Debates of October 30, 2012 (day 25)



Mr. Speaker, the Department of Education, Culture and Employment continues improving its programming to ensure adult learners have the tools they require for fulfilled, prosperous lives.

The department has been developing a process for adults to receive their high school diploma, called the Adult Recognition Model. Through the Adult Recognition Model, adults enrolled in Adult Literacy and Basic Education programs may receive high school credits for a combination of academic course work and knowledge or skills they have gained through life experience.

They work through the Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition method, by developing a portfolio of formal and informal learning to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and abilities they have already acquired.

This process also includes a link between the K to 12 school curricula and the adult literacy and basic education curricula. Adult students will now have an easier transition between high school and adult

education. They’ll have recognition of their academic achievement and prior learning.

We have already implemented this model in Fort Smith and Yellowknife, with plans to expand to Inuvik.

This great work has taken several years to accomplish and is recognized by the Nunavut government as a best practice they would like to adopt. We recently entered into an agreement with them to share resources from our Adult Literacy and Basic Education program, including the new ARM process for recognizing a student’s life experiences in calculating high-school credits. This agreement allows Nunavut to use all of our adult literacy and basic education curriculum and resources, providing a foundation for their own curriculum development.

Mr. Speaker, learning comes in many forms and occurs through all aspects of our lives. We learn at our jobs, from our peers, our families and elders. This new approach helps learners connect education to other aspects of their lives and gain a greater appreciation of their strengths and skills.

One of our greatest resources is our people, and we must provide them with the tools to realize their potential. These new tools give them the opportunity to earn recognition on their paths to leading prosperous lives. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The honourable Premier, Mr. McLeod.