Debates of November 5, 2014 (day 50)

17th Assembly, 5th Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Hon. Tom Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Dolynny, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Jackie Jacobson, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Hon. David Ramsay, Mr. Yakeleya


Good afternoon, colleagues. Colleagues, before we start today, one of the respected elders of my home community has passed.

Mrs. Ida Sarah Rueben was born in Aklavik, Northwest Territories, on March 20, 1945, to parents Johnny and Ruth Kayotuk.

Her parents raised her along with siblings Moses, Leland, Eva Kayotuk and sister Lena Paul.

Ida attended school in Aklavik in 1955. She then left to attend school in Inuvik at Stringer Hall, where she met many of her friends.

Ida met and married Marcus Martin Rueben, son of Angik and Sadie Rueben, on May 4, 1960. They raised 10 children together in Paulatuk. Ida dedicated her life as a homemaker for the well-being of her family.

Ida enjoyed travelling out on the land with her husband, Marcus. They hunted in the spring, summer and fall, then prepared food for the year while out on the land.

Mrs. Rueben was a caring and loving wife, mother, auntie, sister, sister-in-law, friend and nanuk. She was a soft and kind-hearted person and everyone knew her as Nan. Her kindness and thoughtfulness will be missed by everyone she knew.

Rest peacefully. You will be forever loved and missed dearly. To Marcus and family, our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

Ministers’ Statements


Mr. Speaker, NWT businesses keep our economy strong, employ local residents and supply us with goods and services.

Several NWT businesses have been recognized for their success lately and I would like to take this time to highlight some of them.

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment partnered with the Inuvik Chamber of Commerce to host the Small Business Awards last month. I would like to congratulate Beaufort Beauty, Inukshuk Catering and the owners of Alestine’s and Cloud 9 restaurants, who all received awards. These businesses continue to provide excellent products and services to their community.

The Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce recently hosted its Business Awards Gala and recognized 10 local businesses. Congratulations to Just Fitness, KBL Environmental Ltd., Corother’s Home Hardware, Denendeh Investments, the Edge YK, Gaia Integrative Clinic, Williams Engineering, SSI Micro, Hovat Construction and Erasmus Apparel for their well-deserved wins.

The Business Development and Investment Corporation held an awards ceremony on October 27th. I was very pleased to be joined by Premier Bob McLeod at the awards ceremony to present petroleum retailer DL Services of Inuvik with the Outstanding Business Performance Award for 2013 and Deh Cho Suites in Fort Simpson the Outstanding Business Performance Award for 2014.

We are fortunate to have many more businesses and individuals in the North that demonstrate true entrepreneurial spirit.

One entrepreneur I would like to acknowledge is Mr. Eddy Paul, CEO of NEXTreme Incorporated. Mr. Paul just received the Advanced Technology Award from the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia. Mr. Paul, whose business is located in the thriving industrial community of Kam Lake, is making significant efforts to promote and advance steel manufacturing technology in the NWT, and we are very proud of his accomplishments in this industry. In fact, NEXTreme Steel Specialists was just added to the listing of approved northern manufactured products for steel plate girder bridges and bridge and span components.

A local tour company, Yellowknife Outdoor Adventures, also received recognition from the popular travel website Trip Advisor. After consistently receiving positive traveller reviews, the company was awarded the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence.

Mr. Speaker, leading-edge corporations based in this territory are negotiating multi-million dollar contracts with governments and resource developers. Local entrepreneurs are providing products and services for their communities, and northern and Aboriginal owned and operated businesses are dramatically changing the economic landscape of the NWT.

Through the NWT Economic Opportunities Strategy and Implementation Plan, we aim to create the conditions and competitive business environment in which we can advance and grow businesses and economic opportunities across our territory. We will continue to work with local businesses and entrepreneurs to strengthen and diversify our economy, a priority of this government.

Mr. Speaker, today in the Northwest Territories, many entrepreneurs are thriving. They are bright, energetic and vibrant, and are willing to take risks, innovate and work hard. They are a critical part of our territory’s successful economy, and I extend my thanks and congratulations to them today. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Minister of Housing, Mr. McLeod.


Mr. Speaker, later today I will be tabling information that provides a summary of housing results from the 2014 NWT Community Survey.

The NWT Community Survey is a household survey conducted by the NWT Bureau of Statistics every five years. While there is a variety of important information from the survey, most important to the NWT Housing Corporation is the measure of core housing need.

Core housing need tells us how many NWT households are having housing problems like affordability, overcrowding, or poor housing quality and not enough income to address these issues.

Mr. Speaker, results from the 2014 NWT Community Survey indicate that while overall core housing need has remained relatively stable compared to 2009, there has been considerable progress in improving housing conditions in smaller NWT communities. Core housing need has dropped by 24 percent in our non-market communities between 2009 and 2014, with 20 out of the 28 communities having improved housing conditions.

The NWT Housing Corporation has invested considerable resources over the past several years to improve the quality of their assets and to support homeowners in making the necessary repairs to their homes. The value of these investments is reflected in these results.

However, Mr. Speaker, while these results show progress in our non-market communities, the core housing need in most smaller NWT communities continues to be higher than in larger communities.

The majority of this core need is for homeowners, and the NWT Housing Corporation will continue to work with these residents in partnership as they complete the required repairs for their houses.

Among the market communities, the core housing need improved slightly in most communities. The exception is Yellowknife, where core housing need increased from 9.1 percent to 17.8 percent of households between 2009 and 2014. The majority of the core housing need in Yellowknife is for residents in private market rentals that are experiencing affordability problems.

Mr. Speaker, the housing results from the 2014 NWT Community Survey indicate that progress is being made but there is more work to be done. The 17th Legislative Assembly made addressing housing needs a priority. The NWT Housing Corporation will be examining the housing results from this survey in detail and the strategic priorities outlined in its strategic plan to determine potential actions to continue addressing the identified trends.

Mr. Speaker, I would again like to thank Members for their advice and support as the NWT Housing Corporation has introduced considerable changes over the past few years, and I look forward to continuing to work with them as we work towards the goal of all NWT residents having access to affordable, adequate and suitable housing. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister of Education, Mr. Lafferty.


Mr. Speaker, I would like to share the Northwest Territories three-year baseline results of the Early Development Instrument referred to as the EDI results. The EDI is a population-level tool that measures children’s ability to meet age-appropriate developmental expectations at school entry.

The EDI measures five areas of a child’s development, including their physical health and well-being, their language and cognitive development, their communication skills and general knowledge, their social competence and the child’s emotional maturity.

Mr. Speaker, the EDI focuses on the outcomes for five-year-old kindergarten children that, in the long term, affect their lifelong learning, health and overall well-being. It lets us measure whether children are coming to school rested, fed and ready to learn. It tells us if they are able to follow directions, to get along with classmates and to tell a story about their day.

The EDI results are telling us that 38 percent of all five-year-old children in the NWT are vulnerable in at least one area of their development as compared to 25 percent in the rest of Canada. In small communities as many as 50 percent of all five-year-olds are vulnerable in one area of their development.

We should be concerned about these statistics, Mr. Speaker, because long-term studies have shown that children who are vulnerable in only one area are more likely to struggle in later grades.

These same studies show that when kindergarten children are vulnerable in two or more areas of their development, their chances of struggling in school increase even more.

Mr. Speaker, right now 23 percent of all five-year-old children in the NWT are vulnerable in at least two areas of their development as compared to 12 percent in the rest of Canada. When we look at small communities separately, 37 percent of children are vulnerable in two areas of their development.

Over the past three years, the EDI has shown that 8 percent of all five-year-old NWT children are challenged in three or more areas of their development. Unaddressed, that could mean lifelong learning challenges for these children. So with all the other EDI stats, this is even worse in small communities, where 16 percent of all five-year-olds have been identified as having multiple challenges.

Mr. Speaker, this data demands that we act now. GNWT departments have started with the Right from the Start: Early Childhood Development Framework and Action Plan, but it cannot end there if we are to significantly impact the lives and futures of children in the NWT.

Mr. Speaker, we should not tolerate the status quo in terms of child development, and to change the status quo means changing the way we do business. It means trying new things. In some cases it means shaking up our current system. It means working together, all of us, rather than working separately.

Mr. Speaker, I truly believe that with the combined efforts of all Members of this Assembly we can collectively make a positive difference in the lives of our families, our children and the people we serve. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Abernethy.


Mr. Speaker, this government is committed to improving the health and social services system in the Northwest Territories. Over the last year I have travelled to every region of the NWT to consult with residents, communities, Aboriginal governments and staff in the regional authorities. Everywhere I go I have heard from people that they don’t care about bureaucratic boundaries and regional silos. They just want the best possible care for themselves and their loved ones. They want to be sure that we can afford to provide excellent care into the future.

Based on what we’ve heard from the people, and guided by experts in our system and the valuable insights of my colleagues in this House, the Department of Health and Social Services and the eight health and social services authorities have developed a proposed model for an integrated health and social services system. I have kept Members of the Standing Committee on Social Programs informed as the proposal has evolved and have received positive feedback and support from committee for this approach. We have also partnered on the development of a system-wide strategic plan that will help us to achieve our vision of best health, best care, for a better future.

Mr. Speaker, the proposed model addresses a major gap that exists in our system today. Right now communities and regions do not have a voice at the territorial level, and we want to change that. Our proposal is to move to one territorial health and social services authority with one territorial board of management, but regional advisory wellness councils will continue to provide advice on local and regional program delivery. By having the chairs of the regional wellness councils sit as members of the NWT Health and Social Services Leadership Council, we will ensure that community concerns and knowledge are brought forward and that every region of the NWT gains a voice in the design and delivery of territorial programs and services.

There is widespread concern about the health of NWT residents and particular concern about addictions, early childhood development and chronic diseases such as diabetes. We need to remove barriers for our system to work better and meet the needs of our residents. We have heard repeatedly that the key to success for our proposal is to ensure a meaningful role for communities and regions and to balance regional priorities with the need for clinical standards and improved access to service.

The proposed new system structure, vision, mission and goals were made available for public feedback in August of this year. The amount of interest from NWT residents was so strong that we extended the deadline for responses to October 31st, to ensure that we heard from as many people as possible. During that time, 360 online surveys were completed and we heard from many residents during public discussions. The public feedback indicates overwhelming support for the proposed model and strategic plan. We have more work to do, but we have heard that we are on the right track.

Work is underway to move this initiative forward. I plan to introduce amendments to the Hospital Insurance and Health and Social Services Administration Act in the winter session. Based on the results of our consultation, the department will lead the development of the organizational design for the integrated system, with a goal of implementation in early 2016.

Mr. Speaker, this is not the first time the Government of the Northwest Territories has tried to advance structural improvements to the system, but it is the first time that the proposal is being met with a generally positive response. That speaks to the different approach we have taken this time around.

From the beginning I have insisted that our focus be on improving patient care and service to clients. In every region and community that I have visited, I’ve heard personal stories of frustration from people who have encountered barriers in our system. We can, and we must, do better.

We have also engaged Aboriginal governments and community leadership in a dialogue, rather than presenting a final model from the outset. We are committed to working in a government-to-government partnership with Aboriginal governments in the spirit of respect, recognition and responsibility, and we value their input into this process and their support for the changes we are proposing.

Finally, I have said from the beginning, and I reiterate today, that we are not talking about centralization. We do not propose to eliminate any positions, and we do not intend to move positions out of regions or communities. We have great people working throughout our system, and we need to keep them where they can make the biggest difference for our residents: on the front lines in our communities.

There is no reason that senior staff need to be in one location. This new structure will create exciting opportunities for the talented people within our system to assume leadership roles, working in virtual teams across the territory.

Mr. Speaker, I am really excited about the potential to transform the system. There are so many benefits we can realize from moving towards operating as one system. We can ensure consistent standards of service for all of our residents. We can deploy resources, both financial and professional, more easily to areas of greatest need. We can move patients and clients seamlessly through the system without delays or duplication. We can ensure that resources are used to optimum advantage by eliminating duplication and overlap. I am grateful for the ongoing support from Regular Members for this initiative.

This is an exciting and challenging time for the NWT health and social services system, and we are rising to that challenge. Working in partnership, we will provide the highest quality of care and services, we will encourage our people to make healthy choices to keep individuals, families and communities healthy and strong, and we will achieve our vision of best health, best care, for a better future. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Members’ Statements


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This week is Skilled Trade and Technology Week in the Northwest Territories. It’s an opportunity to raise awareness about skilled trades and high-tech careers. In fact, this year marks the 50th anniversary of apprenticeship training and certification in the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Speaker, in the coming years the entire country will face a shortage of skilled workers. We’re witnessing a major transition to the so-called knowledge economy that relies on a well-trained and highly educated workforce to deliver value-added services.

Here in the Northwest Territories, new mining projects are projected and devolution will attract new investment. The economic outlook released by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment predicts that by the year 2020 our workforce will increase by more than 2,000 jobs.

Mr. Speaker, segments of our population are undereducated and under-skilled and just plain unprepared for these new job opportunities. If these young people don’t have the necessary skills, they won’t be employable. So it’s vital that we support our homegrown talent and young people.

With this in mind, I’d like to congratulate the top 10 achieving apprentices from Hay River, and they are having a ceremony today at the Education, Culture and Employment office in Hay River which, unfortunately, my colleague and I are unable to attend but wanted to congratulate them from us today.

Austin Larocque, an automotive service technician working for De Beers Canada;

Cameron Sapp, a heavy equipment technician within the GNWT’s Department of Transportation;

David Nolan, a carpenter working for Arctic Canada Construction;

John Dahl, an electrician apprenticing for Zapped Electric;

John Pidhirniak, a plumber and gasfitter working with Taylor and Company,

Daniel Richards, power line technician with Northland Utilities NWT Limited;

Michael Young, a gasfitter working for Stittco Energy Limited;

Michael Giesbrecht, a welder with Concept Energy Services; and

Tristan Campbell, an industrial mechanic and millwright working with the Diavik Diamond Mines.

So, Mr. Speaker, later today I’ll have questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment on what our government is going to do to have more young people in the trades and receiving the kind of training that they need, and I’ll be also bringing into that the fact that Hay River has a beautiful trades shop. Maybe we need a centre of excellence for trades training for our young high school students.

I’d just again like the House to join me in congratulating these accomplished young people in their success to date. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Twelve years ago a small group of people came together in Yellowknife to create a new branch of the United Way, or Centreaide. They were inspired by the good work the United Way does in other parts of Canada and they wanted to see this same good work happen here in the North, and so United Way Yellowknife was born.

The promise of the United Way came to fruition thanks to generous donors, and tens of thousands of dollars was invested in community projects. In 2012 the United Way Yellowknife board decided to extend its reach to the whole territory and it became United Way NWT.

Staff of the Government of the Northwest Territories right now are in the midst of an annual United Way fundraising campaign. GNWT employees are being invited to sign up to donate to the United Way through payroll deductions.

Mr. Speaker, I donate this way and it’s an easy way to give. Staff’s donations are recorded on their T4 for easy tax return preparation, and donors can designate their donations to specific registered charities or to the general fund of the United Way NWT.

The funding priorities for the United Way NWT are focused on healthy people, healthy communities, helping kids be all they can be, and moving people from poverty to possibility. Last year the United Way NWT gave over $50,000 to 16 different projects impacting residents territory-wide.

Here’s a couple of projects: funding from the United Way enabled the Foster Family Coalition to purchase two new propane stoves for their summer camp, Camp Connections, an outdoor camp for children who receive social services. Many of the children from across the NWT have said being able to go to camp is a highlight not only for the summer but for their whole year.

United Way NWT also supports the NWT Breast Health/Breast Cancer Action Group. This group of volunteers provides ongoing support for breast cancer survivors by offering them creative opportunities to connect and express themselves. Funding from the United Way NWT paid for facilitators to present two breast cancer survivor workshops earlier this year.

These projects are just two of 16 projects that were funded last year. Many of these projects wouldn’t happen at all without the United Way NWT. Right now United Way NWT is working to sign up new donors via payroll deduction campaigns in their work places. The goal of the current United Way NWT campaign is to raise $65,000 to give away for community projects in 2015.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

I’m proud to say that I have been a long-time United Way donor and it’s good to see that the Premier, also a committed donor, is the honourary campaign chair. Others in this House are also United Way donors, and good on you, I say. If you are not a United Way donor, I challenge you to start, and start this year. Get the form, sign up for payroll deductions. It’s easily done. Ask me, I will fill it in for you. You will be donating to your constituents and to your communities, and as the slogan says, change starts here. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. Member for Range Lake, Mr. Dolynny.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The GNWT is a whale amongst its minnows. That’s right, that is exactly how I would describe the current relationship the Department of Education has with its school boards, its DECs and DEAs in the NWT.

If the recent botched funding model for Junior Kindergarten doesn’t have you spinning your head by now, then brace for impact as things are going to get a whole lot worse. I am about to add another layer of bureaucratic bullying on how this department is cunningly avoiding its legal obligation to the court-ordered expansion of one of its francophone schools.

While we preach a Safe School Policy of protecting our students within our schools, maybe we should equally be drafting legislation to protect our school boards from being bullied by the department itself because there is no other way to describe these meaningless acts of intimidation and exploitation. Let me explain.

In September 2013, the GNWT approached YK1 and the Commission scolaire francophone, CSF, to seek an expedient and cost-effective alternative to the court-ordered expansion to Ecole Alain St. Cyr. These exploratory discussions involved the review of existing underutilized YK1 space and the needs for the CSF students to determine if alternatives to the court order for additional YK1 space could be found.

As many know, YK1 owns its schools and are operating on low occupancy rates on average. For the GNWT, this was a perfect out to consider constructing another school and they made the YK1 establish a facilities committee to do their dirty work and make YK1 decide a sacrificial lamb. Around here, Mr. Speaker, the code words for that are “school swap.”

Throughout this process, the GNWT would categorically denounce any wrongdoing by washing its hands clean, citing it was relying on YK1 to determine its future changes and programming or to surplus a school.

The department will say that this was its obligation to explore a way to save taxpayer money, because according to the bureaucracy, this is no different than asking a government department to absorb reductions or get rid of unnecessary duplication. Wrong, Mr. Speaker. This is not a government department slash and burn exercise. These are neighbourhood schools we are talking about. This is about families. This is about children being treated like analytical statistics for an appropriation expenditure.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

I know personally many members of this YK1 Facilities Committee and wholeheartedly respect the professionalism that went into their final report. However, the current options before the schools and the parents offer little hope of consensus that is to be decided this Thursday at a town hall meeting.

These options greatly affect the fate of the one school in my riding of Range Lake, and I am gravely concerned. I have 178 signatures in my hand that support that very same concern.

What started as an issue of 116 francophone kids and their families and the findings of this YK1 Facilities Committee report has now affected half the city of Yellowknife, has pitted neighbourhood against neighbourhood, school versus school, parent versus parent and student versus student, and this is wrong.

In our eager and frugal mindset of duty, we have dehumanized our education system at the mere expense of trying to dodge a constitutional bullet and we should be embarrassed for those actions.

There is no argument that YK1 is dealing with aging infrastructure and enrolment issues, but what we are about to ask of them by this government is seen as nothing more than unfair treatment and misuse of power. They have their own challenges and we are definitely not helping.

I’ll have questions later today for the Minister. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The Member for Hay River North, Mr. Bouchard.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Hay River, a great place to be. Hay River, the hub of the North. Hay River is the best place in the Northwest Territories to live. Hay River has the nicest golf course that turns into the nicest Nordic facility, the home of Brendan Green, the Olympian. Hay River has some of the most affordable options in the Northwest Territories. Check out Hay River’s real estate company or Hay River properties to see that fact.

Hay River has a strong education system, including a French First school system. Hay River, a great place to be. Hay River has a new health centre coming on line, extended care facilities, independent living facilities and a strong Persons with Disabilities Council. Hay River is a very accessible community by road and it has several airline options to travel north and south. Hay River, the hub of the North.

If a person would like to keep busy in Hay River, there are many sports, recreational areas and organizations to get involved with. There are many things to keep busy with in Hay River. Several church groups, several community groups, January 1st there’s fireworks, polar pond hockey, the lobster fest, NWT track and field, July 1st parade, Hay River Hay Days, fall fair tradeshow, fall fair, fireman’s ball, Santa Claus parade and, obviously, the home of Buffalo Airways’ Ice Pilots.

If you’re moving north or finding it difficult in your community, look at Hay River, a great place to be. Please check out the Town of Hay River’s website, Chamber of Commerce. Hay River is a great place to be.

If you don’t want to move here, it’s a great place to visit. Hay River has a strong business community. There are many third generation businesses in Hay River. Hay River, the hub of the North.

Hay River is a great place to be from. I’m born and raised. Proud to be the MLA. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bouchard. The Member for Deh Cho, Mr. Nadli.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker, that’s a hard act to follow. The Hamlet of Enterprise has an idea to bring back its visitor information centre at the site of the old weigh scale along the Mackenzie Highway. Enterprise is one of the main transportation corridors. Anyone driving north from Alberta, whether they’re heading to Hay River, Fort Simpson, Behchoko or Yellowknife, has to go through Enterprise. The old weigh scale would be an ideal location for a visitors centre and would offer something unique.

The visitors centre would generate economic activity, create local jobs and tap into the region’s tourism potential. It would showcase the region’s history and connect tourists to nearby attractions like the Twin Falls, the Deh Cho Bridge and, of course, Hay River as well. It would serve as a natural gathering point for groups or motorists.

The visitors centre in Enterprise could serve other purposes too. For many years there was a restaurant and a gift shop at the gas station in Enterprise, and these could reopen. With cooperation from Fort Providence, the centre could be used as a bison interpretive centre and the space would make an ideal venue for local and regional events, just like the Northern Frontier Visitors Centre in Yellowknife and other visitors centres across the NWT do now.

In any case, there’s a wrinkle in the proposed plan. To put the old weigh scale to the proposed use, the land would have to be transferred to the hamlet, but the Hamlet of Enterprise has an application out on these lands, including the land in which the old weigh scale is situated. The application has been stalled for a couple of years. Basically this means all new development is in limbo.

Of course, no final decisions have been made and the local hamlet council has agreed to hold a community meeting to discuss the future use of the building. If the hamlet council develops a visitors information centre, it would need mutual cooperation from local, regional and territorial governments.

Opportunities for road tourism abound and I’m requesting assistance from the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment to help Enterprise showcase the attractions of the Deh Cho region. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Nadli. The Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mental illness has had such a negative and unfair stigma. Those people facing these challenges are often facing burdens well beyond their individual ability to carry these struggles. They face illnesses of different types that many of us often shy away from. We must support them in their struggle. Many people who struggle with mental illness also face additional challenges such as the struggle with addictions as well as their challenges with the law.

Folks like this who struggle through this don’t necessarily do it alone but they do it through the process of being ostracized sometimes by the public, their friends, and certainly their family members. That is why it’s so important that we must find ways to help them through this burden, because it’s an incredible opportunity to help them face these challenges and give them support where they can.

We can’t do this alone and certainly they can’t. This government must continue to find ways to support families who are struggling with a loved one who was given these challenges. I can assure you, I’ve never seen anyone ask for this particular challenge as they boldly try to face them down. Sadly, many of these challenges are not faced, and these burdens are often kept secret.

This government, as I said, must do anything it can do to help tear down these barriers. That would be the first thing. Secondly, it must do whatever it can to ensure that the resources are available to help when action and support are called upon, because facing some of these challenges is a daunting task by itself, and if you fear that no one will hear you, then the chances of coming forward are even more unlikely.

There are challenges sometimes with motivating someone who has mental illness because they just don’t want to face the challenges and the further negative stigma. Sometimes I’ve heard from people that it’s often easier to hide in the dark than it is to be front and centre.

We must find ways to ensure we support these people, as I’ve said already. Sadly, people would rather be tucked away and not face these challenges and be worried about what may happen to them. I know families trying to help their loved ones and they, too, are feeling helpless by the system because the Northwest Territories continues to use the 1988 Mental Health Act which keeps these families feeling powerless. Unless these loved ones were able to break through the process of being identified and seeking help, we continue to leave them at their own devices.

Medical services can’t help sometimes. Families often feel their hands are tied. Even the police have said that and the justice system knows that people with mental illness, this isn’t necessarily the right place for them.

I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

The barriers of the current act must be overcome as quickly as possible, because access must be unobstructed in all regions of our territory. I’ve heard from people who’ve contacted me directly from Inuvik, Hay River, Fort Smith and I’ve even talked to families here in Yellowknife and they’re all saying the same thing, that the families are struggling and they really want to help but they feel powerless. Professionals have told me that they feel handcuffed because their act is archaic. So many other things have been said as well.

Concerns such as lack of community treatment provisions in a timely way or even simple access, patient rights continue to be challenging. I’ve often heard from the medical staff about their inability to help. Even the redundant paperwork, one physician had told me that it says 19 and then blank, so it clearly shows that the paperwork alone is, minimum, 15 years old. It goes back to the last century.

The rights and safety of these patients must be paramount, and I know the department has the Mental Health Act on its agenda, but things, as we see ourselves, continue to burden these families and burden these people. When they do have the courage to come forward, they wonder if the help is really there.

The old act is kind of like being in the Dark Ages, and I’m sorry to use such a colourful metaphor, but at the end of the day, that’s how the people feel.

In summary, any further delay in the development of the new NWT act, and we must do anything we can. I look forward to my questions and the clear answers about how we move this initiative forward.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. I’m going to remind the Members that when I say conclude your statement, you’ve got about, I guess, 30 seconds, not another two minutes. I’m trying to help the Members out here. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In 1964 the federal Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources built and opened up the scientific research laboratory in Inuvik. It was Canada’s first permanent scientific research station in the Western Arctic or north of the Arctic Circle. The centre quickly became known locally as the Inuvik Research Laboratory or The Lab and, later, The Research Centre.

The lab was turned over to the Northwest Territories in 1984 and renamed the Science Institute of the Northwest Territories. A decade later, in 1995, it merged with Aurora College to become Aurora Research Institute.

After 46 years of continual operation and heavy use by the research community, the original building was replaced in 2011 with a beautiful state-of-the-art facility that was designed with researchers and specifically northern researchers in mind. The new facility was named the Western Arctic Research Centre.

For more than 50 years, local, national and international researchers have been coming to the Western Arctic to build a collective understanding of our region, the country and the world. This area has been the location for many important and significant contributions of knowledge, both scientific and traditional, to a variety of research areas. These have included investigations of the physical, biological and social environments of Inuvik and the Beaufort-Delta.

In addition to researchers, community members made the lab a community hub and an active part of town life. Prior to television and movie theatres arriving in Inuvik, the lab sponsored movie nights on Fridays. That tradition was revisited during October this year and proves to be still a very popular event.

The lab was also the venue for some of the first Inuvik town hall sessions, where the development of other town facilities, such as the library and arena, were proposed and discussed. In this tradition, the Aurora Research Institute continues to remain strong ties with Inuvik residents by hosting public research lectures and facilitating science outreach activities for children and youth. It is hoped that these events both raise awareness of northern science and research taking place in our region and make science more accessible to members of the local community.

Mr. Speaker, I too seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

Mr. Speaker, to commemorate the anniversary of 50 years of research in Inuvik, a number of community events are being planned throughout the month of November. Fifty years of continuous research service in Inuvik shows how important the Beaufort-Delta region is to studying the big questions that impact everyone. Our territory is ever changing and will continue to be an important place to study many environmental, social and cultural issues.

The Aurora Research Institute is committed to serving the region and the NWT through supporting research needs of Northerners. I would just like all Members to join me in congratulating 50 years of research in the Northwest Territories that helped shape the North and helped shape how we make decisions in this House. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Moses. Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wonder if the Premier would consider decentralizing my position to Hay River.

Just kidding, Mr. Speaker. This week is… Don’t answer that question.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER


This week is Living Wage Week in Canada. Many people in the Northwest Territories don’t earn enough at their jobs to pull themselves and their families above the poverty line. The concept of a living wage is based on the understanding that a person working full time should be able to support themselves in their community.

This movement is gaining traction in many places throughout the world. It addresses income inequality, one of the biggest obstacles to economies everywhere. Paying employees a living wage can change that for millions of Canadians. In fact, employers in about 30 cities are set to do just that.

A living wage sets an evidence-based standard that calculates the cost of living in a community based on a basket of goods and services. In contrast, minimum wage legislation does not come close to meeting these costs for individuals or families.

A recent study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in all 10 provinces between 1983 and 2012 found that raising the minimum wage does not affect job numbers. A living wage can make a world of difference in health outcomes and quality of life, but the living wage amount varies from community to community due to differences in costs of living and government transfers as it is based on local costs for things like food, housing, transportation and child care.

A living wage is by no means extravagant. For instance, calculations do not include the cost of homeownership, debt repayment or savings. New Westminster, BC, became the first municipality in Canada to officially become a living wage employer in 2010. Since then, dozens of Canadian communities have become actively engaged in living wage discussions supported by national organizations such as Vibrant Communities Canada and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

In Yellowknife, Alternatives North, with the support of Anti-Poverty Strategy dollars, are engaged in exploring what a living wage would look like in the NWT’s capital city.

The living wage movement is fairly recent to Canada, but where living wage policies have been implemented in the United States and the United Kingdom, employers and communities have realized significant benefits.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement. Mahsi.

---Unanimous consent granted

The living wage movement is fairly recent to Canada, but where living wage policies have been implemented in the United States and the United Kingdom, employers and communities have realized significant benefits including increased productivity, lower employee turnover and, most importantly, less poverty and healthier families.

I urge this government to stay tuned on what is happening with communities adopting this standard, to pay attention to the Alternatives North study and to help the communities and people of the North through establishment of living wage communities in the Northwest Territories. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I want to be short with my Member’s statement. But it’s written too long, so I’ll only use two pages here.

Mr. Speaker, it’s a great moment that we shared in this House yesterday. We sent a message to women, young and old, and to also to Canada.

Today I want to talk about our youth and the safe and healthy alternatives our Aboriginal Sport Circle of the Northwest Territories is providing to them.

We want our youth to excel. We want them to turn their positive energy into a powerful beat of a drum. The year 2014 was successful for our Aboriginal athletes, coaches and parents. The North has and will continue to produce world-class athletes. For example, the Sahtu was well represented with drummers from Fort Good Hope, in Regina, Saskatchewan. Thirty-one people from the Sahtu were on Team NWT who competed, coached and volunteered at these Aboriginal Indigenous Games.

This was a culture-filled experience with our youth. Anyone who tuned into the coverage on APTN or CKLB Radio could see and hear the great time our youth had. Not only did they compete in the traditional Aboriginal sports, they competed in canoeing and archery, or modern sports like basketball or track. They also had the opportunity to meet fellow athletes and elders from other First Nations and Aboriginal communities across Canada and the United States.

At the Cultural Village, traditional teepees were in front of the University of Saskatchewan. Northern youth showcased some of the traditional Inuit and Dene games. They drew large crowds. Many First Nations and Metis coaches were asking Team NWT if they had any play books or rule books for our games. What a testament to a diverse northern culture.

Mahsi cho to Greg Hopf, Aaron Wells, Derek Squirrel, Carson Roche, Pauline Roche, Gloria Gaudette, Freda and Gordon Taneton, Eddie Cook and all the people who put this short piece together. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Menicoche.


Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Not everything federal got transferred to the GNWT with devolution. In Fort Simpson there are about eight to 10 housing units and land that remain with the federal government.

The federal government has always held on to these homes, many of them empty, stating that they’re keeping them for future needs or federal staffing. Well, we now have many, if not all, federal responsibilities through devolution and these homes in Fort Simpson can alleviate a housing need to residents and for the future government jobs that will get devolved to Fort Simpson.

Given the newly released housing results tabled by the Minister responsible for the Housing Corporation earlier today, I have a suggestion that will improve it even more.

Mr. Speaker, at the appropriate time I will ask the Minister responsible for the Northwest Housing Corporation why was this not negotiated and transferred to our government and to the NWT Housing Corporation, so that our communities can increase their housing stock either through sales and/or through the local housing organizations.

Mr. Speaker, I want to seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.
