Debates of February 20, 2017 (day 56)

18th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Blake, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Ms. Green, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. McNeely, Hon. Alfred Moses, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Mr. O’Reilly, Mr. Testart, Hon. Wally Schumann, Hon. Louis Sebert, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne

Thank you, Ms. Green. Minister Moses.

Thank you, Mr. Chair, and that was funding that we got from the federal government for the heavy equipment operator's facility in Fort Smith. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Minister Moses. Ms. Green.

No further questions. Thank you.

Thanks, Mr. Chair. On the same page 28, the general revenues there, it is care and storage of Government of Nunavut Museum and Archive Collection, and I know I heard the Minister say earlier that all those artifacts and archival documents and so on are, you know, out of here. So this leaves our museum, though, with not as much revenue. Can the Minister confirm that the museum is still fully funded, that there have been no cuts made at the Prince of Wales and Northern Heritage Centre? Thanks, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Mr. O'Reilly. Minister Moses.

Thank you, Mr. Chair. The previous year's funding under the care and storage for the Government of Nunavut Museum, that was funding specifically for positions to take care of the artifacts and the archives for the materials from Government of Nunavut.

Thank you, Minister Moses. Mr. O'Reilly.

Thanks. I guess I was not clear on enough, Mr. Chair, with regard to my question. So if the loss of this revenue, though, I understand there might be a staff reduction related to it, can the Minister confirm that there have been no other reductions made to the Prince of Wales and Northern Heritage Centre?

Thank you, Mr. O'Reilly. Minister Moses.

Thank you, Mr. Chair, and this revenue, as I mentioned, was specific for those positions. They were terms positions as well, so those definitely have an effect, and we are still funding the museum. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Minister Moses. Mr. O'Reilly.

Thanks, Mr. Chair. I realize I am probably the only person who is probably standing between us in getting out of here, but can the Minister tell me: is the museum still being funded at the same level in this year's budget as it was last year minus this money that came in from the Government of Nunavut? Thanks, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Mr. O'Reilly. Minister Moses.

Thank you, Mr. Chair, and yes.

Thank you, Minister Moses. Any further questions, Mr. O'Reilly? Any further questions or comments on these information items? If not, let us turn to page 27. Education, Culture and Employment, total department, $314,879,000. Does committee agree? Mr. Beaulieu.

Committee Motion 55-18(2): Tabled Document 261-18(2): Main Estimates 2017-2018, Education, Culture and Employment, Deferral of Further Consideration of the Estimates for the Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Carried

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I move that the committee defer further consideration of the estimates for the Department of Education, Culture and Employment at this time. Marci cho, Mr. Speaker.

A motion is on the floor and is being distributed. The motion is in order. To the motion.



Question has been called. All those in favour. All those opposed. The motion is carried.


Committee, the consideration of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment has been deferred. I want to thank the Minister and his witnesses. Sergeant-at-Arms, please escort the witnesses from the Chamber. Mr. Beaulieu, what is the wish of committee?

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, I move that the Chair rise and report progress. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Thank you, Mr. Beaulieu. There is a motion is on the floor to report progress.


I will now rise and report progress.

Report of Committee of the Whole

Mr. Speaker, your committee has been considering Tabled Document 26118(2), Northwest Territories Main Estimates, 2017-2018, and we would like to report progress with three motions being adopted. Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of the Committee of the Whole be concurred with. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Do I have a seconder? Member for Yellowknife North.


Orders of the Day

Speaker: Mr. Mercer

Mr. Speaker, the orders of the day for Tuesday, February 21, 2017, commencing at 1:30 p.m.:


Ministers' Statements

Members' Statements

Reports of Standing and Special Committees

Returns to Oral Questions

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery


Oral Questions

Written Questions

Returns to Written Questions

Replies to Commissioner's Opening Address


Reports of Committees on the Review of Bills

Tabling of Documents

Notices of Motion

Notices of Motion for First Reading of Bills


First Reading of Bills

Second Reading of Bills

Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters


Bill 7, An Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act


Bill 13, Marriage Act


Committee Report 6-18(2), Report on the Review of Bill 7: An Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act


Tabled Document 261-18(2), Northwest Territories Main Estimates, 2017-2018

Report of Committee of the Whole

Third Reading of Bills

Orders of the Day

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi, Mr. Clerk. This House stands adjourned until Tuesday, February 21, 2017, at 1:30 p.m.


The House adjourned at 8:04 p.m.