Debates of March 13, 2014 (day 29)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to proudly recognize a few of my constituents that will be representing Fort Providence in the Northwest Territories during this Arctic Winter Games in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Michael Leishman is a high school teacher who will be chaperoning four students of Fort Providence and will be attending the Arctic Winter Games. He’s also one of the coaches who will be coaching the table tennis tournaments.

Christina Bonnetrouge, 16, is in Grade 10. She will be trying out for the juvenile women’s badminton. Christina has always been in sports. One of her favourite sports is soccer.

Spencer Bonnetrouge, 17, is in Grade 12. He’ll be playing in the junior men’s badminton. Spencer has played hockey and soccer as long as he can remember.

Nathaniel Minoza, 17, will be trying out in the junior men’s table tennis.

Mikaela Vandell, 15, will also try to win a medal in the juvenile women’s table tennis.

These students are very excited and this will be their first time going to the Arctic Winter Games. Good luck to them all, and I hope they can bring back home a medal.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Nadli. The Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Blake.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Excitement is in the air in the Mackenzie Delta. A lot of athletes are getting very excited to travel to Fairbanks, Alaska, for the Arctic Winter Games. I’d like to wish them all well, and all their support, their parents and guardians that will be travelling with them as well. I wish them all safe travels and I hope you get a lot of golden ulus and meet a lot of friends out there. We wish you all the best.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Blake. Mrs. Groenewegen.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, as well, would like to wish good luck to all of our athletes from the Northwest Territories that are going to the Arctic Winter Games in Fairbanks. I wish we could all be there with you, but I think there will be a very good contingent from the Northwest Territories, and I have also been seeing all the posts and all the excitement of the athletes and the parents and the coaches and the volunteers. It is indeed an exciting time, and I expect a good report, but most of all, I think that everybody will have fun and enjoy themselves and ulus will be a bonus, but of course, we are all competitive, right? It will be good for them to bring home some ulus. I don’t have every name of every person going. I believe my colleague Mr. Bouchard shared those earlier this week, but I wanted to join my voice in saying, Go Team NWT!

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Item 4, reports of standing and special committees. Mr. Nadli.