Debates of June 29, 2016 (day 28)


Member’s Statement on Reflections on the Current Budget Sitting

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on the last day of this session, I want to take this opportunity to speak about the work we’ve done together over the past five weeks. It has not always been an easy time for Members on either side of the House, Mr. Speaker. There have been challenges for all of us to try to find common ground, to sit through competing priorities and find areas where we can work together. But, overall, Mr. Speaker, I feel that we have had more good days than not, more days of constructive work and cooperation than times of indifference. We’ve gone through a number of steps to get here today. We came together to develop and adopt our mandate. We learned how to work together at the committee level. We reviewed and evaluated departmental business plans and then, finally, over the last six weeks we have discussed and debated the main estimates here in the House. Mr. Speaker, to be frank, when we started, I don’t think we were quite seeing eye to eye. We clearly had matters and issues between Cabinet and Regular Members that polarized us somewhat. Ultimately, through collaboration and meaningful compromise and, most importantly, respect, we found ways to lessen the gaps and bring us back to a certain level of agreement. On this final day, Mr. Speaker, I’d like to express my gratitude to all my colleagues on both sides for their hard work and effort. It can be difficult at times to move forward, but it’s important to recognize that you might not get everything you want from the process. That said, I think, collectively, we demonstrated the conviction and hard work that’s needed to find common ground that was acceptable to all and ultimately a balanced approach that serves the common good of the Northwest Territories and its people. On another note, I’d like to extend a special thank you to all the Pages who have helped us during the sitting. We simply cannot get through session without you, so thank you very much. Lastly, Mr. Speaker, I look forward to continuing the work together on our next steps, the business plan reviews and the capital budgets in the fall. I hope everyone travels safe and enjoys the summer break. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members’ statements. Member for Nunakput.