Debates of December 9, 2011 (day 5)
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The Member is seeking a recorded vote. All those in favour, please stand.
Mr. Bromley, Mr. Yakeleya, Mr. Dolynny, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Nadli, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Moses.
All those opposed, please stand. All those abstaining from the vote, please stand.
Mr. McLeod – Inuvik Twin Lakes, Mr. Abernethy, Mr. McLeod – Yellowknife South, Mr. Lafferty, Mr. Ramsay, Mr. Beaulieu.
Results of the vote: all those for, seven; opposed, zero; abstentions, six.
Item 18, first reading of bills. Item 19, second reading of bills. Item 20, consideration in Committee of the Whole of bills and other matters: Tabled Document 2-17(1), Northwest Territories Capital Estimates 2012-2013, with Ms. Bisaro in the chair.