Debates of June 13, 2012 (day 15)

17th Assembly, 3rd Session
Members Present
Hon. Glen Abernethy, Hon. Tom Beaulieu, Ms. Bisaro, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bouchard, Mr. Bromley, Mr. Dolynny, Mrs. Groenewegen, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Jackie Jacobson, Hon. Jackson Lafferty, Hon. Bob McLeod, Hon. Robert McLeod, Mr. Menicoche, Hon. Michael Miltenberger, Mr. Moses, Mr. Nadli, Hon. David Ramsay, Mr. Yakeleya


Mr. Speaker, I would like to invite my colleagues to join me in congratulating the recipients of the 2012 Premier’s Awards. The Premier’s Awards for Excellence and the Premier’s Collaboration Award are presented annually to individuals and teams for their outstanding service to the Government of the Northwest Territories. As well, I am pleased to confirm the second Dave Ramsden Career Achievement Award was presented.

This year’s recipients are from a range of departments across the public service, engaged in a variety of work that improves the lives of the residents of the Northwest Territories.

The Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Individual Category was awarded to three outstanding employees: Mr. Douglas Krause, Ms. Margaret Dawn Anderson and Mr. Jim Stevens.

Mr. Krause is the information business analyst, project manager with the Department of Transportation. He successfully managed a major capital project to replace key modules of the Government of the Northwest Territories motor vehicle information system and assisted the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation in adopting a common website content management system.

Ms. Anderson is the acting assistant director of the corrections service in the Department of Justice. She worked diligently to lead, develop and implement several projects benefitting community partners in delivering programs to clients. Under her guidance, the Northwest Territories Community Justice Review was completed in May 2011,

resulting in 12 recommendations to improve community-based programming.

In addition, Ms. Anderson led the revision of training information specifically for RCMP members in assisting with diversion cases that are more appropriate to community-based agencies. She also developed, researched and delivered an eight-week program of Planning Action Responsibility to support domestic violence treatment options.

Mr. Stevens is the director, Mackenzie Valley Highway with the Department of Transportation. He helped to advance a long-standing priority of the Government of the Northwest Territories, with the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway. He demonstrated innovation by using a grassroots approach to complete project description reports for the entire Mackenzie Valley Highway. Mr. Stevens also achieved memorandums of understanding with Aboriginal groups representing the Mackenzie Valley.

The Premier’s Award for Excellence was awarded to three teams comprised of Government of the Northwest Territories employees.

The Stanton Territorial Health Authority Tobacco-Free Steering Committee Team partnered with the Department of Health and Social Services to help promote a healthy environment for staff and patients by promoting a tobacco-free environment.

The Mandate Review Project Team, with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations embarked on a comprehensive two-year review of the negotiating mandate framework. This framework guides the Government of the Northwest Territories participation in all Northwest Territories land, resources and self-government negotiations and includes 114 individual mandates.

The Premier’s Award for Collaboration was given to three teams of Government of the Northwest Territories employees and their partners.

The Territorial Housing System Development Team was comprised of technical and program specialists from the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation who worked with managers of local housing organizations representing 23 independent organizations in the Northwest Territories. A significant shift was made in public housing system operations by moving to a centralized system and an electronic operating environment to deliver housing services.

The Slave River and Delta Partnership, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and partners team identified activities and opened the lines of communication for partnerships with communities concerning aquatic ecosystem health.

The Northwest Territories 2011 Royal Visit Team’s tremendous work on the Duke and Duchess’s of Cambridge visit to the Northwest Territories was a huge undertaking, demonstrating commitment and professional delivery of the Northwest Territories Royal Visit program. Team members from diverse organizations met the challenges, including strict security arrangements and outstanding activities to welcome the royal visitors.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge this year’s recipient of the Dave Ramsden Career Achievement Award: Ms Bronwyn Watters, deputy minister of the Department of Justice. In her distinguished career, Bronwyn has exemplified public service through her professionalism, vision, collaboration and compassion, and has advanced many initiatives within the social envelope during her years with the Government of the Northwest Territories. With retirement pending later this year, Bronwyn leaves an impressive legacy within the Government of the Northwest Territories and across the North, through her work to advance the social agenda.

Mr. Speaker, the recipients of this year’s Premier’s Awards and Dave Ramsden Career Achievement Award have demonstrated dedication and excellence in their work, and I would like to extend my congratulations and thank them for a job well done. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The honourable Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Lafferty.