Debates of October 12, 2018 (day 36)

18th Assembly, 3rd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Mr. Beaulieu, Mr. Blake, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Ms. Green, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. McNeely, Hon. Alfred Moses, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Nakimayak, Mr. O'Reilly, Hon. Wally Schumann, Hon. Louis Sebert, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Vanthuyne


Ministers’ Statements

Minister's Statement 94-18(3): Fiscal and Economic Update

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I want to take this opportunity to update Members on our fiscal and economic situation and some of our ongoing challenges.

When I presented the 2018-2019 budget in February, I noted the progress we had made towards our fiscal strategy but also described our revenue challenges, with total revenue for 2018-2019 expected to be about $120 million less than 2016-2017 revenues. This decline in revenue over a two-year period has presented an enormous challenge for our government. We have met that challenge through careful management of expenditure growth, while still advancing actions described in the mandate of the 18th Legislative Assembly.

Mr. Speaker, we are now at about the mid-point of the fiscal year, and I can report that we continue to be on track, with signs of very modest improvements in our fiscal environment in the future.

For 2018-2019, federal infrastructure contributions are responsible for slightly higher revenues than expected at the time of the 2018-2019 main estimates. As the planned infrastructure contributions grow over the next few years, our revenues will also grow. Additionally, we are seeing indicators of improved stability in our own-source revenues over the next few years and modest increases in our Territorial Formula Financing Grant from Canada.

Mr. Speaker, as Members know, we need to balance revenue growth with expenditure growth unless we plan to continually take on more debt. We are all aware of our expenditure pressures, including the impacts of the aging population, the need for strategic investments in education and wellness, the importance of strategic infrastructure and other investments to support our economy, and the importance of reaching a fair collective agreement with our employees.

This Legislative Assembly and future Legislative Assemblies will need to continue to carefully manage our financial resources to ensure our overall sustainability to help create a future where our people can thrive and be healthy, where a well-managed environment contributes to our economic well-being and quality of life, and where a strong economy provides jobs and opportunities for our communities as well as funding for community governments.

Mr. Speaker, the NWT economy continues to show mixed results. Indicators like retail and wholesale trade, labour income, and diamond production all show strong growth on a year-to-date basis compared to the same period in 2017. Information on resident employment, income support cases, and the overall territorial population show deterioration compared with the same period in 2017.

The medium-term forecast for our economy needs to reflect the reality that the NWT economy continues to be built on the foundation of resource development and will continue to be into the future. We need to face the reality that our diamond mines are maturing, and we cannot take our economic foundation for granted. We need to continue to make strategic investments in our infrastructure and continue to build our base through diversifying our economy. The Northern Prosperity Economic Symposium that was held in early October and included leaders from the GNWT and Indigenous governments reinforced the importance of finding concrete ways to work together to support a prosperous and strong territory.

Mr. Speaker, during this sitting, we will be considering the Capital Estimates 2019-2020. As part of this plan, we are proposing $118 million for highways, $93 million for social infrastructure, $42 million for energy projects, $29 million for community governments, and $62 million in other projects in support of program delivery. This investment creates important economic activity and jobs throughout the Northwest Territories.

The Northwest Territories and our government are facing significant economic challenges, but I hope that I can provide to this House and to the residents of our territory some assurance that this government will always remain mindful of our long-term financial objectives and the future well-being of the people we were elected to serve. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Ministers' statements. Minister responsible for NWT Housing Corporation.

Minister's Statement 95-18(3): Housing Actions in the Tlicho Region

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation has been working collaboratively with the Tlicho Government to address critical housing issues in the Tlicho region. In order to meet this government’s commitments to address the cost of living, the Housing Corporation is continuing to implement northern solutions for northern housing. A crucial element of this approach is working in partnership with other orders of government, such as the Tlicho, to address affordable housing challenges.

Mr. Speaker, the Tlicho Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories formed a working group involving leadership from all Tlicho communities, as well as senior management from the Housing Corporation. The group has met a number of times over the past year, leading to improved planning and an acceleration of housing activities.

The group has identified and prioritized areas that would benefit from an increased focus including: repairs and maintenance, analyzing the existing housing stock, finding solutions to homelessness, avoiding evictions, building capacity, and improved communications with residents of the Tlicho region.

I am encouraged by the recent work that has been undertaken by the Tlicho Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories Housing Working Group. I look forward to the reporting on the actions that they will take in these areas.

I want to promote the work that is already being done by the Housing Corporation to address many of these issues. One of these actions is the introduction of a housing stability worker in Behchoko. This person will work towards supporting residents in developing strategies to keep their housing. Sometimes, the obligations related to housing can be lost in the demand of other pressing issues such as addictions, child care, family violence, poor health, and other social issues. The housing stability worker will work with vulnerable tenants by connecting them to vital community programs and services. This support approach will hopefully lead to more stable tenancies. This program is up and running in Behchoko right now with an office set up in the Tlicho's Ko Go Cho Complex.

Mr. Speaker, I want to also let this House know the Northern Pathways to Housing program is expected to be completed in Behchoko in the near future. This project is designed to help address homelessness. Once finished, it will house four single adults who would have otherwise been experiencing homelessness. This project has already shown to be successful so far in Fort Simpson, where four previously homeless individuals have been stably housed for nearly half a year. Mr. Speaker, this project is truly an example of a northern solution for northern housing. At the inception of its design, there were no projects like it anywhere in this country.

Mr. Speaker, the Northern Pathways program is intended to house people first and then to improve their housing sustainability by addressing the issues that contributed to their homelessness. This approach is indicative of how our government is looking for ways to deliver services in a more integrated manner.

In support of our elders remaining in their home communities, the Housing Corporation recently constructed a seniors’ aging-in-place nine-plex in Whati. This facility was toured by federal deputy Ministers just the other day and showcases the innovative approaches that the Northwest Territories is taking to address our issues. I am hopeful that this important infrastructure will result in more seniors staying in Whati and continuing to pass on their wisdom to our future generations.

Lastly, the Housing Corporation has begun preliminary discussions with the Tlicho towards the development of four community housing plans for their region. Each individual community plan will feed into a larger regional plan. These housing plans will be developed by the community for their community. The Northwest Territories Housing Corporation will look to hire a local facilitator to gather local feedback and to help plan for a community housing forum. At the end of the process, communities will have a detailed, comprehensive community profile, a needs analysis, and a housing plan.

These plans will be invaluable going forward for all housing stakeholders. They could be utilized for planning for new infrastructure, partnership proposals for any level of government, supporting private market proponents in their projects, housing design, and numerous other housing planning purposes.

The Northwest Territories Housing Corporation has presented this concept to the Tlicho Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories Working Group and will be working with Tlicho representatives towards the development of these plans over the next year. My understanding is that at least one community housing plan will be initiated in the Tlicho Region in the coming weeks, upon formal approval of the community’s leadership.

Mr. Speaker, we all know that there are considerable housing challenges in our small communities. We all know that there are considerable housing challenges in Whati, Behchoko, Wekweeti, and Gameti. Tackling these issues head on together is what’s required. I know that the Tlicho leadership appreciates the efforts of the Tlicho Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories Housing Working Group. Joining forces with the Tlicho Government will provide more leverage to our efforts. I look forward to improved housing outcomes as we work together towards shared housing aspirations for our people.

Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Ministers' statements. Minister of Infrastructure.

Minister's Statement 96-18(3): Summer Highway Construction Update

Mr. Speaker, our government is following through on its commitment to invest in transportation infrastructure by strengthening connections with our federal partners.

Improving our existing highway system helps to keep communities connected while improving safety for all road users. This also provides jobs and fosters skills and capacity development for all Northerners. Today, I am pleased to provide an update on many highway improvements that were undertaken this year.

Mr. Speaker, we have improved more than 200 kilometres of highway this summer, including three community access roads and three bridges at a cost of $46.4 million. This work was funded by the Government of the Northwest Territories and the federal government under the Government of Canada’s New Building Canada Plan.

On Highway No. 1, work got underway to improve the embankment and drainage from kilometres 207 to 222. Pit development, material production, and culvert installations were undertaken, and work has progressed to a point where improvements to this section can be completed next year. Improvements along Highway No. 1 also included the complete resurfacing of the Fort Simpson and Kakisa access roads.

Rehabilitation completed from kilometres 256 to 332 of Highway No. 3 this summer have resulted in an improved road surface. Road widening, structural strengthening, drainage improvements, resurfacing, and chipseal all took place on this section of roadway between Behchoko and Yellowknife. Rehabilitation work on the approaches to the Deh Cho Bridge, including reconstruction of the approach shoulders, soil nailing, and asphalt surface repairs, were completed earlier this fall and have further strengthened connections along this route.

Along the Ingraham Trail, roadway widening, structural strengthening, drainage improvements, resurfacing, and the application of chipseal took place between kilometres 49 and 51, and this work is substantially completed. Progress was also made on further planning and surveys intended to support the design of additional guardrail installation along this highway.

Mr. Speaker, rehabilitation of Highway No. 6 from kilometres 28 to 42 was completed this summer. This highway is now completely chipsealed, providing improved comfort and safety to travellers and residents of Fort Resolution. Highway No. 7 also saw surface improvements between kilometres 137.5 and 153 to help mitigate impacts on the highway's water-susceptible soil.

Mr. Speaker, our northernmost highways also received improvements this summer, with brushing and gravel surfacing taking place along the Dempster Highway and the start of reconstruction work on the Inuvik Airport Access Road. The Inuvik Airport Access Road Project is now 35 per cent complete.

The final completion inspection for the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway is scheduled for the end of October, and all signs, guardrails, and delineators will have been installed at that time. The operation of this highway was a success this past year, with many tourists visiting the area.

Mr. Speaker, bridges are an essential part of our highway system. It is important to ensure our bridges are maintained and rehabilitated appropriately, which is why our government has a number of bridge projects on the go. This summer, we completed the rehabilitation of the Buffalo River Bridge on Highway No. 5, which allows the bridge to handle modern highway loads and ensures an extended service life.

Work also began this month on the replacement of the Hay River to Pine Point Bridge on Highway No. 5. The project involves replacing the bridge superstructure, and construction is expected to be completed by the fall of 2019. Once completed, the bridge will be an open-deck bridge to better meet the current and projected traffic loads. During rehabilitation, traffic will be diverted to the nearby CN Rail bridge.

Mr. Speaker, in addition to improving our existing highway system, we are also committed to expanding our system. I am pleased to say that the Canyon Creek Access Road near Norman Wells is scheduled to officially open this November. Construction of this road has provided a significant boost to the Sahtu Region.

To date, 84 people have been employed through the Canyon Creek All-Season Access Road project, 28 of which were local Sahtu residents and 36 of which were Northerners from other parts of the territory. Eight of these individuals are now qualified heavy-equipment operators. These training and employment opportunities have allowed residents of the Sahtu to gain valuable skills that will be useful for future projects and opportunities. With this new road, residents will benefit from improved access to traditional hunting, fishing, and other recreational opportunities. The new road could open up potential resource development south of Norman Wells.

Looking ahead, our government is preparing for another active highway construction season, with reconstruction work scheduled for sections of Highways Nos. 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8. This work will be funded under the Government of the Northwest Territories' third bundle of highway capacity improvement projects approved under the New Building Canada Plan and will extend the work done under the previous bundles to support safe travelling, community access roads, and resource development.

Mr. Speaker, our highway system is an essential part of our transportation network. It connects communities and unlocks our economic potential by enabling exploration and development. We will continue to work with the federal government to secure further funding for our short- and long-term infrastructure needs. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Members' Statements

Member's Statement on Aurora College Foundational Review

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in February 2017, I stood up in this House and asked the Minister of Education to undertake a foundational review of Aurora College. I asked because I believed the college was both underperforming and underutilized. Education is the cornerstone of every prosperous society. With a presence in 24 communities, Aurora College is key to achieving true and lasting prosperity across the NWT.

However, as they say, be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. The foundational review has been completed, and, while the report echoed many of the concerns I have heard, it is more of a proposal than an evaluation. The report essentially has one overarching recommendation, which is to have the government transform the college into a university based in Yellowknife.

Because of time constraints, I will list only a few of the reasons why I reject this recommendation.

The first is simple: we must stand guard against the onslaught of centralization of services in the capital, which come at the expense of other communities. I refuse to allow this Assembly to pull the plug on Fort Smith.

The second is that it is irresponsible to embark down a path of spending an unknown but undoubtedly immense amount of our limited funds on university when we have a graduation rate of 67 per cent in the NWT, which is actually closer to 40 per cent in the communities, and when many of the graduates require upgrading before they can even consider post-secondary.

After high school, there is no shortage of universities to attend, but, before graduation, our students usually only have one choice of school, and those are the schools that we need to invest in if we want to effect lasting change for our residents.

Another reason is that, although Aurora College is an arm's-length institution, attached to that arm is the hand of the GNWT wrapped firmly around the neck of the college. The Department of ECE bears much of the responsibility for the state of the college, and for this Assembly to sign a blank cheque authorizing ECE to go ahead and build a university would be to neglect our core oversight function.

However, Mr. Speaker, with all that being said, I am not opposed to the eventual growth of Aurora College into a polytechnic university, but that isn't something we should rush into based on a consultant's report.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

First, we must fix the issues at Aurora College so that they can provide the educational services that our residents need and deserve. At the same time, we can begin to lay a solid foundation so that the college can develop and grow, premised on successful program delivery, and based, not on the opinion of a southern consultant, but on the collective vision of our people. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Members' statements. Member for Nahendeh.

Member's Statement on Recreation North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on September 25th, Recreation North provided a news release that spoke about what they had done and are planning to do. The Recreation North 2015 Arctic Inspiration Prize Laureate is a tri-territorial partnership of the Recreation and Parks Association of Yukon, the NWT Recreation and Parks Association, and Recreation and Parks Association of Nunavut. It was established to provide training to strengthen the capacity of recreation leaders in northern, rural, and remote communities. I believe the training is a great supplement to what the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs is presently doing.

Mr. Speaker, after developing and piloting training for northern recreation leaders, Recreation North announced its future plans. The Recreation North Training Program launching in November 2018 will be a series of remotely delivered learning events. Evaluation of the pilot demonstrated the value of training to the participants and employees. I would like to share a couple of comments from the first participants.

"I appreciate learning from the others. A lot of brilliant ideas and creativity was shared. Most of our experience was very similar, even though we came from three different territories."

"Staff has gained confidence and was able to do the programming. The person was able to apply what they learned instantly, and I was able to see him doing it on a regular basis."

Moving forward, Recreation North is making a few changes to the training program by offering flexible learning opportunities. The program is flexible and works around people's work schedules in online blocks. This is really good. Students can work around busy schedules and complete certification at a reasonable pace, in a reasonable way.

Mr. Speaker, the training comprises a series of learning events delivered remotely by distance. In-person learning is offered through each territorial recreation and parks association. Each learning event takes about five hours to complete. Individuals may take one or several learning events, for personal interest or professional development, or choose 12 learning events for certification in northern recreation leadership. The flexibility in how the program is now laid out will allow individuals to begin at any point throughout the year.

I would like to thank Recreation North for all their work and look forward to seeing future success stories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Frame Lake.

Member's Statement on Northwest Territories Economic Symposium

Merci Monsieur le President. Back in February, the Premier made a statement about the Arctic Policy Framework that included a reference to a northern summit on economic development. When I questioned the Premier on this initiative on March 1st, he said the "purpose of the summit is to seek input into the writing of the NWT chapter of the Arctic Policy Framework" and that it would likely be held within the next couple of months. The Premier further stated that we would be "paying for experts in different economic sectors to participate." The Premier said, "We are realizing that to diversify our economy is not as easy as it looks or sounds.

We need input from every sector or every possible source so that we can come up with a plan that will work. Just relying on our traditional sources to come up with a vision and a new economic diversification is not as easy as it sounds. We want to be as inclusive as possible."

When asked if Regular MLAs would be allowed to participate, the Premier said, "We would be pleased to discuss it with committees certainly," but that "our experience has been that sometimes it affects the input from people who are there, but, certainly, I have no problem with it. We should at least have a discussion on it."

The first notice that Regular MLAs received of this event that was held October 1st to 3rd came via the weekly media advisory on Ministerial activities on September 24th. The same day, I asked the Premier for an agenda and a participant list. That was finally provided three days later, after I raised the request a second time. Sorry, I can't share the agenda or participant list because, believe it or not, the guest list for this consultation is confidential. I can confirm that the focus appears to have been largely related to nonrenewable resource development. Happily, the communique issued on October 4th from the symposium seems to take a more balanced approach but was again made without any input from this side of the House.

I will have questions for the Premier about the NWT Economic Symposium and what happened with the commitments he made in this House to make this event inclusive, balanced, and collaborative. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife Centre.

Member's Statement on Community Response to Rockhill Fire Crisis in Yellowknife

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday morning last week, I woke to the news that the Rockhill apartments were on fire. When I looked out my kitchen window, I could see the black smoke, and I feared for the lives of the families who called Rockhill home. For 20 years, the transitional housing program has helped hundreds of families rebuild their lives. It has become indispensable, and I worked there myself for six years. The good news is that all 87 people who lived at Rockhill escaped unharmed. The bad news of course is that the building was destroyed.

Mr. Speaker, since the fire, the YWCA has had an overwhelming amount of good news. First, Northview Property had enough empty units to accommodate most of the families. The remainder found places on their own, or they have now bunked in with family and friends.

Another highlight was the government response. The City of Yellowknife opened their facilities. A GNWT emergency response team came in to register families and provide them with services, from replacing ID to reissuing income assistance cheques.

Mr. Speaker, businesses stepped up. The diamond mining companies pledged money. DC Moving spent three days picking up and dropping off furniture. The Coop donated $7,500 in gift cards. This isn't the whole list, but it is an indication of how business rallied to the cause.

Faith groups joined in as well. The St. Vincent de Paul society provided vouchers for shopping at their thrift store and collected clothing donations, while the Islamic Centre bought new kitchen supplies for families. The Salvation Army provided all the meals at the Multiplex and the Field House.

Individuals went out of their way with online donations. The Students Against Drunk Driving at St. Pat's sold slushy drinks. The Department of Justice collected gift cards. Another group held a scavenger hunt. Yellowknife Catholic Schools hosted a Thanksgiving dinner.

Mr. Speaker, the response has been so generous that it is truly overwhelming. The YWCA now faces some tough decisions about the future of its housing program and housing staff, and they do so with the knowledge that the community has their back. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Sahtu.

Member's Statement on Mackenzie Valley Highway Environmental Assessment

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Notwithstanding the last spike, Mr. Speaker, realizing the Sahtu potential and the area as a major economic contributor towards the territorial and national GDP.

Mr. Speaker, allseason road access to this region's 26 per cent of the NWT land quantum is essential to our NWT's resource development initiative, while reducing the cost of living.

Mr. Speaker, while ongoing discussions of investment confidence in forming the Arctic Policy Framework and modernizing regulatory reform is strategically complementary, fundamental to any project is financing.

Mr. Speaker, with the recent June Mackenzie Valley Highway funding announcement totals 37 per cent.

Mr. Speaker, tailoring and designing the next phase on this infrastructure includes the environmental assessment, a phase of public engagement. However, this project engagement would only be too common, which has had decades of public studies and community discussions.

Mr. Speaker, carrying on from the draft Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board's work plan dated December 2013 would allow 12 to 14 months on this scheduling, while meaningful regional household opportunities are underway for the Mount Gaudet and Bear River Bridge construction.

Later, Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the appropriate Minister. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Kam Lake.

Member's Statement on Orange Shirt Day

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I want to speak on a topic today which is important to all Northerners: reconciliation within Indigenous peoples.

For over a century, Indigenous children were removed from their communities and sent to residential schools. These governmentfunded, churchrun schools attempted to whitewash and reeducate the spiritual, cultural, and intellectual development of generations of Indigenous youth. This was a terrible mistake that has stained our shared history, and we, as a society, must accept the trauma we intentionally inflicted upon Indigenous peoples from coast to coast to coast.

Orange Shirt Day is an important symbol that gives us all the opportunity to start serious conversations about what we did as governments and nonIndigenous Canadians and the cost we continue to pay as a society.

Mr. Speaker, Orange Shirt Day in 2018 took place on September 30th. This day was chosen because it was historically the time of year in which youths were taken from their communities and homes to state and churchrun residential schools. September 30th is an opportunity for educators to set the stage for antiracism, antibullying, and reconciliation-oriented lessons for the school year. It also gives educators time to plan events that will include young Northerners, as we must ensure that we are passing these important lessons on to the next generations, in the hopes that these travesties of education will never again be repeated.

I have had the honour of participating in Orange Shirt Day activities several times at N.J. MacPherson School, which is located in my constituency. I applaud the efforts of the amazing administrators, teachers, and students. They are not only embracing Orange Shirt Day but are helping to build a roadmap on how we move forward together in the spirit of reconciliation.

Mr. Speaker, Orange Shirt Day is a good start, and so too is the proposed new statuary holiday now being considered before the federal parliament, but these actions are only the beginnings of the true process of reconciliation. Workshops and training programs that help Northerners understand the consequences of residential schools need to be held across communities and inside government institutions. We must all become acquainted with the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and commit to implementing them as a territory.

Reconciliation will not be easy, but we must always strive towards if we are to continue to live and thrive together in our shared land, country, and history. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife North.

Member's Statement on Northern Carbon Pricing

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the carbon tax was supposed to be simple: just raise the price of fuel, and people will stop buying it. Voila, we change their behaviour and save the planet. Instead, we are facing a mess that is derailing more and more each passing week.

In May 2016, the Premier joined with his Yukon and Nunavut counterparts to "just say no" to a federal carbon tax. Then, only months later, we signed onto the PanCanadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change supporting a carbon tax. What changed in those few months?

Mr. Speaker, in September 2017, I asked: what is our position regarding the carbon tax? Answer: we are working with our federal counterparts on a made-in-the-North carbon tax that will recognize the North's special circumstances. No clear detail was provided.

Mr. Speaker, earlier this year, the GNWT outlined our carbon tax plan. Frankly, it doesn't seem to be strong enough to change anyone's behaviour. It's just going to move money from your left pocket to your right pocket. Simply put, it's a wash.

In the meantime, the rest of Canada is losing faith fast. Saskatchewan, out; Alberta, out; Ontario, out; PEl says it can reach targets without a tax; New Brunswick is taking a step back; Newfoundland is in no rush to pass a carbon tax; and Manitoba is out.

Mr. Speaker, why couldn't common sense prevail from the beginning? There was never going to be a carbon tax applied in the NWT that would change behaviour. And why? Because no Northerner needs more motivation to reduce their use of fossil fuels because of what it costs to live here.

When the discussion started, gas in Yellowknife was $1.13 per litre. Today in Yellowknife, gas costs nearly a $1.50 per litre, Mr. Speaker. That's motivation enough to change people's behaviour.

Mr. Speaker, the made-in-the-North carbon tax appears to be a pointless, symbolic gesture that will cost our government a lot of money to administer but will do very little for the world's climate. The $42 million mentioned by the Finance Minister today to support northern residents, businesses, and the environment is the incentive-based approach we need to support.

Mr. Speaker, let's join the rest of Canada and get off this sinking ship called the carbon tax. Later, I will have questions for the Minister of Finance. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Member's Statement on Capital Needs in Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh

Marsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Yesterday, I highlighted some new infrastructure projects that have recently been built within the riding of Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. On the same token, I would like to share with you today some future infrastructure the riding will need in the years to come.

Mr. Speaker, the community of Detah has never had a new school building before. In 1969, the government placed a few portable classrooms together and called it a school. Then, 20 years later, they added a few more portables, along with some renovations along the way. It's a school for Detah students. If you ask me, Mr. Speaker, I would say Detah is in dire need of a new school. The school is such an important aspect of their community. In this day and age, students need pride in the schools they attend.

Similarly, Mr. Speaker, the community of Ndilo is also in need of improved public infrastructure. In 2009, the GNWT constructed the Kalemi Dene School. While the facility has served that community well, it is now in need of additional classroom space and a gymnasium. Specifically, they are asking for two more classrooms to be built in order to accommodate for shortages in their existing school space, along with a gym to put them on even ground with other schools in Yellowknife.

Mr. Speaker, both communities of Detah and Ndilo are in need of adequately sized gymnasiums. Currently, both of these communities have a community hall which is used as a gym. They both have outgrown the facilities. Their rising populations will further necessitate the need for that infrastructure. Detah, in particular, is hurting at this front. The Kaw Tay Whee students would need to commute to Yellowknife just to participate in sporting activities. For most of the school year, the logistics of the Detah students coming to Yellowknife to gym is not feasible.

Lastly, Mr. Speaker, the community of Lutselk'e is in need of a new health centre. I know it's in the works. However, there have been projects in larger communities like Yellowknife, Hay River, and Inuvik that get approved while Lutselk'e people wait. It is the mandate of this government to put employment where employment is needed most.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to continue my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

We all know where employment is needed most and the projects such as a health centre in Lutselk'e would create work for a few years. Furthermore, the Lutselk'e Health Centre is almost 35 years old and will be almost 40 by the time it is replaced. The standards have improved, Mr. Speaker. Our infrastructure must improve with it. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Mackenzie Delta.

Member's Statement on Extending Length of Ferry Services

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to bring to your attention the high cost of living in the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort-Delta region. My constituents work very hard to keep their homes warm in the winter, to feed their families, and to maintain their vehicles.

Mr. Speaker, these costs, the costs of the normal business of daily life, add up very quickly. Imagine living in the Mackenzie Delta in 1978, where we waited on the banks for barges to come in to deliver food and supplies. I can't imagine the costs related to all the supplies or the amounts of trapping that had to be done in order to pay for food and supplies. When the Dempster Highway opened in 1979, it opened the rest of Canada to the North, and, when the truckloads of food and supplies came down that highway, our people were happy; costs were cut tremendously.

Mr. Speaker, it's been 40 years since then. Today, we have more people unemployed, and, with jobs scarce, money is hard to come by. Food and other supplies that we need to live are increasingly out of reach. Many times, local families suffer because they can't buy healthy food or keep their homes heated. What about the fuel supply itself? Last winter, Fort McPherson ran out of gas and groceries altogether.

When shoulder season ferry services were cut, Mr. Speaker, these are the very outcomes I feared: sky-high costs, bare shelves, and gas pumps run dry.

Instead, it would make so much sense to keep the Louis Cardinal and Abraham Francis ferries open until the ice bridge is built. Extending the length of the season would benefit communities and prevent air transportation price mark-ups. Improved access also makes the Mackenzie Delta more enticing to potential tourists.

Earlier in this Assembly, Mr. Speaker, ferry services were cut to save money. Any savings, though, have gone to the Department of Infrastructure, not to the people making their homes in our small communities.

I would like to see action on this file, Mr. Speaker. I will have questions at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statements. Member for Nunakput.

Member's Statement on Support for Tourism in Tuktoyaktuk

Quyanainni, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, one of our biggest challenges this summer was trying to accommodate the big boom of tourism in Tuktoyaktuk. However, the community has stepped up with whatever capacity they had to work with. The GNWT did offer some support with small pots of funding, but the community is looking for something bigger, like an RV park and a campground within or close to the community.

Mr. Speaker, both the federal and territorial governments have marketed the new highway to Tuktoyaktuk, connecting three oceans from sea to sea to sea. This marketing has caused a mad rush to Tuktoyaktuk. There has even been a huge promotion from GMC and Chevrolet, launching their new 2019 Silverado with the slogan "Finding New Roads."

We have seen some very good reviews on TripAdvisor, which guides web surfers to Tuktoyaktuk's new visitors' centre and other attractions. Mr. Speaker, the visitors' center needs to be a larger building that community members and visitors can sit, talk and learn from each other.

Mr. Speaker, this promotion has brought a lot of media coverage, helping Tuktoyaktuk become advertised around the world. Mr. Speaker, this is good news, but it may bring an influx of tourism that could overwhelm the community.

It is also very important that Tuktoyaktuk has the means to ensure that tourists' experiences are good ones that they will tell their friends about, rave about on Facebook, and review on internet web travel sites. To do that, the community needs both services and infrastructure and a plan to develop them.

Mr. Speaker, Tuktoyaktuk tourism has great potential if we do it right. Mr. Speaker, later I'll have questions for the Minister of ITI. Quyanainni.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Members' statement. Member for Deh Cho.

Member's Statement on Edehzhie Conservation Initiative

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. First, I would like to welcome my colleagues back to the House. I'm glad to be back myself, and Mr. Speaker, I'm also keen to share some very exciting news for conservation, reconciliation, and the future of our territory.

[English translation not provided.]

Also known as the Horn Plateau, Edehzhie has been called "the jewel" and "the breadbasket" of the Dehcho, the place where Dene have turned for generations. Edehzhie means "source waters" as it hosts the source waters for the Willowlake, Horn, and Rabbitskin Rivers, and at 14,200 square kilometers, it's bigger than both the Banff and Jasper National Parks. In fact, it's bigger than about 40 countries, including the Bahamas and Lebanon.

Edehzhie's designation as a protected area, the first Indigenous protected area in Canada, is a monumental achievement, the triumph of a process begun 20 years ago, and I want to congratulate all involved.

As part of this agreement, both the Dehcho First Nations and the Government of Canada have agreed to protect the area from industrial development. Canada has also committed to establishing a national wildlife area by 2020. Future management decisions will be made by consensus through the Edehzhie Management Board, with the Dehcho K'ehodi Guardians responsible for stewardship and taking care of the Deh Cho.

The work doesn't stop here, Mr. Speaker. I know my colleagues are aware of the recent United Nations' report warning of climate change crisis as early as 2040. Governments must meaningfully act on issues of conservation, land protection, and carbon emissions. This agreement to protect Edehzhie is one example of walking that walk.

Dene law tells us that the survival of the whole group our families and our communities is more important than the accumulation of individual wealth or status. Not to put too fine a point on it, Mr. Speaker, but if we are to survive, and if the land that we come from is to survive, we must act on what Dene law has described as our collective responsibility to protect the land and resources for our children and grandchildren.

I thank First Nations for continuing to lead in protecting the land, waters, and animals, and I look forward with hope to the work to come. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'd like to recognize my parents, Terry Testart and Maureen Marshall, and my aunt Lillian Testart. Everything I've learned about good public service I owe to my parents, whose excellence and dedication in their careers made them the most important role models in my life. Thank you for being here today, and thank you for always being there for me. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Yellowknife North.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker Mr. Speaker, today I'd like to recognize Lois Little. Lois Little is a resident of Yellowknife North, she is a consultant and owner of Lutra Associates, and she is also the cochair of the NWT chapter of the Council of Canadians. Welcome. Also, we're all familiar with Craig Yeo, the CA to a couple of our Members, and he's also a Yellowknife North resident. Welcome to the House. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Masi. Recognition of visitors in the gallery. Member for Nunakput.