Debates of June 4, 2012 (day 8)



Thank you, Madam Speaker. Today I’d like to dedicate my Member’s statement to recent high school graduates. In fact, I’d like to thank all graduates throughout the Northwest Territories for accomplishing their goals, including Aurora College.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t spend a bit of time today to congratulate the special class of 2012 graduates of St. Pat’s High School, who recently celebrated their march, prom dance, church service, and cap and gown ceremony this past weekend.

As a Member of this Assembly and as a proud father in attendance, it made me both happy and proud to see the fruits of much of our hard work and dedication on display. As Members, we sometimes tend to focus on large-picture education issues and trying to foster better education systems for our people. Sometimes we forget that our system is doing a pretty good job in delivering a solid performance.

With many witnesses, this past weekend was a high school of 94 St. Pat’s graduates with poise, faith and community spirit. As you listened to their graduation speeches, their toasts and their intentions after high school, you immediately received a sense of pride knowing that this new crop of community leaders had the right tools and attitude to attain their goals and dreams.

I would like to point out some thank yous, Madam Speaker.

To the administration of the Yellowknife catholic school system and to the teachers of St. Pat’s High School for all their hard work and determination in guiding our children for tomorrow’s challenges, thank you.

To the parents who helped the dry grad ceremonies and family entertainment, who put on a safe and memorable event for our students, thank you.

To all the family that came great distances to celebrate this event, safe journeys on the return home and thank you for sharing that special day.

To you graduates of St. Pat’s High School – and to all graduates, as I mentioned, throughout the territory – as you celebrate your accomplishments, I wish to leave you my sincere congratulations in attaining your goals. We hope that many of you will continue your pursuit in either the trades or post-secondary studies and it is the hope of this Assembly that you will return one day with your newly minted tools and talents and make the Northwest Territories your future.

Until that day, Madam Speaker, we await with open arms upon your return. Thank you very much.

Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The honourable Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, Mr. Moses.