Debates of June 6, 2012 (day 10)



Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce the release of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs United Nations International Year of Youth Report.

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming the year commencing on August 12, 2010, as the International Year of Youth.

MACA acknowledged, commemorated and supported the Year of Youth through a number of initiatives and programs that directly supported the objectives of the United Nations’ proclamation and our Assembly’s goal of building sustainable, vibrant and safe communities.

The report showcases the department’s involvement with youth across the Northwest Territories. It also provides a summary of programs delivered directly by the department and those of other organizations MACA supports.

From culturally focused programs to experience working abroad, MACA’s programs encompass a wide variety of leadership development opportunities.

The Traditional Games Tour program preserves our culture and teaches youth about our history. These games are an integral part of our territorial identity and in the last two years, staff have visited nearly two-thirds of the communities to deliver hands-on workshops in Dene and Inuit games.

The NWT Youth Ambassador Program was established as a permanent program in 2011-2012 after being successfully piloted at events like the 2007 Canada Winter Games in Whitehorse and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Vancouver. In 2010-2011, Youth Ambassadors represented the NWT at the LA Times Travel and Adventure Show in Los Angeles, 2011 Aurora Week in Tokyo, Japan, and during the royal visit last summer.

Mr. Speaker, the primary objective of this program is to give youth a structured volunteer experience at major events and develop important life and job skills that they can carry forward. The unique opportunity this program provides is a testament to the Assembly’s commitment and investment in the future of our youth.

Mr. Speaker, some of the other programs supported by MACA include: the Gwich’in Elders and Youth Forum, the Nahanni River Trip, Camp Connections, Northern Youth Abroad, and the Dechinta Bush University Centre for Research and Learning.

I would like to thank the many community organizations and partners that continue to work with MACA to provide these programs and help shape successful futures for the leaders of tomorrow. I am confident that united with our ongoing support and commitment to our youth, we will continue to build strong leaders and a strong and sustainable future for our territory. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister of Human Resources, Mr. Abernethy.