Debates of October 18, 2013 (day 34)
Thank you, Minister. Welcome, ladies, to the House. I’m assuming we’ll go into detail. Committee, agreed?
Thank you. If I can turn your attention to 2-2. This is a deferral, so if I could then turn to page 2-4. Human Resources, activity summary, human resources strategy and policy, infrastructure investment summary, infrastructure investments, $441,000. Does committee agree? Mr. Bromley.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. If I could just get an explanation. I understand this is for a new module for training, to manage training and employee certification. Maybe if I could just get an elaboration so I understand this. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. Minister Abernethy.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The PeopleSoft development module will support the Department of Human Resources e-performance module that we’ll launch in 2013-14 through on-line learning plans for employees. It will also support the training programs and initiatives for all GNWT departments. The e-development module will replace existing manual processes with employee self-service on-line applications, managers’ self-service approvals, provide auto enrolment, wait listing, auto notifications, and information for reporting what is not currently available.
As well, it will replace the Public Works and Services-based training calendar with our PeopleSoft functionality. In particular, the PeopleSoft e-development module maintained training programs, learning plans, courses, and course catalogues in PeopleSoft where these courses can be easily viewed on-line and related to attached jobs, employee’s positions as well as individual competencies. It will allow course enrolment on-line with a capacity to check for prerequisites, wait lists for courses already filled, handle cancellations, provide workflow and notification as well as track completions for individuals.
It also attracts certifications and compliance requirements across the GNWT, and it links training and administration directly to the current PeopleSoft HR payroll system in e-performance and will allow for future integration of the Talent Management Strategy. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thanks for that explanation. I have to say that’s pretty much all Greek to me. Let’s see if I can attempt plain language on this and get the Minister’s perspective then.
It seems like we’re moving into a more and more electronic world all the time. Some basic duties that everybody has in their jobs across the government, where normally we might scratch on our calendar or something like this or make a call to your local HR officer, now we’re doing all these things electronically. Say you ended up with a person like me in your staff, the government somewhere, I’d need to take these training courses so I could sort of look after the basic functioning of an employee. It’s nothing to do with my job really, except it might have to do with my pay or my schedule. It’s just so that I’m able to do that using the electronic software that we’re putting in place across the government. Does that sound about right? Thank you.
This training module won’t only be for PeopleSoft training; it is for training that is mandatory for GNWT employees and training that we may someday make mandatory for training employees. It will track all training.
We’re also doing e-performance on-line; we’re doing payroll on-line, so every individual employee of the GNWT has to go in and access PeopleSoft. So now they’ll have this resource available to them, basically through the same connection, that will allow them to be aware of all training that is available, whether it is mandatory or not mandatory, so that we continue to be a positive learning environment that we try to be here in the GNWT.
It allows people to put themselves on wait lists and they can be automatically notified when a training that they’re interested in that they have been wait listed on suddenly may have an opportunity for them to go.
It will also link into e-performance. We will be able to see on the performance evaluations what training they’ve completed. Usually during a performance process, they’ll identify what training is required and they’ll agree to that with their supervisor, unless of course it’s mandatory, at which point they have to do it. So this sort of brings it all together and allows the individual employees to some degree self-directed, but also there’s a little bit of a push here, as well, to keep everybody sort of moving forward and taking advantage of those opportunities that may be good for them, should they choose to take it.
Thanks to the Minister. I think that has me at least further along. So I understand now that this is also really about other kinds of training, not necessarily electronic. It might be training to become a better renewable resources officer or a better manager, personnel manager or something like that. This software is going to help track all that and keep the employee informed and the supervisor informed. I think I’m getting it. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I always wonder how many jobs we’re displacing with this electronic stuff and how much other software this covers that’s replacing PYs, but that’s the way of the world. That’s all I had. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. We’ll allow Minister Abernethy to close this.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I don’t believe this is intended, in any way, shape or form, to take jobs away. It’s intended to offer employees an opportunity to keep more on top and have us help push some of the information to them so that they can be aware.
But also, everything is manual around training right now and this gives us an opportunity to plug it into the system so it’s included on e-performance and all of those types of things. It is a useful tool.
Thank you, Minister Abernethy. Committee, we are on 2-4 in your capital estimates binder. Human resources, activity summary, human resources strategy and policy, infrastructure investment summary, infrastructure investments, $441,000. Does committee agree?
Great. If I can get you to turn to 2-2, Human Resources, department summary, infrastructure investment summary, infrastructure investments, $441,000. Does committee agree?
Does committee agree that we have concluded consideration of the Department of Human Resources?
Can I get the Sergeant-at-Arms to please escort our witnesses out. Thank you for joining us today. Ms. Bisaro.
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I move that we report progress.
Report of Committee of the Whole
Can I have the report from Committee of the Whole, please, Mr. Dolynny.
Mr. Speaker, your committee has been considering Tabled Document 107-17(4), NWT Capital Estimates 2014-2015, and would like to report progress. I move that the report of Committee of the Whole be concurred with. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you. Do I have a seconder? Ms. Bisaro.
Orders of the Day
Mr. Speaker, there will be a meeting of the Economic Development and Infrastructure committee at adjournment today.
Orders of the day for Monday, October 21, 2013, 1:30 p.m.:
Ministers’ Statements
Members’ Statements
Returns to Oral Questions
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Oral Questions
Written Questions
Returns to Written Questions
Replies to Opening Address
Reports of Standing and Special Committees
Reports of Committees on the Review of Bills
Tabling of Documents
Notices of Motion
Notices of Motion for First Reading of Bills
Motion 22-17(4), Appointment of Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Motion 23-17(4), Giant Mine Remediation
First Reading of Bills
Second Reading of Bills
Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
Bill 3, Wildlife Act
Bill 13, An Act to Repeal the Curfew Act
Bill 14, An Act to Repeal the Pawnbrokers and Second-hand Dealers Act
Bill 15, Gunshot and Stab Wound Mandatory Disclosure Act
Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Justices of the Peace Act
Bill 17, An Act to Amend the Protection Against Family Violence Act
Bill 18, Apology Act
Bill 19, Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2013
Bill 21, An Act to Amend the Dental Profession Act
Bill 22, Territorial Emblems and Honours Act
Bill 24, An Act to Amend the Liquor Act
Tabled Document 70-17(4), Electoral Boundaries Commission, Final Report, May 2013
Tabled Document 107-17(4), NWT Capital Estimates 2014-2015
Report of Committee of the Whole
Third Reading of Bills
Orders of the Day
Thank you, Mr. Clerk. Accordingly, this House stands adjourned until Monday, October 21st, at 1:30 p.m.
The House adjourned at 1:27 p.m.