Debates of December 9, 2011 (day 5)



Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Today I rise to honour one of my constituents, Mr. Wilbert Antoine, who works at Canadian Zinc Mining Corporation. He indicated to me that this month he’s celebrating 40 years in the mining industry.

He began his career in mining in 1971. He didn’t realize he was getting into mining; he thought he would take a short job. He ended up working for Cardinal River Coals in Alberta for 31 years. Upon completing that, he did move back to Yellowknife in July 2002 and spent six years with BHP Ekati Diamond Mine and he thought he was going to retire there. He made a trip home in 2007 to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of the Papal visit to Fort Simpson and realized that there was another mining company operating out of there, which is Canadian Zinc Mining Corporation.

He began talking with them and found he was very interested in working for them because they were in his home community and there is huge opportunity to develop a mine in the Nahendeh region. He’s been working there for the last three years. He does say he began his mining career in the mountains and he’s ending his mining career in the mountains, as well, especially back home there.

I just want to add that he sent me a note and I’d like to quote him. He says that mining has been wonderful to him over the years. He raised and educated three wonderful children, now with successful careers of their own, totally independent, with children of their own. In the past three years he really prides that he had the best job in the world working with Canadian Zinc, flying and helicoptering over the most beautiful part of the world in the Nahanni Mountains. Serving his communities is very satisfying and rewarding.

He also links his career to his and our uncle Albert Norwegian of Fort Providence, who also celebrates his 78th birthday on December 21st.

I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

---Unanimous consent granted

I just want to make a note that I’ve been speaking with Mr. Wilbert Antoine. He also indicates that Canadian Zinc received environmental approval from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board. I just wanted to say to all the youth and young people out there, and those looking for careers in the mining sector, that there’s a huge potential in and around Fort Simpson in future years and we can look to the example of Mr. Wilbert Antoine, who had a successful career. This is an important sector that can be looked at for a long-time career.