Debates of June 5, 2012 (day 9)



Thank you, Madam Speaker. My question is for the Minister responsible for Transportation.

Regarding the list of impacts and actions outlined in the Minister of Transportation’s May 31st Minister’s statement “Climate Change Adaptation,” please provide the costs resulting from impacts cited, including:

settlement of the Dempster Highway due to permafrost thaws;

increased road and gravel applications to South Slave highways;

costs associated with the delayed opening of the Tlicho winter road;

extra frost and ice removal at the Inuvik Airport;

increased de-icing glycol use at the Yellowknife Airport and construction of increased glycol storage facilities;

development and purchase of ice spray technology for use on ferries;

purchase and introduction of ice-penetrating radar to estimate ice thickness;

increased highway maintenance shift costs;

the climate change assessment study being prepared with the transportation system;

construction of test strips on Highway No. 3 between Yellowknife and Behchoko;

development of a protocol for assessing the vulnerability of airports;

preparation of a Climate Change Adaptation Plan;

organization and delivery of winter road adaptation workshops;

participation in the National Transport Canada information networks on climate change adaptation;

development of a Best Practices Guide for Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Winter Roads; and

development of a Best Practices Guide for the Construction of Transportation Infrastructure on Permafrost.