to 2011. He was a member of the World Championship Canadian Men’s Relay Team in 2011 and the world record-setting men’s relay team in 2012.

Since his first World Cup event in 2006-2007, he has competed in 23 World Cup events, with a record of one Gold, four Silver and two Bronze medals. He has been a member of the Canadian National Speed Skating Team since 2008.

This past weekend Michael competed at this year’s fifth World Cup event in Sochi, Russia, and is now preparing for the last World Cup races of the season this weekend in Dresden, Germany. He returns to Europe for the World Championships in Debrecen, Hungary, in early March.

Michael will begin preparations in August for the Canadian Olympic trials. We look forward to him carrying his record-breaking streak forward to next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi.

What a record! Michael Gilday shows how an individual can take on the world and win. Michael has the gift of talent, yes, but he also has the guts and determination, the advantages of excellent coaching and program support, the perseverance to overcome broken bones and get back at it, and the blessings of a supportive and inspiring family and community that have made him a world-class champion. He has written the name Northwest Territories in the rolls of international achievement and continues to make us all proud.

I ask you to join me in saluting this latest fabulous achievement and wishing Michael all the best. On to the Olympics!

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The honourable Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Before I begin, I would like to welcome all Members, Cabinet, staff and yourself back to what is going to be a very exciting six weeks of session here in our Fourth Session.

Last week I had a great opportunity to attend the very successful NWT Days in Ottawa. While we had many great ambassadors and excellent staff throughout the event, there is one particular group I would like to recognize, and that’s the youth ambassadors.

The Youth Ambassadors Program has been going on for a few years now and has been very successful. I have had the opportunity to see this program grow, develop and flourish into what is one of the best performances that I have witnessed with this group during the Spectacular NWT Gala event. They did a great job and made the NWT very proud, and their communities, families, friends and staff that put so much hard work and hours to get them to where they are. Whether youth ambassadors were guiding invited guests into the gala, handing out gifts, or just demonstrating Arctic sports and traditional games, they did a great job and they should be very proud of themselves.

Youth from all over the NWT who participate in this program have the opportunity to develop life skills and confidence that will help them be successful in the years to come, and become leaders of tomorrow.

At this time I would like all Members to please join me in recognizing and acknowledging the hardworking youth ambassadors and the great work that they do, and the hardworking staff that see this very successful program continue to flourish and develop leaders of tomorrow.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Moses. The honourable Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Menicoche.


Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Indeed, we have returned after our holiday break, and since that last break I have travelled in my constituency and will be following up on many important issues that affect my riding. I am the MLA with the most communities and there are many specific and general issues that I will raise. While territorial issues such as devolution, wildlife, and even the new Boundaries Commission are important, I always like to put my communities first.

It is hoped that, in our upcoming budget, resources will be available to address the concerns such as community wellness plans, training for our young adults, and even the completion of our capital projects in my riding such as the Trout Lake airport and the water treatment plant in Wrigley.

I can also say that this winter the oil and gas development in the Sahtu has affected my communities, and I will be addressing some of these issues over the course of this session. I see this as a huge opportunity to support the Sahtu’s needs while identifying a means of expansion of the Mackenzie Highway north of Fort Wrigley.

Be assured I will continue with my focus on mine and our two favourite words: Highway No. 7. Chipsealing from Fort Simpson to the Providence junction and a new stand-alone school for Trout Lake and even Nahanni Butte are high on my agenda.

I offer well wishes to my constituents and their families as we do our best to address their issues and the issues of our communities. Mahsi cho.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Prices at the pumps, Mr. Speaker. Who is protecting the public’s interests? The government can no longer stand idly by on this particular issue, so let me finally say, government, welcome to the file.

While prices continue to ratchet up, they move down like molasses in the winter, and as we all know, most of them tend to be frozen like our winter. The cost of living is a burden on everyday Northerners. It’s well beyond the tipping point, as we’re all well aware. So where is the McLeod government when it comes to monitoring and protecting the public’s interest on this problem?

If you ask anyone out there, they will all agree a 50 percent margin is a huge disparity between the fuel prices in Edmonton and in Yellowknife. It’s well beyond fair. We all know for a fact it costs a lot less than that to bring that fuel to the northern pumps. We also further know that everybody understands that a profit is okay, but it’s about a fair profit, and who’s protecting the public’s interest.

At the same time, there is recognition for higher costs, but at what cost? It really comes down to this: What is fair, is the consumer being held hostage, and is the government on the side of big oil or the NWT residents?

But all is not lost. There’s always opportunity in every single problem. This McLeod government could do something today besides the status quo on this file. Like other provinces who have taken the lead, like New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, they mitigate the impacts and certainly the fluctuation between gas prices, and they regulate and control and protect their citizens in their jurisdictions. New Brunswick does not set a minimum price, so they allow competition to flourish, and they don’t discourage that. But they also keep in mind and they moderate a top price to ensure that their citizens are not taken advantage of.

To a certain extent, the Government of the Northwest Territories already does this through the petroleum products division. They already know how to regulate and protect consumers. Why is it such a challenge to watch our northern citizens be taken advantage of? The formula they use establishes and promotes fairness, consumer protection and stability within that province. It might not be perfect, but it’s better than doing nothing.

Information is easy to understand and the consumers are happy. Northerners work hard for their paycheques. Again, the other question that remains is: Will this government do something or stand idly by? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The Member for Deh Cho, Mr. Nadli.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Good afternoon. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome my colleagues back to the House, and extend my best wishes for 2013 to the people of the Deh Cho and the Northwest Territories.

My focus today is getting back to the basics of governance. Government is working, on many fronts, to provide programs and services that contribute to the quality of life of all Northerners. There is much work that needs to be done to ensure that we use our resources efficiently and effectively.

Consensus government will be put to the test, especially in the 17th Assembly. Major issues hinge on fundamental matters such as jurisdiction, treaty rights and Aboriginal title that have to be respected. We face many challenges. The cost of goods is increasing due to global market pressures in addition to the transportation costs associated with the remote locations of our communities, disparities in wage and job opportunities among our people, the high cost of living and diminishing funds for public housing.

Addiction tortures the lives of many people and compounds the pressures on our government, particularly in the areas of health and social services.

As the Northwest Territories moves closer to a final Devolution Agreement, the need to settle land claims becomes even more apparent. The governments of the Northwest Territories and Canada, First Nations and local government must continue to work together to resolve issues and establish greater certainty for the future. I urge all parties to continue to work with fairness and integrity. Reaching agreements may involve some compromise in the short term, but self-government will bring greater authority and autonomy to our people, certainly to other governments and industry, and prosperity in the future.

With devolution, a large number of staff, programs and services will be transferred to the GNWT. What we have seen thus far with the transfer of responsibilities is concentrated in headquarters and regional centres. Members of this Assembly continue to insist that positions be moved into the regions. We must carefully consider the impact that this will have on our communities with both municipal and territorial resources.

By getting back to the basics of governance and what we really came here to do, we’ll be able to make fundamental changes and move beyond perceptions on both sides. The development of governance in the Northwest Territories is ongoing involvement. Now more than ever, we must get back to the basics to create the future of the Northwest Territories. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Nadli. The Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Happy New Year. Welcome back, and welcome back to all my colleagues. It’s good to be back.

My statement today celebrates the one resource that all Northerners have in abundance: snow.

World Snow Day was established by the International Ski Federation as part of an international campaign called Bring Children to the Snow. The second annual World Snow Day took place just last month, on January 20th, the same day that Mr. Gilday achieved his excellence, so it’s fairly fitting.

Four hundred thirty-five organizers in 39 countries staged events this year that brought children and their families into a friendly, fun environment to celebrate all things snow. Yellowknife joined this year’s World Snow Day with a series of snow-related events, all free of charge. From what I witnessed and from what I read, the day was a tremendous success. Many Yellowknifers were able to try out a winter sport for the very first time, and were able to do that in a supportive, friendly, but chilly environment. It was 30 degrees that day; minus, of course.

In spite of the cold, it was a community celebration involving many volunteers and partners. Our local schools donated ski equipment to the Yellowknife Ski Club for the day. The Yellowknife Ski Club had many experienced skiers and volunteers on hand to help with 127 people who came to try out snowshoeing and cross-country skiing. The NWT Board Sport Association donated equipment, time and volunteers at the Bristol Pit with approximately 10 snowboarders there. The Great Slave Snowmobile Association offered a day of free riding, and the ice rink on Frame Lake at Somba K’e Park was open. At least three local businesses, the Smokehouse Cafe, Overlander Sports and Kavanaugh Brothers Ltd., donated their time and services for the day, and Yellowknife author Jamie Bastedo gave a talk about snow.

Other NWT communities had impromptu events as well, and for a second year, Fort Smith had the Muffaloose Stomp and Glide, a ski and snowshoe event along the Slave River.

The Yellowknife World Snow Day Committee is already planning for the third annual Snow Day in January of 2014. Hopefully, more NWT communities will join in next year’s celebrations. After all, winter is one of our best resources. No matter what the temperature, people should get out there and enjoy it. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. The Member for Range Lake, Mr. Dolynny.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Welcome back, and welcome back to my colleagues.

After a long period of inactivity in the diamond polishing and cutting industry, I’m very pleased to see that the production start-up of Deepak International (DIL) has finally arrived in the Range Lake riding. This revitalization comes at a critical time in our territory’s future growth and the global diamond industry, and we look forward to working with DIL to put the NWT back on the international diamond stage.

However, many Members of this Assembly are concerned on the long process that DIL had to endure to get to this point in manufacturing, and coupled with little to no information from the ITI department, nor the Minister on this recent announcement begs to ask why so much secrecy.

Now, I realize the concern that many in the department may have had due to past manufacturer failings. However, this production start-up company was self-financed with little to no risk to the public purse. So, again, why the delays and why the non-collaboration with standing committee or the riding representative?

I want to stress that these are very exciting times for the territory and for DIL, but the lack of information leading up to this announcement puzzles many Legislative Members.

It is further concerning that the department and the Minister appear to be operating in the cover of darkness when it comes to our revitalization of the secondary diamond industry, and as a Member of consensus government, and as a home to diamond manufacturing, we do have to ask, again, that question why.

Recently, with no agenda given or a current secondary diamond policy, our Minister undertook a world tour to places like London, England; Antwerp, Belgium; and Gaborone, Botswana, all under the guise of drumming up business with future diamond producers. With the taxpayer laying down this blanket of money for such expensive travel, one has to ask what was the Minister’s strategy to revitalize this industry, and was this new mysterious diamond framework discussed in consensus and a collaborative matter with Members of this Assembly prior to such travels. We all know the answers to those questions.

We have the unique opportunity at a second chance in this diamond industry, and we are being scrutinized by the industry itself. It is important that we support hardworking upstart operators like Deepak International Limited, and place caution in moving forward into this industry with no compass or roadmap. We cannot repeat the scars of our past.

I will have further questions for the Minister of ITI later today to help answer some of these concerning questions. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The honourable Member for Hay River South, Mrs. Groenewegen.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Lots of things about the North and how we deliver programs and services to our constituents is very unique to the North. Many rural and remote communities and, in fact, all of our communities have to occasionally rely on an employee, the use of medical evacuation charters. It is nothing like being in a large urban centre with a hospital where family and friends can support a family member through a medical emergency. It’s not even a given that a family member can fly later in a timely manner or travel by road if it is an off-road community, or can necessarily afford a flight or a road trip to accompany a loved one that has had to be taken out for medical assistance in emergency situations.

These times of medical emergency are often emotionally charged, or added to the stress of the threat to health and well-being, the separation from the moral support and calming support of loved ones. The patient is placed in a strange environment, not knowing what their future holds.

I’m not talking about medical escorts; I am talking about a plane that is transporting a patient in which there may be room for someone to accompany that patient. These charters are extremely expensive, and of course, we are thankful that our government freely provides this service to our constituents when a medical evacuation is necessary.

Today I am going to have questions for the Minister of Health and Social Services as to what this government’s policy is about family members accompanying, or one person accompanying a family member that’s on a medical evacuation. If this is not the policy of this government and if this cannot be accommodated, I’d like to know why. We need to do things that make common sense. I can understand that if there is medical equipment or other medical personnel on that plane and there was no room, then certainly the safety and well-being of the patient takes priority. But if there is room for a family member to accompany a patient to a regional or territorial centre or to Edmonton or from Edmonton on a medical evacuation charter, I think that common sense should prevail.

I will have questions for the Minister of Health and Social Services about this. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. The honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, Mr. Beaulieu.


Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. [English translation not provided.]

Today I would like to speak about the passing of a good friend of mine, Henry Fabien of Fort Resolution. Henry was born September 23, 1948, and passed away on December 3, 2012. Henry was the third son of Albert and Rose Fabien.

Henry was a loving son, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin and friend. He had the utmost respect for anyone who had the pleasure of knowing him. Henry loved going out on the land. He enjoyed hunting and trapping during his lifetime. He took many hunting trips, trapping trips with his friends and relatives.

Henry sincerely loved his siblings and family. His times spent with them were his happiest times. He always loved teasing and spending time with his nieces and nephews. His jokes made light of any situation bad or good. That was his nature.

Henry enjoyed gardening, and every year he planted a garden in Fort Resolution. When his family came to visit, he would always cook up some wild food and fish, and have his fresh potatoes from the garden to serve with it.

Henry was predeceased by his father, Albert; his mother, Rose; brothers John, Louis, Lawrence; and his younger sister Georgina.

Henry is survived by his brothers and sisters, Eddy, Donald, Rita, Kaye, Angelina, Helen, Lorraine and his brother Robert Sayine Sr. Henry will be sadly missed by all of his friends and family, and my condolences go out to his loved ones. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me great pleasure to be able to introduce a constituent and friend from Fort Smith, Mr. Keith Hartery, visiting and contemplating becoming a nursing student to add further to his service in the North. Welcome. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. McLeod.

Speaker: MR. MCLEOD

The success of a lot of the programs that we offer as a government is dependent on the people on the front lines that implement them. We have three gentlemen up here that work with the youth that are part of the Youth Ambassador Program. Mr. Peter Daniels from Fort Smith, Mr. Shane Thompson from Hay River, and Mr. Donald Kuptana Jr. from Inuvik, a constituent of mine. Welcome to the Assembly, gentlemen, and a job well done. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. I would like to clarify that Donald Kuptana is from Tuktoyaktuk. He lives in Inuvik right now, working.


Mr. Menicoche.

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I would like to verify that Shane Thompson lives in Fort Simpson.


I would like to welcome Shane Thompson, as well as Colinda Blondin, to the House. She is the newest constituent of Fort Simpson as well. Welcome. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Ms. Bisaro.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is my pleasure to welcome a constituent today, Mr. Jeff Corradetti. I would also like to recognize my former colleague, Mr. David Krutko, former MLA for Mackenzie Delta; and Lydia Bardak, the executive director of the Dene Ko Day Shelter. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you. Mr. Moses.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Further to my Member’s statement earlier, I’d like to recognize the hardworking and dedicated staff for the sport, recreation and youth division within MACA. I’d like to recognize Shane Thompson; a fellow colleague, Donald Kuptana; Peter Daniels; and new staff within the division Colinda Blondin, who I am sure she is going to do a great job with the Youth Ambassador Program and youth and volunteer sector. Welcome to the Assembly. Thank you.