Debates of November 7, 2013 (day 4)



Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m going to do my Member’s statement from a song that is sung by Merle Haggard. No, it’s not the one We Don’t Smoke. It’s called The Fighting Side of Me.

I hear people talking bad about the way we do things here in the House, harping on words we use in debating and griping about the way things ought to be. I don’t mind switching sides and standing up for things I believe in, but when you’re running down my fellow MLAs, they’re walking on the fighting side of me, running down a way of life our countrymen have fought and died to keep. If they don’t love it, leave it. Let these words that I’m reading be a sign. If you are running down my Bill 24, you’re walking on the fighting side of me.

I read about the oil and gas guys who claimed they don’t believe in reporting. I just wonder how long the rest of us can count on being contamination-free. They love our oil and our diamonds and they preach about some other way of living. They are running down my regulatory board. They are walking on the fighting side of me.

They are walking on the fighting side of me, running down my Sahtu winter road funding, which hardworking men and women have fought for and kept it rut-free. If they don’t love it, leave it. Let these words that I’m reading be a sign. They are running down my wish for a $7 a day daycare. They are walking on the fighting side of me.

Finally, I want to say to you all, to all the heroes who give their service, and to the families for lending their support to us so that we could be standing here fighting for our own people. That is truly a grateful thanks from the Sahtu and the people of the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Member for Yellowknife Centre, Mr. Hawkins.