Debates of June 7, 2012 (day 11)


Thank you, Premier McLeod. Do you have any witnesses you wish to bring into the Chamber?

Yes, I do, Mr. Chair.

Does committee agree?


Thank you. I’ll get the Sergeant-at-Arms to bring the witnesses in, please. Thank you.

Premier McLeod, please introduce your witnesses, please.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. To my left I have Gabriela Eggenhofer, deputy minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations; and to my right I have Richard Robertson, director of finance and administration.

Thank you, Premier McLeod. We’ll open up the floor to general comments.


I’m hearing detail. Page 4-7, this will be deferred until consideration of detail. I’ll get you to turn to 4-8, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, infrastructure investment summary. Any questions?


Seeing none, page 4-9, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, revenue summary. Any questions?


Page 4-10, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, active position summary. Any questions?


Seeing none, page 4-13, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, activity summary, corporate management, operations expenditures, $2.456 million.


Sorry, that was $2.456 million.


Thank you. Page 4-14, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, activity summary, corporate management, grants and contributions, grants, total grants, $300,000.


Thank you. Page 4-15, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, corporate management, active positions. Any questions?


Thank you. Page 4-17, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, activity summary, negotiations, operations expenditure summary, $2.442 million.


Thank you. Page 4-18, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, negotiations, active positions. Any questions?


Page 4-21, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, activity summary, implementation, operations expenditure summary, $696,000.


Thank you. Page 4-22, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, implementation, active positions. Any questions?


Mr. Chair, the Aboriginal...(inaudible)...needing funds, I think the Minister is going to come forward with a detailed plan as to how this fund would be expended throughout the year, the $350,000. That’s for gatherings similar to the one we had at the beginning, the one at the beginning of the Assembly with the Caucus meeting in Detah with all the Aboriginal leaders. We started on our working relationship with the government. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Premier McLeod.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. This is a fund that we use to work with Aboriginal governments. Instead of dealing with individual meetings, we split it out amongst the seven Aboriginal governments. I believe they are all in the neighbourhood of $50,000. So this year we parcelled it out amongst all the Aboriginal governments and the money has all been given out. Once it’s approved, it will be. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Premier McLeod. Mr. Yakeleya, you’re asking questions on page 4-25. Page 4-22, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, implementation, active positions. Any questions?


Seeing none, page 4-25, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, activity summary, intergovernmental relations, operations expenditure summary, $1.710 million.


Thank you. Page 4-26, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, activity summary, intergovernmental relations, grants and contributions, grants, total grants, $350,000. Contributions, total grants and contributions, $350,000.


Thank you. Page 4-27. Mr. Blake.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am just wondering, I noticed there is no funding for the Northern Leaders Forum. From what I understand, in the last government I believe that was a very good place to gather for many of the leaders and also the Premier. I would like to see that continue if not this year then hopefully we can plan for next year. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Thank you, Mr. Blake. Premier McLeod.

Mr. Chair, definitely we would look at reapplying for funding now that we now have support for it. Right now we are taking a bilateral approach dealing with Aboriginal governments. This would help develop a vision going forward from the previous Assemblies or so. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Premier McLeod. Page 4-27, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, intergovernmental relations, active positions. Are there any questions?


Thank you. Page 4-28, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Affairs, intergovernmental relations, information item, lease commitments (infrastructure). Are there any questions?


There are none. Page 4-29, Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, information item, work performed on behalf of others. Any questions?
