Debates of May 23, 2019 (day 72)


Question 710-18(3): Mackenzie Valley Highway Environmental Assessment Working Group

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Further to my questions here, this is directed to the Minister of Infrastructure. As mentioned in my statement, the Department of Infrastructure and the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated achieved a signing of the Memorandum of Understanding to undertake jointly the environmental assessment and, in the process, the establishment of a working group. My first question to the Minister: would the Minister support a youth appointment to the working group? Thank you.


Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The MoU that was signed between SSI and ourselves, the Sahtu Secretariat, was intended to formalize the working relationship between parties on the advancement of the Mackenzie Valley Highway through the environmental and regulatory reviews. The MoU provides for the creation of a working group with members of working group to be appointed by the SSI and the Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Infrastructure. Each party to the MoU is responsible for selecting its own members to the working group. SSI is responsible for appointing its own members to the working group, which could include a youth member if they wish, but, in addition, under the MoU, the SSI may also designate other Sahtu organizations to work with Infrastructure to complete the required work on specific topics such as socio-economic studies. The SSI could consider youth issues and youth involvement in selecting these designated organizations and members.

I am glad for that reply. It seems to be going in the direction of transferring knowledge through experience, and it would be just, I would say, a huge experience if a youth could actually participate with feet on the ground here with the working group to engage community sessions during the environmental assessment. My next question, then, Mr. Speaker: would the Minister undertake working costs options with the Minister responsible for Youth for this position?

As the Minister responsible, I would be working with all of my Cabinet colleagues to strive to advance the Mackenzie Valley Highway environmental assessment, but, as part of that, the Government of the Northwest Territories' internal efforts to organize itself and move this project forward, the GNWT working groups will be created and led by Infrastructure to address specific issues. These working groups will consist of our government staff from various departments, of course, and agencies, and it is expected that youth issues will be addressed by the appropriate working groups.

Would the Minister send me an email of the options that are available in both of my previous questions?

Certainly, I can follow up with that. I would like to add one more comment, I guess. It's up to the SSI if they want to have youth involvement. Myself, I can reach out to the SSI leadership and have these discussions on possibilities of having youth involvement in this, and I would encourage the Member and all Members to encourage the SSI leadership maybe to include future leadership people or youth people who want to be involved in this thing going forward.


Thank you, Minister. Final oral question, Member for Sahtu.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is really not a question, but a note for the Minister to collaborate in future actions. I think it would be very promising on behalf of this government, as the proponent and the applicant to that section of infrastructure down the corridor, to actually send the message to the communities on engagement that we do have a youth at the table. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Thank you. Comment from the Member. Let's try to keep question period to questions. Next, I have the Member for Yellowknife Centre.