Debates of March 12, 2018 (day 24)

18th Assembly, 3rd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Blake, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Ms. Green, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Hon. Alfred Moses, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Mr. O'Reilly, Hon. Wally Schumann, Hon. Louis Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne


Ministers' Statements

Minister's Statement 59-18(3): 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework

Mr. Speaker, this Legislative Assembly made a mandate commitment to develop a territorial climate change strategy that takes into account Northern energy demands and the cost of living, while reflecting international and national commitments to lower greenhouse gas emissions, exploring options for carbon pricing systems, and capturing local alternatives.

The people of the Northwest Territories are concerned about the changes they are noticing to the land and water. They want to be part of improved planning and communication around climate change, renewable energy, and energy efficiency, and they have expressed interest in transitioning to a lower carbon economy.

The 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework, which will be publically released this spring, will address the concerns and interests of our residents through three key objectives:

Transitioning to a strong, healthy economy that is 30 per cent less reliant on fossil fuels;

Improving our understanding of climate change impacts on the NWT; and

Building resilience and adapting to a changing climate.

Mr. Speaker, the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework was developed through extensive engagement with Indigenous, community, territorial, and federal governments; stakeholders, such as industry and non-government

organizations; and NWT residents. It also addresses many of the findings and recommendations outlined in the Climate Change Audit released by the Office of the Auditor General in October.

During the most recent round of public engagement, we received 145 detailed comments, which were compiled and incorporated, as appropriate, into the framework. The amount of feedback received demonstrates the importance of this issue to Northerners. A "what we heard" document summarizing these comments is being finalized and will be posted on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources website in the coming weeks.

Following the release of the Climate Change Strategic Framework, an action plan for its implementation will also be finalized. This plan will guide the NWT as we begin work to achieve the goals outlined in the framework over the next five years. Annual reviews will ensure we are making progress. Every five years, another five-year action plan will be developed so that we continue to meet the coming challenges and opportunities presented by climate change.

Partnerships with Indigenous governments, communities, and stakeholders will be critical for the successful implementation of the action plan. Environment and Natural Resources will continue strong leadership and coordination within the NWT and with other provinces, territories, and the federal government to ensure its success.

Mr. Speaker, when it is completed, the 2030 Climate Change Strategic Framework will closely align with related plans and strategies being developed by our government, including the 2030 Energy Strategy, the NWT Petroleum Resources Strategy, and our approach to carbon pricing in the NWT. This coordinated approach to energy and climate change will build on our previous successes to ensure the future sustainability of our communities and lay out a clear vision that will benefit all NWT residents.

This work will take time to achieve, Mr. Speaker, but with a clear plan, we will all benefit from this long-term vision for generations to come.

The government has worked diligently to ensure the voices of our Indigenous governments, communities, and residents have been included in this comprehensive framework that will provide us with a roadmap to greater climate change mitigation, resiliency, and adaptation over the next 12 years.

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to provide their input into the future of climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Northwest Territories, and I look forward to bringing forward the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework this spring. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: SPEAKER

Masi. Ministers' statements. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Minister's Statement 60-18(3): On The Land Collaborative Fund

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to provide Members with an update on the NWT On the Land Collaborative. We know that on the land programs contribute to community wellness, healing, healthy living, and environmental stewardship and protection. These are fundamental goals of our government's mandate. Residents have also been clear in telling us that opportunities to be on the land are important to them. That is why, in addition to community wellness and programming supports, our government worked with partners to launch a new type of funding model, the NWT On the Land Collaborative, three years ago.

The funding collaborative approach brings people together: government; the charitable sector; business and industry; and other community partners, so that we can combine our efforts and pool our resources, including funding, expertise, tools and equipment, and other supports. The Department of Health and Social Services was a proud partner in the creation of the NWT On the Land Collaborative in 2014, and has continued to work closely with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Tides Canada, and the NWT Recreation and Parks Association as the administrative leads for the collaborative.

At its heart, the collaborative's goal is to find new approaches to meet shared priorities across sectors. Businesses, governments, and charitable organizations contribute financial and human resources collectively to maximize the overall impact and benefit to NWT residents. This partnership approach has shown great success towards improving the lives and well-being of NWT residents and has proven to be an efficient and effective use of resources.

Mr. Speaker, one of the most innovative elements of the collaborative, and a key to its success, is the participation of community advisors who are appointed by participating Indigenous governments. We have been fortunate to have representatives from the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Gwich'in Tribal Council, Tlicho Government, Dehcho First Nations, NWT Metis Nation, and Akaitcho Territory Government sitting at the table as equal partners throughout the creation of the collaborative and its ongoing work. Community advisors are an amazing resource for anyone applying for funding through the collaborative, and they contribute a huge amount of time and effort towards helping people through the application process. They also provide invaluable insight and guidance to the other partners to help them make good decisions about how to allocate funding.

With the help of community advisors and the continued commitment of funding partners, this innovative approach to support land-based programming has seen tremendous success since it was first launched, and has reached an important milestone this year.

Mr. Speaker, this year the NWT On the Land Collaborative has successfully grown its funding pot to $1 million. To provide some context, three short years ago the collaborative distributed $381,850 to 35 projects in year one, followed by $634,845 for 35 projects in year two. Now, with $1 million available, this year the collaborative will support 48 land-based initiatives across the territory, with more than half of these projects receiving full funding. This remarkable growth is made possible through the increased support of existing partners and by welcoming new partners to the table.

Two more GNWT Departments have joined the collaborative and have committed time and funding this year. I would like to acknowledge my colleagues from the Departments of Education, Culture and Employment and Industry, Tourism and Investment for seeing value in the work that the collaborative makes possible. I would also like to recognize my colleague from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, who was an early partner and supporter of this initiative. Most importantly, Mr. Speaker, I want to acknowledge and congratulate the other sector partners for believing in the On the Land Collaborative and recognize their continued support: Tides Canada, Dominion Diamond Corporation, the NWT Recreation and Parks Association, the Indigenous Leadership Initiative, the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, Diavik Diamond Mine, Health Canada, and the Gordon Foundation.

As has been the case in previous years, a wide range of grant amounts and project types will be supported in 2018. Small grant recipients include an ice fishing program in Whati and a land and culture-based retreat for LGBTQ+ students and their allies in the South Slave. Medium-sized grants will allow the Ulukhaktok Community Corporation to run a summer language camp for young people in their community, and Chief Julius School in Fort McPherson to immerse students in traditional Gwich'in culture while travelling on the Peel River. Large grants have been awarded to the Dehcho First Nations' Stewardship and Guardian Program, and the Tulita Dene Band's walking journey along traditional trails for elders and youth.

Mr. Speaker, on behalf of all of the collaborative partners, I want to congratulate all of the recipients and thank all of the applicants for their leadership and dedication to on the land activities in their communities. I also want to recognize all of the partners whose continued commitment to the NWT On the Land Collaborative is supporting meaningful programming in our communities and is contributing to the health and wellness of our residents. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Ministers' statements. Minister of Infrastructure.

Minister's Statement 61-18(3): Transportation Corridors

Mr. Speaker, as per the mandate of the Government of the Northwest Territories and the commitments made in the 25-year Transportation Strategy, the Government of the Northwest Territories has been working to secure funding to advance planning and construction of critical transportation corridors in the Northwest Territories.

The Government of the Northwest Territories' three proposed transportation corridors, the Tlicho all-season road, the Slave Geological Province Access Corridor, and the Mackenzie Valley Highway, will bring great benefits to the Northwest Territories. These corridors will connect residents to the services they rely on, stabilize the cost of living, provide well-paying jobs and training opportunities, and increase our resiliency to the effects of climate change. The corridors will also support northern industry and businesses by providing a gateway for increased trade and development.

We are getting closer to improving access for residents of the Tlicho region. The Tlicho all-season road project will be funded using a P3 model, with the Government of Canada covering 25 per cent of the costs. In December 2017, the GNWT signed the final financial agreement for the project with Canada and issued a request for proposals for construction. Three preferred proponents identified through the request for qualifications stage were invited to submit proposals. The RFP was released in alignment with the environmental regulatory schedule, and will allow ample time for the proponents to prepare the required documents. A report of environmental assessment is expected to be released by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board later this month.

Mr. Speaker, as we await critical decisions regarding the Tlicho all-season road, the Government of the Northwest Territories continues to work with the federal government to deliver meaningful investment in the two other transportation corridors. In November of last year, the Government of the Northwest Territories submitted comprehensive project proposals for the Slave Geological Province Access Corridor and Mackenzie Valley Highway to Transport Canada for funding consideration under the National Trade Corridors Fund. Up to $400 million in funding is being dedicated to transportation projects in the three territories under this program. The funding allocated to projects will be based on merit, with a focus on trade corridor efficiency and reliability.

Construction of an all-weather road into the Slave Geological Province Access Corridor would address the lack of access to this mineral-rich part of Canada. The project would increase our resiliency to the impacts of climate change, while significantly reducing associated additional costs and operational difficulties for the mining industry. All-weather road access would also support the delivery of green energy projects, such as the Taltson Hydro Expansion Project, which would ensure a more sustainable energy system for the Northwest Territories and Canada.

Extension of the all-weather Mackenzie Valley Highway would increase intercommunity mobility in the Sahtu Region. The Government of the Northwest Territories is working closely with the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated to advance the project. The highway would replace the existing winter road into the region, which is currently affected by the impacts of climate change, resulting in increased maintenance costs, travel and resupply delays, and potential safety risks. It would allow for increased traffic volumes and weights along this corridor, resulting in efficiencies in the delivery of essential goods and lowering the cost of living in communities. Increased economic development could be enabled by providing increased access to mineral and petroleum resources in the region and reducing costs of production and exploration.

The Government of the Northwest Territories' proposals under the National Trade Corridors Fund identified funding for all project phases, with a focus on next priority phases. This includes replacement of the Frank Channel Bridge for the Slave Geological Province Access Corridor, construction of the Great Bear River Bridge for the Mackenzie Valley Highway, and undertaking environmental assessment and planning activities for both projects. It is anticipated that decisions around this first round of proposals will be announced in April.

These project proposals will also be shared with the Canada Infrastructure Bank, as there is significant opportunity to fund other phases of both projects under the bank. The Infrastructure Bank will provide $35 billion over 11 years using loans, loan guarantees, and equity investments. The bank will focus its investments on large, transformative, revenue-generating projects, including transportation networks. At this time, we are still awaiting additional details about the operations of the bank.

Mr. Speaker, we are in the early days with regard to the extension of the all-weather Mackenzie Valley Highway and the Slave Geological Province Access Corridor. As we move toward securing funding for the projects, we will continue to engage Indigenous groups and work with them to take advantage of the benefits that the projects will bring. We will also work closely with these groups and our counterparts in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to ensure ongoing protection of wildlife and the natural environment.

Mr. Speaker, strong, effective partnerships with the federal government and Indigenous governments are essential to the success of these projects. Together, we can improve transportation connectivity across the territory, helping achieve our social and economic goals and improve the quality of life of the North. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Members' Statements

Member's Statement on 2018 Arctic Winter Games

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, can you feel it? Can you feel the excitement? It's in the air because the 2018 Arctic Winter Games are almost here. The towns of Hay River and Fort Smith have been busy for the past three years getting ready for the 25th Arctic Winter Games, and now the final preparations are being made to put on what will undoubtedly be the biggest event this territory has seen in the past decade, and that is being modest.

We are less than a week away from the opening ceremonies on March 18th at the Hay River Recreation Centre. Mr. Speaker, what a way to break in the brand new recreation centre, and when I say brand new, I mean brand new. It opens tomorrow.

Mr. Speaker, it's a thing of beauty. That facility is undeniably the most beautiful sports and recreation centre in the NWT, and it alone is worth a trip to Hay River.

The opening ceremonies will be a spectacle that you do not want to miss, but that is just one of the many things to see and do during the week-long games.

Do you like sports? There will be badminton, ski biathlon, snowshoe biathlon, Dene games, dog mushing, futsal, gymnastics, hockey, snowshoeing, volleyball, wrestling. I am still going, Mr. Speaker. There will be arctic sports, basketball, cross-country skiing, curling, figure skating, snowboarding, speed skating, and table tennis. Hay River is host to 11 events. Fort Smith is hosting nine.

There will be competitors from Nunavut; Yukon; Nunavik; Northern Alberta; Greenland; Alaska; Yamalo, Russia; Sapmi; and, of course, the Northwest Territories. The 353 Members of Team NWT include athletes, coaches, mission staff, and cultural performers, and I have to give a shout-out to the participants from Hay River North, athletes Trey Beck, Riella Bordey, Nicole Griffiths, Layne Leonard, Chandelle Leonard, and coach Therese Fordy.

If sports aren't your thing, that's not a problem, Mr. Speaker, because each contingent is bringing cultural delegates who will showcase cultures and talents from around the circumpolar world. There will be daily cultural performances in Fort Smith and a cultural gala on March 23rd at Fort Smith's Catholic cathedral. The Arctic Winter Games marketplace will be held at the Chief Sunrise school gym at the K'atlodeeche First Nation Reserve, and it will be a must-see. There are also to be a number of exhibits and workshops in both communities that you will not want to miss.

There is going to be a lot to see, so don't forget to bring your camera, and, when you are taking a selfie with Kechi, the AWG mascot, don't forget to wear your official Arctic Winter Games gear, available at stores throughout the South Slave.

Finally, thank you to the host society, the sponsors, and all of the volunteers who are making these games a reality, and, of course, good luck to all of the athletes. So come one, come all, and find your power at the 2018 Arctic Winter Games. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

What a way to start Monday afternoon. Members' statements. Member for Frame Lake.

Member's Statement on Giant Mine Remediation Project Socio-Economic Benefits

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don't know if I can top that. So, I attended a public meeting on the Giant Mine remediation project last week. This will be the largest-ever project for Yellowknife, at over $1 billion, with up to 250 to 300 jobs for at least 10 years, then jobs in perpetual care. The federal government awarded the main construction management contract to US-based Parsons Corporation, a US company. The $600 million contract will begin as early as 2020 and may run as long as 22 years.

While our community continues to deal with the terrible legacies of the Giant Mine, the remediation represents a very significant opportunity for major socio-economic benefits. Unfortunately, the federal government does not have strong procurement requirements for northern benefits. For example, in the main construction management contract, only 10 per cent of the total hours are targeted for Indigenous employees, with only a 2 per cent penalty if the target is not met.

The federal government wants to use Parsons to manage the remaining work and incorporate unknown northern targets. There does not appear to be any overall socio-economic benefits strategy with clear targets or binding minimum requirements: not good enough.

For the diamond mines, northern employment targets range from 30 to 60 per cent, increasing during the operational phase. Local purchase of goods and services targets range from 28 to 70 per cent, again increasing with the operational phase. There are additional requirements for literacy training, employment of women, monitoring, and reporting. None of these things seem to be in place for the Giant Mine remediation.

This project has the potential to develop world-class expert capacity in remediation management, supply, and technology. A huge amount of remediation work is still required in the North, including the more than 700 sites identified under the devolution agreement and others such as Norman Wells and Faro, in the Yukon.

There have to be better ways to ensure Northerners benefit from the remediation at Giant Mine. To get around federal restrictions, we need a formal socio-economic agreement for this project so that funds flow through GNWT as we seem to be able to incorporate more comprehensive targets than the federal government is willing to set. I will have questions for the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources about northern benefits to be gained from the Giant Mine remediation and how we can begin to develop the remediation economy. Mahsi. Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Nahendeh.

Member's Statement on Recognition of Volunteer Darcy Lafferty

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in times of hardship, the communities of the Nahendeh riding always come together. A valuable Member of the riding is Darcy Lafferty of Fort Simpson.

For the last couple of years, Darcy has been a reliable non-medical escort for many patients in the Nahendeh riding. He realized the value of being a non-medical escort after he escorted his father when he was ill. Darcy began accompanying friends and family so that he could be there for them in their time of need, like he was there for his father. Soon enough, Darcy became known as a very reliable escort by all patients, so they began to request him by name.

Thus far, Darcy Lafferty has escorted patients on more than 70 appointments. Although most trips are to Yellowknife, Darcy has accompanied patients to Edmonton. His longest trip was six days long. He sits next to the patients going to and from Yellowknife or Edmonton and riding back home to and from appointments, and calming their nerves when they are nervous. He is relied upon by the patients and residents. He puts them at ease and ensures that the patient knows what is going on. He is punctual in getting them to their appointments and making sure he has all the patients need.

Darcy is always prepared. For himself, he always has a packed bag at home in case he comes back from escorting one patient and has to go the next day escorting another. Despite facing difficult challenges during certain medical trips, Darcy continues to serve with a smile and continues to accept patients when requested. Darcy's commitment while escorting patients is 24/7. He never leaves the patients, even during times outside of the medical appointment. Darcy is so reliable that other patients at the boarding home who Darcy is not escorting will request his assistance. Darcy gladly helps them out after checking that the patient he is escorting is okay with them.

Mr. Speaker, Darcy has served a valuable role for our medical system, supporting patients. Unfortunately, it is tiring and he has missed out on employment opportunities as a result. An ironic thing about this is that, when Darcy required a medical escort, he had nobody available.

Due to challenges in our region, it is increasingly difficult to find non-medical travel escorts. Some patients have no families to accompany him, and those close to them are unable to leave home and Darcy is their saving grace. I would like to thank Darcy from myself and the residents. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Deh Cho.

Member's Statement on K'atlodeeche First Nation Access Road

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dare I say it, Mr. Speaker? It seems that spring is coming to our land. The sun is back, and we will soon see melt water at the ends of the ice crossing between the town of Hay River and the reserve. The people of the K'atlodeeche First Nation love the spring, but the closing of the ice crossing over the Hay River is very inconvenient for them. Unfortunately, people will soon be dodging the pockmarks and potholes that riddle the chip seal of the all-season access road linking the reserve to the highway and into Hay River. Last fall, the access road was at its worst. There are drainage problems in addition to the cracks and potholes. People do slow down, but the fact is that too many surface hazards compromise the safety of the road.

Mr. Speaker, residents complained to me and to the chief and council that the road was so bad that it was causing damage to their vehicles. I have raised this issue with the Minister of Infrastructure before and remember that there were plans to repair and resurface the road. There was a rare time when I was glad to see a sign "road work ahead." Now that it is almost spring, I am full of optimism that the actual road work is not far ahead. I know that the Minister must regularly drive the access road between Hay River and the reserve and probably feels a burning desire to see the job done in the upcoming construction season. I'm also optimistic that, in the time that has passed, the Minister has been able to work out many issues with the Government of Canada, but who is responsible for what in maintaining the access road?

Mr. Speaker, you can tell the spring sunshine is getting to me and perhaps all the time we've spend indoors lately. I'm dying to get out there, so I'll make the Minister of Infrastructure a rare offer. Short of putting me on a big machine or handing me a shovel, I'm here to help, Mr. Speaker. Perhaps you will spend some quality time with me fixing the road access to the Hay River reserve. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife North.

Member's Statement on TerraX Minerals Greenstone Belt Project

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Yellowknife is the gateway to the Slave Geological Province. The Greenstone Belt runs north through Yellowknife with high potential for generating wealth. In fact, a number of projects are reawakening in the area, promising jobs and prosperity for generations to come.

There are just six high-grade gold districts in Canada, and ours appears to be the most promising. It is the least explored, yet has the greatest potential. The other five districts have all been long-term, multi-generational economic and social drivers for their communities and provinces. The Yellowknife Gold District dropped off the radar when Giant and Con mines closed. At that time, gold was closer to $225 an ounce. Now it's almost $1,700 per ounce.

Mr. Speaker, TerraX has been steadily promoting the Yellowknife City Gold Project. This company has been open, proactive, and transparent. It has engaged with numerous stakeholder groups and continues to do so before each year's exploration program.

Six years ago, TerraX started with 26 square kilometres. It has now expanded to 770 square kilometres in an area that includes three past producing mines. It has taken over 10,000 samples, held over 12,000 engagements, drilled over 50 kilometres of core sample, and is always seeking to exploit new technologies. The Yellowknife City Gold Project has grown into a world-class district and, as we know, it opens the corridor north into the Slave Geological Province.

In last Wednesday's paper, TerraX listed many of the community's recreational, educational, tourism, and scientific events that the company supports. Many of these events share the legacy of exploration trails in the area. Rather than restrict access, TerraX actively promotes the safe coordinated co-usage of our surrounding trails and ice roads.

Mr. Speaker, proponents of the project believe that responsible, environmentally sustainable development can generate a century of social and economic prosperity for the Yellowknife Gold District. It's an opportunity for long-term, multi-generational training, employment, and wealth that can support clean jobs, independent families, and healthy communities well into the future.

Mr. Speaker, the Greenstone Belt to the Slave Geological Province holds the potential for wealth that can offer us that future. Mr. Speaker, it's up to us to seize the opportunity and make that future possible. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Kam Lake.

Member's Statement on Commonwealth Day

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Visitors to the Legislative Assembly today may have noticed the Union Jack flying over our building, and that is because today is Commonwealth Day, the annual celebration of the Commonwealth of Nations, which throughout the world is being celebrated by the organization 53 member states.

More than 2.4 billion people live in those 53 nations that make up the Commonwealth, accounting for 30 per cent of the world's population and representing every continent on earth. The theme of this year's celebration is "Towards a Common Future." This day not only symbolizes the continued connection to our heritage, but demonstrates how institutions that stem from that heritage, like the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, will remain vital for the continued success and prosperity of all sibling nations of the Commonwealth.

Earlier today, Her Majesty the Queen attended a multi-faith service at Westminster Abbey and gave her annual address, this year centering on solving important global challenges like ensuring environmental sustainability and promoting fairness and equality. As we enter the 66th year of her rein, the Queen, more now than ever, acts as a living embodiment of stability and continuity, which are the foundational principles of the Commonwealth. Her Majesty's grace and leadership continues to inspire all member nations and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, of which this Assembly is a member.

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is an organization which works to support good governance, democracy, and human rights. It strives to create the conditions throughout its member states and all nations of the world where we can work together to secure a more sustainable, prosperous, fair, and safer Commonwealth for all. I have had the pleasure of being involved with this organization for a few years now and can attest to the work and benefits that come from having this form for leaders across the 53 nations to meet and accomplish goals that will lead us towards a common future.

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand as a member of this House and as part of a Parliamentary tradition that stretches back hundreds of years. Commonwealth Day is an important opportunity to celebrate this heritage as a beacon for stability in an ever more unstable world. Let's take this time on Commonwealth Day to celebrate the continued peace, order, and good governance Commonwealth nations have fostered together. Let us also recognize the good works brought forth by continued cooperation within our Commonwealth like the CPA, and finally let us take a moment to recognize her Majesty the Queen.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Happy Commonwealth Day, and God Save the Queen.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife Centre.

Member's Statement on Role of the Status of Women Council

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Last Thursday, I asked some questions of the Minister responsible for the Status of Women about the NWT Status of Women Council. She indicated that the board, under her direction, is moving the council in a new direction that is contrary to its mandate. Following that discussion, I read the Status of Women Council Act. The legislation says the council has an outward-looking focus with the following purposes: to develop public awareness of issues affecting the status of women, to promote a change in attitude so women have equality of opportunity, to encourage discussion on the status of women, to advise the Minister on issues she refers to the Council, to review government policies and legislation, to provide assistance to the Minister in promoting change, and, finally, to assist organizations that promote women's equality.

Mr. Speaker, the Status of Women Council has a current strategic plan. Its goals mirror those in the legislation and provide for a continuation of its current work, such as offering campaign schools, chairing the Coalition Against Family Violence, and organizing Family Awareness Week and the December 6th Vigil. It also provides for them to continue in a public role advocating for women's equality. Even though this plan was developed in the time the Minister has been Minister, there is no mention of undertaking gender-based analysis, although the act provides her with the authority to request this work.

Mr. Speaker, we know that the Wise Women Awards have been suspended, we're told, for the time being. The campaign schools are now being offered by the Department of the Executive and Indigenous Affairs. Until today, the Coalition against Family Violence featured prominently on the EIA website.

Looking at this range of changes, I'm concerned that the Minister is moving the council from its core, publicly focused mandate and advocacy, and that activities which should remain as arm's length activism are being undertaken under government control.

Mr. Speaker, change is inevitable and change may be good, but change behind closed doors and without public consultation that fundamentally alters the council's presence is unacceptable in a government that provides itself on openness and transparency. I will have questions for the Minister. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statement. Member for Nunakput.

Member's Statement on Arctic Council Environmental Assessment Workshops

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I would like to highlight an exciting event that is taking place here in Yellowknife on April 24th to 26th. Mr. Speaker, the Arctic Council will hold its Sustainable Development Working Group in town conducting workshops on Environmental Impact Assessment and public participation in the Arctic. Mr. Speaker, this will be the third environmental impact assessment workshop following the first in Alaska themed "Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous People within the Environmental Impact Assessment" and the second one in Finland themed "Nordic Possibilities and Perspectives to Environmental Impact Assessments in the Arctic."

The Arctic Council's Sustainable Working Group aims to propose and adopt steps to be taken by the Arctic states to advance sustainable development in the Arctic. The EIA project of this working group aims at taking into consideration local and traditional knowledge to identify solutions that are specific to Arctic nations and the vulnerable Arctic environment. The theme for the Yellowknife workshop will be "Good Practices in Arctic Environmental Assessment Impact."

Mr. Speaker, this is a great opportunity to get to know some of the important work the Arctic Council does, especially given the relevance of the workshop to our resource-rich territory. This is also an opportunity for us to show our expertise, not only on environmental assessments, but also in environmental stewardship, Indigenous collaboration, and Indigenous and local knowledge.

Mr. Speaker, we expect that all the NWT environmental review boards will attend, as well as Nunavut, as well as some local and Indigenous leaders. The workshop, again, will take place on April 24th to 26th here in Yellowknife. For more information and to get on the invitation list, contact Matt Bender with Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs. Mr. Speaker, I look forward to seeing our world-class northern Environmental Impact Review Boards highlighted at this important event. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Member's Statement on Eulogy for Arthur "Archie" Beaulieu

Marsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it is with a heavy heart that I speak today about the passing of a well-known, respected artist named Arthur Beaulieu, who was known to everyone as "Archie."

"Archie was a humble man. He didn't care too much for luxury. He just lived a simple life. He was always smiling, laughing, and joking with those around him. He was an inspiration to a lot of youth. Archie was one to break the ground. His career, his fame, and financial success were an inspiration to future generations of Behchoko. Everything he did was for his family." Those kind words were expressed by Archie's first cousin Maurice Zoe.

Mr. Speaker, Archie was born August 16, 1952, in Behchoko and sadly passed away on November 10, 2017, at age 65. Archie was a son of Joseph Susie Beaulieu and Sarah Zoe. Archie is predeceased by four siblings, George, Marie Rose, Therese, and Patrick. Archie is survived by: his wife, Rosa Wedawin Beaulieu; his seven children, Jeffrey, Christine, Brenda, Beamer, Lester, Star, and Corey; his four siblings, Berna, Mabel, Frances, and Alfred. He also had 15 grandchildren.

Mr. Speaker, Archie was my cousin. Over the years, I had visited with him many times. I went to see him in his home to look at his art gallery. He had also come to my home many times. He was always pleased to see other Tlicho artists doing so well. I would like to extend my condolences to Archie's family, friends, and the community of Behchoko. They have truly lost a wonderful person. Marsi cho, Mr. Speaker.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Colleagues, I would like to draw your attention to some visitors in the gallery. We have with us a group of students in the chamber here today. Ecole Entre-Lacs from Penticton, visiting Yellowknife for the first time. We have the principal and two teachers. Also with them is Ross Fortin. He is a former RCMP member for Yellowknife. I would just like to say, "Welcome back and thanks for being here with us." Masi. [English translation not provided]. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Great Slave.

Mr. Speaker, I’d like to recognize some of the partners in the NWT On the Land Collaborative as visitors in the gallery today: Sarah Dennis, Regional Environmental Coordinator with ENR; Jess Dunkin, director of On the Land Programs with the NWT Recreations and Parks Association; John B. Zoe, the community advisor for the Tlicho Region; Winter Haley, Communities and Communications Advisor with Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.; Steven Nitah and Barrett Sonny Lenoir with the Indigenous Leadership Initiative; Angela Young, coordinator, and Jackie Siegel, project coordinator, with the Indigenous Languages and Education Secretariat at ECE; Kyla Kakfwi Scott, senior advisor, Anti-Poverty with Health and Social Services. Welcome. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Marsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I gave a eulogy for the late Archie Beaulieu. I wanted to recognize Archie's sisters, Berna Beaulieu, Frances Erasmus, and Mabel Deiner, and also his cousins, Louise Beaulieu and John B. Zoe. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Inuvik Boot Lake.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to welcome Roger Epp, the director of the University of Alberta North, to the House today. As usual, all the youth who are visiting from Penticton, welcome. I hope you had a good tour and enjoy the city of Yellowknife. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Yellowknife North.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, would like to recognize my friend Roger Epp. He is a professor at the University of Alberta, mostly with political science, but as the Minister indicated, he is the director of University of Alberta North. Welcome and thank you for being here.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Nahendeh.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize Debra Richards. She is my new constituent assistant. She is a former fire chief for the Hamlet of Enterprise. She is a former youth ambassador. Welcome to her. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Range Lake.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize Ms. Louise Beaulieu, who used to work with me at the Yellowknife Women's Society, the homeless shelter for women, and who I consider a close friend. Thank you.