Debates of May 25, 2017 (day 69)

18th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Blake, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Ms. Julie Green, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. McNeely, Hon. Alfred Moses, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Mr. O’Reilly, Hon. Wally Schumann, Hon. Louis Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne

Tabled Document 339-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 516-18(2): Small Business Supports

Tabled Document 340-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 546-18(2): Promoting Tourism in Small Communities

Tabled Document 341-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 584-18(2): Socio-Economic Agreements

Tabled Document 342-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Questions 585-18(2) and 591-18(2): Ice Road Maintenance

Tabled Document 343-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 593-18(2): Yellowknife Airport Infrastructure Funding

Tabled Document 344-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Questions 612-18(2) and 635-18(2): Overflow Issues on Mackenzie Delta Highways

Tabled Document 345-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Questions 692-18(2): Public Safety on the Ingraham Trail

Tabled Document 346-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 703-18(2): Fort Providence Tourist Camp Project

Tabled Document 347-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 704-18(2): Commitment to the Manufacturing Industry

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following 12 documents entitled "GNWT Response to Committee Report 6-18(2) Report on the Review of Bill 7: An Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act"; "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 513-18(2): Sale of Mactung Mining Property;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 516-18(2): Small Business Supports;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 546-18(2): Promoting Tourism in Small Communities;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 584-18(2): Socio-Economic Agreements;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Questions 585-18(2) and 591-18(2): Ice Road Maintenance;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 593-18(2): Yellowknife Airport Infrastructure Funding;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Questions 612-18(2) and 635-18(2): Overflow Issues on Mackenzie Delta Highways;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Questions 692-18(2): Public Safety on the Ingraham Trail;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 703-18(2): Fort Providence Tourist Camp Project;" and "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 704-18(2): Commitment to the Manufacturing Industry." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Tabling of documents. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Tabled Document 348-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 651-18(2): Arsenic Levels in Kam Lake

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following document entitled "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 651-18(2): Arsenic Levels in Kam Lake." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Tabling of documents. Minister responsible for the NWT Power Corporation.

Tabled Document 349-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 571-18(2): Territorial Electrical Power Generation Asset Expansion and Replacement

Tabled Document 350-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 611-18(2): Status of GNWT Open Government Policy

Tabled Document 351-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 620-18(2): Sahtu Land Use Planning

Tabled Document 352-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 717-18(2): Land Lease Assessments and Consultations

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wish to table the following four documents entitled "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 571-18(2): Territorial Electrical Power Generation Asset Expansion and Replacement;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 611-18(2): Status of GNWT Open Government Policy;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 620-18(2): Sahtu Land Use Planning"; and "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 717-18(2): Land Lease Assessments and Consultations." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Tabling of documents. Minister for Municipal and Community Affairs.

Tabled Document 353-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 347-18(2): 911 Emergency Telephone Services

Tabled Document 354-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 359-18(2): Updating the Fire Prevention Act

Tabled Document 355-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 385-18(2): Changes to the Cities, Towns and Villages Act

Tabled Document 356-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 410-18(2): Auditor General’s Report on Municipal Services

Tabled Document 357-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 411-18(2): Ground Ambulance and Highway Rescue Services

Tabled Document 358-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 462-18(2): Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Review Final Report

Tabled Document 359-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 470-18(2): City of Yellowknife Legislative Priorities

Tabled Document 360-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 472-18(2) and 483-18(2): Status of Regional Youth and Volunteer Positions

Tabled Document 361-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 481-18(2): Environmental Liability of Riverbank Erosion

Tabled Document 362-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 640-18(2): Improving Consumer Protection

Tabled Document 363-18(2): Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 721-18(2): Fort Providence Youth Centre Proposal

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following 11 documents entitled "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 347-18(2): 911 Emergency Telephone Services;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 359-18(2): Updating the Fire Prevention Act;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 385-18(2): Changes to the Cities, Towns and Villages Act;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 410-18(2): Auditor General’s Report on Municipal Services;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 411-18(2): Ground Ambulance and Highway Rescue Services;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 462-18(2): Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Review Final Report;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 470-18(2): City of Yellowknife Legislative Priorities;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 472-18(2) and 483-18(2): Status of Regional Youth and Volunteer Positions;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 481-18(2): Environmental Liability of Riverbank Erosion;" "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 640-18(2): Improving Consumer Protection;" and "Follow-Up Letter for Oral Question 721-18(2): Fort Providence Youth Centre Proposal." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Tabling of documents. Minister of Finance.

Tabled Document 364-18(2): Additional Information for Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 606-18(2): Status of Transboundary Water Management Agreements

Tabled Document 365-18(2): Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 650-18(2): Hiring Candidates under the Affirmative Action Policy

Tabled Document 366-18(2): Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 676-18(2): Diamond Mine Environmental Agreements

Tabled Document 367-18(2): Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 680-18(2): Giant Mine Oversight Board Research Funding

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following four documents entitled "Additional Information for Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 606-18(2): Status of Transboundary Water Management Agreements;" "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 650-18(2): Hiring Candidates under the Affirmative Action Policy;" "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 676-18(2): Diamond Mine Environmental Agreements;" and "Follow-up Letter for Oral Question 680-18(2): Giant Mine Oversight Board Research Funding." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Tabling of documents. Mr. Clerk.

Tabled Document 368-18(2): Response to Petition 5-18(2): Funding for Aurora College

Tabled Document 369-18(2): Response to Petition 7-18(2): Funding for Junior Kindergarten and Other Options for Families

Speaker: Mr. Mercer

Mr. Speaker, I would like to table a response to a petition provided by the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment in response to a petition tabled by the Member for Kam Lake on February 21, 2017.

Mr. Speaker, I would like to table a response to a petition provided by the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment in response to a petition tabled by the Member for Yellowknife Centre on March 9, 2017. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Notices of Motion for First Reading of Bills

Bill 24: An Act to Amend the Coroner's Act

Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Monday, May 29, 2017, I will move that Bill 24, An Act to Amend the Coroner’s Act, be read for the first time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Notices of motion for first reading of bills. Minister of Justice.

Bill 25: An Act to Amend the Residential Tenancies Act

Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Monday, May 29, 2017, I will move that Bill 25, An Act to Amend the Residential Tenancies Act, be read for the first time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Notices of motion for first reading of bills. Minister of Infrastructure.

Bill 26: An Act to Amend the Revolving Funds Act, No. 2