Debates of March 15, 2018 (day 27)


Question 275-18(3): Location of New Lands Positions

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in the 2018-2019 Main Estimates, the Department of Lands plans to roll out several new positions to work on land tender issues, including land leases in my riding of Deh Cho. My questions are to the Minister of Lands. Of course, my intention is to seek some clarity in terms of how the land lease issues would be addressed. My first question is to the Minister: can the Minister explain why two positions are going to Fort Smith when there are only six land leases in Fort Smith? Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Lands.

As Members will know, the number of positions for this task of resolving a long-standing issue of equity leases has gone from three to five. The initial training will be in Fort Smith. There is a support staff there. There are trained people, both working currently and those who have retired, therefore I thought that it would be sensible and most efficacious if there was a group of people working together. Since we do have trained staff there, we thought it best that two of the five positions would be and remain in Fort Smith. Thank you.

Could the Minister explain the criteria for selecting these communities? It's clear that the Minister has made a decision for his community of Fort Smith. The other communities, I understand there are other criteria that could be objectively used. One such criterion could be, you know, office space.

As I mentioned earlier, there are trained people in Fort Smith. Plus, those who are currently working and those who are retired can assist in training the five candidates for these positions. As proposed, we are going to have two positions remaining in Fort Smith. Two of the positions will be in Fort Smith. One will be in Inuvik, one in Yellowknife, and one in either Fort Simpson or Fort Providence. Now, there are many considerations that will have to go into the placement of those positions, whether in Fort Simpson or Fort Providence; the availability of candidates, office space, and support.

Would the Minister agree that one criteria could be the number of fees that are currently being addressed? Fort Providence, for one, has the highest number of land leases. Would the Minister agree to have a position situated in Fort Providence?

The review of these leases will of course take some time, and I do not think it's necessary that the staff be located in the exact location where the leases exist, so, therefore, we thought it most efficient that there be a team of people put together in Fort Smith so there is experienced staff there. As proposed, two of the candidates will remain in Fort Smith, the others will be one in Yellowknife, one in Inuvik, and one in either Fort Providence or Fort Simpson.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Oral questions. Member for Deh Cho.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in the name of efficiency, sometimes small communities are the affected communities because we lose positions to regional centres and headquarters. I am optimistic that the Minister could work with my riding, with the leadership of my riding and community. Would the Minister commit to getting back to me by May 24th with perhaps a formal decision to ensure that the position is in fact placed in Fort Providence? Mahsi.

I don't know whether we would be able to identify candidates and resources by May 24th. That is the issue, so I cannot make that commitment. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Hay River North.