Debates of May 28, 2018 (day 30)

18th Assembly, 3rd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Blake, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Ms. Green, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. McNeely, Hon. Alfred Moses, Mr. O'Reilly, Hon. Wally Schumann, Hon. Louis Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne

Question 304-18(3): Campsite Expansion

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier today the Minister mentioned in his statement that it is Tourism Week. My questions today are for the Minister of ITI. As we know, tourism is having a big impact here in the North, all year round now, and NWT parks experienced 35,000 visitors in the last year, and campgrounds seem to be booked year over year, so I would like to ask the Minister: can the Minister please give us an update on what the GNWT's investments are expected this year, maybe even next year, for the purpose of expanding campgrounds or maybe even building brand new campgrounds? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I did in my Minister's statement, I said that ITI is going to be spending $7 million on parks infrastructure in this coming year, which is a significant investment across the parks system. One of the things that we need to make quite clear: we are almost a victim of our own success here around tourism, because the growth has been so substantial and the pressures put on the system have been enormous. I commend the department for all of the hard work they are doing. As I said, we are spending $7 million on the parks system this year, which includes a lot of money in all the regions. We have six regions that we have to look after, even though Yellowknife probably has the most pressure right now, with the amount of people who are using the parks in the NWT, especially on a daily basis.

Like I said in my Minister's statement, we are spending $1 million on project design to attract the visitors across the Northwest Territories in this coming fiscal year. We are spending $200,000 around community tourism infrastructure programs to help build transformative tourism infrastructure in small communities, so, with the limited amount of funds that we do have, I think the department is doing a great job. As I have said, I think we are a victim of our own success.

Thank you to the Minister. Yes, we indeed are blessed with great tourism opportunities. I guess maybe what I should have done was be a little bit more specific. I would like to ask the Minister if there are any plans for investments with regard to the campsites up and down the Ingraham Trail, as it relates to specifically expanding campgrounds to meet this high demand and/or even look at opportunities to build new ones? I know that, last year or the year before, the department did do a new loop out at Prelude main, but are there plans in the capital plan for the next five years, 10 years, to help meet this demand by building more campsites on Ingraham Trail?

As I said, we are spending $7 million on park infrastructure this year. In my notes, just in the North Slave, I think going forward for this capital year, we are going to spend roughly $1.384 million in the North Slave region. There is going to be money spent at Fred Henne Park, Prosperous Lake boat launch, Powder Point Territorial Park, Fred Henne kitchen shelter, Prelude Territorial Park boat launch, North Arm Territorial Park in the Monfwi area, and Prelude Lake Territorial Park loop D needs to be finished up, as well. So there is significant money that is going to be spent in the North Slave region, and we will continue, as we go forward in the next capital budget cycle, to look at our needs assessment as we look at all the parks across the whole system and what investments we need, and, with the help of this House, where we are going to target those investments.

Thank you to the Minister for that reply. Everybody is grateful for the contributions and investments that the government is making. In particular, the residents of Yellowknife North are grateful for the investments on Ingraham Trail, or all Yellowknifers and visitors here, quite frankly.

I mentioned in my statement that maybe it is time to reach out to potential partners to further exploit this great tourism opportunity, and I am just wondering: can the Minister tell us if he or his department staff have had any discussions with, say, the City of Yellowknife, a private enterprise, maybe even non-profits, the Yellowknives Dene, about opportunities to partner or building and maintaining additional campgrounds?

If those types of conversations took place, they would have taken place at a level below me. I could certainly have a look at that. I think that one of the things going forward, something that has crossed my mind is particularly the Fred Henne Park, which is right here in the City of Yellowknife. I think we need to have a discussion of maybe the city wants to take that over or maybe the YK Dene or somebody. There is an opportunity there, I think, for either one of them to latch onto that, and we can have a discussion around that.

As far as expanding new parks across the system, I am not aware of any conversations that have taken place so far.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Yellowknife North.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, indeed, I believe that there are possible opportunities, but the conversation has to start somewhere. The Minister did mention the City of Yellowknife and the potential for Fred Henne. I mean, thinking also of Folk on the Rocks, maybe with the Yellowknives Dene down at the Yellowknife River, some things along those lines, but we have got to start somewhere with these conversations, because there is definite need.

With that said, talking about earlier, there is demand all year round now for tourism in the Northwest Territories, and particularly Yellowknife. I am wondering if the department has given any consideration to opening up some of the campground sites in the wintertime, like actually ploughing some snow and making it accessible, say, at Fred Henne and maybe Prelude Lake to allow some of the aurora tourism to take place in those places instead of being parked in every ditch and nook and cranny on Ingraham Trail? Is there an opportunity for this sort of thing, Mr. Speaker? I would like to ask the Minister. Thank you.

Yes, I believe those conversations have taken place, and the department is looking at what we can do particularly around opening up some of these parks, particularly on the Ingraham Trail around the wintertime. It is a serious safety issue, I believe, with the amount of traffic that is on there, with the amount of loads that are going to the mines.

We have a number of tourists. Operators are well aware of the situation. They are trying to run safely and look after their customers, but one of the concerns is these independent tourists, if we want to call it that. They come here, they rent a vehicle, and they go out on the Ingraham Trail. They want to see the northern lights, and they park on the side of the highway. That is a concern of ours, and we are trying to address that through signage and communications around that, but I think the department is looking at bringing something forward where we can open up these parks in a more meaningful way to get these people off the road system, particularly in the wintertime. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.