Debates of November 7, 2013 (day 4)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My first set of oral questions was, if I may define it as chapter one on the Deh Cho Bridge today. Now chapter two, I’d like to talk about the deficiencies and certainly the outstanding deficiencies left on the Deh Cho Bridge. I see the Minister is flipping papers so I’ll do a little bit of a stretched out intro.

The issue is such that we need to fully understand what the deficiencies are. So, I’d like to ask the Minister about some of them in particular, but let’s start off by enlightening the public. With the list of deficiencies, although I don’t have them, would the Minister be willing to table publicly what all the deficiencies are and what we estimate are the true costs of outstanding deficiencies, as well, can we compare that to the amount of money we still have left on the project to address all these deficiencies? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Minister of Transportation, Mr. Beaulieu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m not sure of what deficiencies the Member is speaking of. I know there was some work being completed on the bridge and that work is underway. I think the majority of that work is completed at this time. Thank you.

Thank you. There are a lot of deficiencies and I understand are still outstanding on this particular bridge. As such, that’s why I was asking for it publicly. I don’t have a copy, but I can certainly start with one of the deficiencies to enlighten him.

As I understand, right now the scour rock issue at the Deh Cho Bridge is still outstanding and I thought it was being addressed through a negotiated contract. Would the Minister be able to confirm if there was a negotiated contract to solve the scour rock problem and, as such, is it still in place? Because I certainly have seen not one but two tenders on the same issue come forward. So if the Minister could enlighten the House on that. Thank you.

Thank you. The piers have been mapped with scour rock over the past summer. There has been a stockpile of rock, 6,000 cubic metres of rock has been stockpiled. A public tender for shaping and placing the rock is out and it closes today. Thank you.

Thank you. So, then, there are deficiencies. Okay, so how much was the negotiated contract negotiated for with the folks in Fort Providence in partnership with Ruskin? Thank you.

Thank you. As I indicated, the tender for shaping and placing of the scour rock, the tender is out. The bids are in and the tender is closed, but I don’t have the costs because I don’t have the evaluation of the tenders at this time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Final, short supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. How much is left in the reserve to address all these deficiencies and would the Minister table publicly a list of all the deficiencies so we know what we’re dealing with? Thank you.

Thank you. There is $7 million left to do any of the deficiencies. There’s a list of deficiencies beyond the piers, the scour rock around the piers. I can present that. I could table it. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.