Debates of June 4, 2012 (day 8)



Thank you, Madam Speaker. Our spectacular landscape, vibrant Aboriginal cultures, and beautiful arts and crafts are proving to be marketable attractions for visitors from around the world. With increased visitors, there are increased opportunities for our small and community-based business sector, which diversifies and strengthens our economy. Today I would like to speak about the progress we have made towards developing authentic Aboriginal tourism products in the Northwest Territories.

The Government of the Northwest Territories has provided significant investment over the last year to support efforts to grow the Aboriginal tourism sector. The Aboriginal Tourism Champions Advisory Council was established last July to provide strategic advice on the responsible development of Aboriginal tourism in the NWT. Its main mission is to oversee the planning, development and implementation of an Aboriginal tourism framework strategy.

Just last month the council hosted a two-day Aboriginal tourism forum in Detah, sponsored by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. The forum’s theme was “Sharing Our Culture” and provided an ideal opportunity for representatives from Aboriginal tourism operators and government to share ideas and set priorities for developing Aboriginal tourism.

Participants also heard from Aboriginal tourism operators from across Canada. These successful business owners shared best practices, experiences and information about Aboriginal tourism products in their areas. I am happy to report that the forum was a success.

I would like to thank MLA Robert Hawkins, chair of the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure, for attending on my behalf.

Forum participants said they appreciated the opportunity to meet and hear concerns and ideas from other attendees, and to consult directly with those involved in the industry on how to advance Aboriginal tourism development in the NWT. Participants also said they looked forward to sharing their cultures with visitors to the NWT.

With information gathered at the forum, the council will now dedicate the next year to developing and shaping the actual strategy. The council is aiming to complete the strategy by spring 2013, and specific tactics in the strategy will be put in place soon after that.

Madam Speaker, we have great potential, capacity and enthusiasm in the NWT to develop and establish Aboriginal tourism, and share our diverse cultures with the world.

A strong tourism industry is a key element in achieving our Assembly’s goal of a diversified and healthy economy that provides all regions and communities with opportunities and choices. We must continue to do all we can to drive growth of the Aboriginal tourism sector in our territory. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Minister responsible for Persons with Disabilities, Mr. Beaulieu.