Debates of June 4, 2012 (day 8)



Thank you, Madam Speaker. Today my questions will be for the Minister of ITI.

To set the tune, I guess, for today’s questions, tourism, promotional monies, our territory versus the Yukon. Very similar in nature and I think it’s a great comparison tool. Our territory spends just under $4 million a year and we turn over about $110 million to the economy at about 70,000 guests and people that visit us every year. In retrospect, the Yukon spends twice as much – about $9 million – and they get about $200 million to the economy and over probably four times more visitors.

With that, I want to ask the Minister, obviously under the terms of the 2012-2013 marketing plan, under that plan there is an approved Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee. This is under the watchful eye of the Minister. Can the Minister indicate to me that all monies and all provisions of monies for marketing – because again, monies are important – translates to dollars here for the economy? Have all monies been given and all opportunity given to this marketing arm so that they can ploy their strategies? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The Minister for Industry, Tourism and Investment, Minister Ramsay.

Thank you, Madam Speaker. That question is similar to one that I had responded to from MLA Menicoche earlier during this session. He was saying that we are cutting back the marketing initiative to NWT Tourism. But, in fact, that is not the case. There is, through Tourism 2015, marketing money, and I believe that this isn’t the case. I would be more than happy to discuss this situation with NWT Tourism. Thank you.

The Minister is indicating a 2015 initiative. I’m referring to the 2012-2013 marketing plan initiative. Again, can we get clarification whether or not there have been any holdbacks of monies for initiatives or marketing initiatives for this fiscal year? Thank you.

I am not aware of any. I’ve got that question into the department, again, in relation to some of the comments made earlier during the sitting of the House. I will try to get a response back to the Members. There may be some confusion over some of the marketing money and how it rolls out to the organization. If that is the case, we’ll try to iron things out so that folks know that there is no holdback. That money is going to be available. Thank you.

Again, I do appreciate the Minister for coming forward with that. Can the Minister indicate, if he is indeed looking into that, when would we be able to expect that to the House? Thank you.

As soon as I get some clarification on where the confusion is, I will get that information to the Members of this House. I believe it is in relation to $400,000 for marketing under the Tourism 2015 plan, and we’ll get that ironed out for the Members.

Thank you, Minister Ramsay. The Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.