Debates of June 5, 2014 (day 36)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like the Minister of Education today to stand up and explain the changes that are coming with junior kindergarten. He needs to enlighten the community and certainly the territory that if you have a day home, they’ve been telling everyone it will be fine.

What evidence can he convey that it will be fine? Just a few days ago, I brought up in this House the departmental staff keep telling these day home owners, whether they are licenced or unlicensed or part of the Montessori program, you’re going to lose money and it’s time to budget better. I would like to hear the Minister’s perspective on how everything will be fine with his master plan. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. The honourable Minister of Education, Mr. Lafferty.

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. When the Member first raised that issue with me about day home owners, there was a misunderstanding where apparently my department told them they needed to be ready for these circumstances. I met with my department. I questioned them and they came back and are providing the support that’s out there. Through my department, we have a variety of programming. We will continue to support those day home operators as we did in the past for how many years now? We will continue to do that, Mr. Speaker. We want them to be successful. We don’t want them to be out of business. Mahsi.

I’m really happy to hear we are going to continue to support them, but we listen to the Minister of Education saying we support them by the amount of kids they have, so we give them money per kid. But if we’re taking the kids away, are we just going to support them because we want to support them?

It was the Minister’s staff who told the day home owners that you have to budget better and if you can’t do it, bring us your paperwork and we’ll budget for you. They also told them that they need to accept that there will be a loss and they need to accept it.

How does that work when he’s saying now he’s going to take care of them? Thank you.

As I indicated earlier through this session, JK is optional. It will be up to the parents to decide if they want to take their kids to JK or continue with the day homes. The budget, everybody has to budget, not only in my department but daycare operators, day home operators, they have to budget too. These are reporting mechanisms. We have to work with them. Those are some of the facts that we share with them. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

We’ve heard the Minister on the record say we’ll take care of them. We’ve had staff tell these day home operators if they were better budgeters, the changes wouldn’t be noticeable. Mr. Speaker, all we hear is that JK is optional. That’s what I’m asking.

What is the evidence that people will choose to pay $1,000 a month per child to go to the day home versus go to a free program? That’s what we want to know. Where’s this evidence in this ludicrous statement that I hear over and over again that it will be up to the parents, it’s optional? They will choose to pay rather than take the free program.

I don’t know a single person who would pay $1,000 a month if the program was free across the way. Give me the evidence, I want the evidence, everyone wants the evidence, the public wants the evidence. Thank you.

Mr. Speaker, I don’t know how I can justify this, but the junior kindergarten that we’re rolling out into 23 communities and then going on to regional centres next year and the following year will be to Yellowknife. I’ve indicated in the House that my department will be working very closely with the daycare operators, day home operators and we will continue to subsidize them. We have done that.

Again, junior kindergarten is optional for the parents. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Final, short supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister continues to fail to explain the science behind his philosophy that if we can give free spaces away, but he’s convinced the option before the parent would be that they would rather pay $1,000. That’s their choice. So what we’re doing is sinking the opportunities created by these day homes, whether they are licenced or unlicensed or Montessori programs.

Would the Minister finally put the evidence on the record so we can have a true, fact-based discussion on this problem? Thank you.

The day home operators are not sinking. Maybe that’s the view of the Member, but in my view, we will continue to support them. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.