Debates of October 30, 2012 (day 25)



Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I have to give praise when praise is due. This year I’m pleased to say that the Department of Transportation was able to maintain Highway No. 7 in a very drivable condition. Luckily, because we had a dry summer, road conditions did not deteriorate as much as in previous years. As a result, the region experienced an increase in tourism.

Highway No. 7 is the route to some of the Deh Cho’s most spectacular attractions, with mountain views and plenty of wildlife to be seen along the way. Tourists on Highway No. 7 can stop to fish for pike, pickerel, or grayling, have a picnic, or visit scenic Fort Liard and purchase unique Dene crafts such as birchbark baskets. Blackstone Territorial Park is on Highway No. 7 and is the entry point for rafts, canoes and kayaks on the river system, as well as people coming out of the famous Nahanni National Park Reserve.

I am pleased that more visitors were able to access these attractions on Highway No. 7 and very pleased with the attention that the Department of Transportation paid to this important road in my riding. But as I said, it was an exceptional year and we still need more improvements on Highway No. 7.

The first 20 kilometres of Highway No. 7, from the British Columbia border towards Fort Liard, should be chipsealed. This project would stimulate the regional economy by providing lower costs, and safe and reliable transportation infrastructure. Chipsealing would provide a firm road not only for residents and tourists but also for industrial users such as the planned Canadian Zinc Mine in the Deh Cho region, Nahendeh region.

Later today I will have questions for the Minister of Transportation on chipsealing the first 20 kilometres of Highway No. 7.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Member for Hay River North, Mr. Bouchard.