Debates of June 14, 2012 (day 16)

17th Assembly, 3rd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Hon. Tom Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Dolynny, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Jackie Jacobson, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Hon. David Ramsay


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I love Yellowknife and up until a few minutes ago I loved Hay River, but I’ll click the like button for now.


We just survived a very long budgetary process and it was very well debated and it shows a strong respect for consensus government in action, but yet we can improve. As the Premier said today, we have to find that right balance; and he’s very right in that assumption.

Our success in this budget is due to the public service working behind the scenes tirelessly and providing us all the information that we require to do our jobs properly. To the machinery of the Legislative Assembly, to our clerks, support staff, it was tireless and we are thankful to our Pages. We apologize for the long nights; we have to apologize to the parents as well. To our translators behind the glass here working tirelessly to translate our every word. To our on-site media hosts, which scrutinize every word and report back to the taxpayer what is important. And it could be debated, but this budget may go down in history as the one where most concessions were agreed to by both Cabinet and Regular Members. We’ll let the historians debate that over the summer.

As this House breaks for the summer months, I’d like to wish the best of luck to all of our students writing their final exams, to the students graduating and leaving for the first time and maybe leaving for a repeated semester. To those families, the new families joining us in all our communities, and as we heard today, a special message of support for those families affected by flooding in Nahanni Butte.

Just to let you know, Mr. Speaker, all Members are working during the summer. We’re here to help, and help our constituents. Many of us will have the opportunity to meet you in many of your communities. I myself will have the pleasure of going to Hay River, Enterprise, Behchoko and eventually Fort Simpson.

Walking around Range Lake the other day, I noticed many boats and trailers and recreational vehicles in our yards. So if you find yourself this summer on the land, on our water or on our highways, especially Highway No. 7, please be safe, look out for one another and have a great summer. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The Member for Inuvik, Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.