Debates of October 28, 2011 (day 2)
Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on behalf of all members of Cabinet, to once again congratulate and thank all Members of this House. We are grateful for and humbled by your support, and we pledge to work hard, in cooperation with all Members, in the service of all the people and communities of the Northwest Territories.
Each of us elected to this Assembly recognizes that our territory is one of immense potential and that realizing even a share of that potential can mean a vibrant and prosperous future for our people.
Beyond the immediate challenges of housing, infrastructure, the economy and health care, we must identify a path of action by which we can realize our great future.
Our territory is too large, too diverse for one region or people to determine the right path for our territory’s future.
But our territory is also too small to be fragmented by issues that divide us. If we are to move forward, we will need to do it together, building on the good work done by the 16th Assembly.
We know, from experience, that our challenges will be significant, but our collective will to make things better for our people is strong. This Assembly must be the forum in which we find and reach consensus for the good of our territory.
I am encouraged by the goodwill shown by Members and Aboriginal leaders to find better ways of working together. I have spoken with many regional Aboriginal leaders in the past few days to assure them that we are serious about improving our relationships. This will be an important priority of our government.
As the Prime Minister has already indicated, Canada also realized our great potential. This was echoed during my call with the Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, yesterday. The federal government looks forward to continuing to work with us toward our shared objectives for a strong, healthy NWT.
All of our relationships with other governments are important, but our progress will be directly linked to how well we work together in this House.
Mr. Speaker, we have much to do. My first priority is to get our government up and running. Ministerial portfolios will be assigned by the middle of next week.
We look forward to working with all Members to set the strategic priorities for the 17th Legislative Assembly and to working with you over the next four years. I am confident that together we will build the consensus it will take to move our territory forward. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Premier, Mr. Bob McLeod.