Debates of October 14, 2016 (day 30)


Member’s Statement on Constituency Report Summer 2016

Merci, Monsieur le President. I would like to call this statement, "What I Did for My Summer Holidays," if I may. Right after last session ended, the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Environment held a strategic planning session that I participated in and dealt with the legislative proposal. I'll have more on that legislative proposal a little later in this session.

Rules and Procedures Committee met in July to continue work on a midterm review, code of conduct review, and improving public engagement of standing committees. In August, my wife and I travelled to Labrador's southern coast, where tourism is just beginning. We share a lot in common, including a long history of Indigenous peoples and settlers, resourcedependent economies, and changing ways of life.

Later in August, we had our Caucus retreat in Fort Providence. A big mahsi cho to the community and our colleague, the MLA for Deh Cho, for a warm reception and productive meetings.

In September, more committee work took place to review the 201718 capital and departmental budgets. Later in September, harvesting from our home garden began in earnest. We produced over five buckets of carrots, around 150 pounds or 65 kilograms. Some Members in this very Chamber have savoured these carrots, and I'm open to offers for exchanges.

More seriously, Mr. Speaker, I personally delivered a special summer newsletter to about 900 households in my riding and engaged residents wherever possible. The top issues were housing and homelessness and the state of Yellowknife's downtown area, followed closely by the need for childcare, the Con headframe, and high cost of electricity. Mr. Speaker, I will continue to work on these issues. I'll be looking for investments in housing, Yellowknife's downtown, and renewable energy in the 201718 budget. These issues are part of our mandate.

We need a costed plan to get our housing out of core need, a costed plan to get our communities off diesel, and some assistance with other heating costs and transportation, as well. That's what the federal government has said it was willing to invest in, too, and these should become the focus of our federal engagement strategy. I look forward to working towards these matters during this session. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Item 2, Members' statements. Member for Deh Cho.