Debates of November 2, 2012 (day 28)



Mr. Speaker, in 2011 the Auditor General of Canada recommended improvements to the department’s ability to evaluate and report on performance. Specifically, the Auditor General recommended that we implement system-wide indicators, develop a program evaluation plan for the health and social services system, and regularly inform this Assembly about the performance of the system. Mr. Speaker, later today I will table the first annual report on the strategic plan.

Mr. Speaker, we take recommendations from the Auditor General very seriously. Last year we published an updated strategic plan for the health and social services system, Building on Our Foundation. It contains specific activity targets for each of the next five years, and includes a commitment to annual reporting on broader health and social services system outcomes. Reporting progress on the activities that will lead to change demonstrates movement towards our long-term goals, while reporting on outcomes provides the baseline against which we can measure long-term meaningful change in the health and well-being of our residents.

The department is working in partnership with the health and social services authorities to develop a system-wide accountability framework. It will include indicators and an evaluation planning framework, and will be complete early next year.

Enhanced reporting on performance indicators will allow for timely informed decision-making across our system and will help to ensure efficiency and value. But most importantly, it will help us to monitor the health and well-being of our residents, to know where our programs and services are having a positive impact and where we need to do more.

Mr. Speaker, providing for the health and well-being of all NWT residents is a priority for this government. We remain committed to reporting to this Assembly and to the public about how well we are doing. Thank you.