Debates of June 29, 2016 (day 28)


Return to Written Question 6-18(2): Cost of Visual Identity Program

Speaker: Mr. Mercer

Mr. Speaker, I have a Return to Written Question 6-18(2) asked by Ms. Green on June 16, 2016, to the Honourable Bob McLeod, Premier, regarding the cost of the Visual Identity Program. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

What factors prompted the decision for and timing of the creation of a new visual identity?

The previous government initiated a review of the GNWT Corporate identity in 2013. This was the first review of the policy since its inception in 1990. It was determined that our logos and word marks did not meet legislated language requirements nor did they allow us to address modern applications such as web and social media.

How much was spent developing a new visual identity program, including contract costs of public and internal consultation, and for preparation, selection of and approval of design alternatives?

In 2013 a contract was established with Tait Communications for $27,263.98 to review the GNWT Corporate Identity. All subsequent work was completed within existing internal allocations and did not require supplementary funds.

How much was spent on the development of visual identity standards guides and design elements and the dissemination of guidelines and design components?

All standards, guides, guidelines, design elements and design components were developed and produced by our own in-house experts. This work was done by corporate communications and two graphic designers employed by ENR and Lands.

How much has been spent replacing pre-existing materials bearing superseded visual identity elements?

In some cases, the materials are being repurposed. For example, stationery was recycled into note pads. Otherwise, materials will be made VIP compliant at the same time they are brought into compliance with legislated language requirements or during normal, planned life-cycle replacement. This is routinely managed through multi-year planning processes. For example, the NWT health care cards were already scheduled to be replaced and thus were made VIP compliant in January; driver’s licences will be made VIP compliant in 2020, in keeping with existing plans.