Debates of December 12, 2011 (day 6)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, will be speaking about the same topic as my esteemed colleague here, a very uncomfortable topic called cancer, as well.

One can only imagine the stress that one undergoes the moment one is diagnosed with this terrible condition. Most often the original diagnosis is done in faraway places like the Alberta Cross Cancer Institute and the patient is discharged with a limited supply of medication. The patient then returns to the NWT tired, confused, stressed and typically wanting nothing more than compassion and help. Many of these patients have no medical coverage or insurance, or limited coverage, and soon realize the problems that arise in covering the costs of expensive pharmaceuticals not covered by our Extended Health Benefits Program. Some patients are forced to pay for their drugs up front, sometimes amounting to several thousands of dollars, as they wait for program approval. Some patients cannot afford to do this and those that do pay find themselves in financial crisis relatively quickly. I am also sad to say that some who cannot afford their therapy slip through the cracks of our systems, where their experiences are not monitored closely enough.

The other part of this domino effect is many patients require regular travel to get their treatments and find themselves out of pocket for those expenses not covered. Let’s all keep in mind that many patients are off work for their treatments or are too weak or too sick to continue their employ. This has a further impact with less personal income to deal with all these financial burdens.

I am painting today a true picture for what a new cancer patient may experience. My question later today for the Minister of Health will be why is the Extended Health Benefits Program so slow at times to respond to these situations. We know, from experience, our provincial counterparts have created policies to fast track the application process for cancer patients. Yet, in the NWT we have no formal process in place. There is a clear indication the NWT needs to do a better job at eliminating these stresses from the lives of our cancer patients in this 17th Assembly, and I seek the support of my colleagues to drive home this message. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The honourable Member for Frame Lake, Ms. Bisaro.