Debates of June 4, 2012 (day 8)



Thank you, Madam Speaker. Over the last few months, we’ve been able to review business plans and now we’re reviewing the current operating budget. Throughout the process, one of my main concerns has been that there’s been a large amount of positions in headquarters and in Yellowknife.

At the beginning of this Assembly we set out as a priority that getting jobs in the communities was one of our priorities. Little of that priority has been seen or placed in the past business plans and the current budget reflects very little of that.

I have heard all the excuses, such as: it will come with devolution; we cannot move those positions; it costs more in the communities; employees need to meet more regularly. Excuses. Excuses why not. This decentralization of positions needs to start now. Devolution may take time and it may come with a bunch of excuses as well.

The excuse that people need to meet on a regular basis or communicate, with today’s technology, that communication should be done easily through technology, through Face Time, through Skype, through e-mail, by phone. I believe that moving positions into the regions and communities will benefit all. Stronger communities will be less dependent on government programs and help the economy in those communities. People will come back to love Yellowknife and spend more money here.

I believe that these positions in the communities are an important future for the NWT. Quit coming up with reasons why not. Tell us on this side of the House how we are going to get the jobs in the communities to benefit the North.

Thank you, Mr. Bouchard. The honourable Member for Range Lake, Mr. Dolynny.