Debates of June 29, 2016 (day 28)


Minister’s Statement 73-18(2): Tlicho All-Season Road

Mr. Speaker, the Government of the Northwest Territories has made a commitment in its mandate to capture opportunities for investment in transportation infrastructure by working to secure funding to advance the Tlicho allseason road. Mr. Speaker, according to the Tlicho chief, Alfonz Nitsiza of Whati, the project will provide culture strength to the Tlicho people aside from economic benefits. This project is not only a source of future prosperity but is also a source of pride for the region. The road has been discussed by the Tlicho government as far back as 1980s, and their support is evident through the critical role they have played in advancing this project progress. The Tlicho government worked in collaboration with the Government of the Northwest Territories to complete the project description report which has been submitted on March 31st to the Wek’eezhii Land and Water Board for review and permitting. This partnership will continue to be critical to the swift success of the project as both parties await a decision on the next steps in the process. In the meantime, the funding for the project is being sought under the P3 Canada program. The department has built a strong case for investment by citing the many social and economic benefits of building this road. Transportation affects the cost of every component of the household expenditure, meaning that any improvements to transportation system will help reduce the cost of living. A yearround connection to Whati and an increased access for the communities of Gameti and Wekweeti will provide efficiencies, including lower travel time and shipping costs which will support resupply operations and businesses in the region. During mobilization and construction and demobilization, many goodpaying jobs will become available to the residents. These jobs will provide skills and training that are transferable to other industries, helping to develop a strong northern workforce. The project will have benefits beyond just Whati. For the NWT as a whole, increased access will result in new opportunities to continue developing the region’s economic potential. An allseason road would reduce the exploration and development costs for industry and attracting further investment that supports a strong NWT economy. More importantly, the road will reduce the cost of living for the residents of Whati. The construction of the road to Whati will also increase the length of the operating season for the winter roads serving the communities of Gameti and Wekweeti. Replacing the southern end of the existing winter road will help us deal with challenges arising from changing temperatures and precipitation. This will contribute to a reliable access throughout the region and help support the department’s priority for a more resilient transportation system in the face of climate change. For all these reasons, we believe our business case for the federal investment in the construction of the Tlicho allseason road is strong. In February 2016, investment in this project was included among the recommendations made in the final report of Canada’s Transportation Act review. The federal government is engaging with key stakeholders and governments and the public across Canada to discuss the report this summer. During this engagement process, our government will stress the importance of implementing all recommendations for the investment in an NWT transportation system, including the Tlicho allseason road. As we move on to the next steps of this significant project, the GNWT is pleased to have the continued partnership of the people of the Tlicho region to advance our shared visions of creating strong, prosperous, and vibrant communities. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.